All Chapters of THE BILLIONAIRE OBSESSED WITH A MARRIED WOMAN: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
90 Chapters
Meanwhile, inside the room, Arabella was forcing the door handle. "Do not you dare leave me here, Mason!" she shouted. Despite her boldness, the beautiful woman was afraid of her husband's actions. Mason could very well be a psychopath and leave her locked in the room for days. "Let me out, Mason! You can't fucking lock me inside!"Outside, a smile formed on Eleonor's lips. Finally, Arabella was getting the treatment that the mother-in-law deemed appropriate. She scoffed, "You are the daughter-in-law of the Donovan family. Even if the king comes knocking on our door, we are not afraid!"**Following dayDamon stepped out of his luxurious car as the chauffeur opened the door. He stood before the Donovan mansion, ready for the dinner. When Clint called Mason last minute, requesting a dinner, Mason accepted without hesitation. All Mason wanted was for his project to be accepted.Damon was greeted at the door by Eleonor, who was impeccably dressed, wearing a fur coat over her dress. She k
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"No need to trouble your daughter-in-law, ma'am. I've received an urgent call and must depart," Damon announced, his eyes never leaving Arabella's form.Arabella halted a few paces from Damon, her pulse quickening as the tension in the room thickened."What a pity," Eleonor lamented, her disappointment palpable. "But I trust you've discussed the project with Mason.""We will have other chances," Damon assured Eleonor, his words directed at her but his gaze locked onto Arabella. "Will you see me to the door, Arabella?"Arabella's breath caught in her throat, her heart pounding in her chest as she grappled with the sudden request. "Ah... yes," she stammered, a rush of heat flooding her cheeks as she hurried past Damon, her steps quickening as she made her way to the door."See you soon," Eleonor murmured, already rushing to the dining room to gossip with her son.Meanwhile, Damon passed through the doorway. Arabella watched as Damon vanished through the doorway, her heart pounding with
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The priest continued walking towards the sacristy, and he returned to the place of the faithful, the hall where masses are held. Although he had spent years away from any piece of Catholicism, Damon remembered all the details. The problem with photographic memory is that you can't choose what gets engraved in the brain.The confessional was located in another corridor, in the farthest and less illuminated area of the church. Rumor had it that it was secluded because it was the place where priests chose to seduce parishioners. The confessional was closed, having only one door for the priest to enter. It was a kind of old wooden box. The side windows were covered with screens, so the priest could see the parishioner, but the parishioner could not see the priest. There was a step outside, so the penitent could kneel while confessing.That was his favorite part. To kneel and wait for the priest to tell him how far he was from holiness, knowing that he was getting worse every day and tha
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"So, how was the confession?" Eleonor asked, breaking the silence that hung in the vehicle. "You took quite a while in there.""It was a relief. I really needed to get things off my chest," Arabella replied, her tone tinged with gratitude."I am glad you are feeling more at ease. we will have lunch with your family, as they requested, and then we will head to the office. Mason wants you to add a special touch to the project," Eleonor informed, keeping her eyes fixed on the road ahead.Arabella rolled her eyes with a disdainful expression. "Of course. After all, Mason can't improve his own business project," she muttered, her voice dripping with sarcasm.Eleonor chose to remain silent. She was in a good mood that day, and not even Arabella's insolence could spoil her state of mind.When they arrived in front of the Collins house, Arabella jumped out of the car as soon as she couldAs Arabella entered the familiar warmth of her childhood home, the tension that had plagued her in Eleonor
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In fact, it wasn't a dream. It was a memory of the night she spent with Damon.Arabella got up, knowing she would not be able to sleep anymore after the dream about Damon. She went to the desk where the Phantom Group project was and started working. The next day, there would be a dinner with Damon Banks, and she needed to be prepared. She needed the project to be approved so she could then get rid of Mason.**The reason why casinos were legal in Las Vegas was simple; no one would be unhappy if they could indulge in sins. What people judged and repudiated elsewhere was entertainment in Vegas, it was what they called a Monday.At the Wynn Las Vegas Casino, one of the most luxurious settings in Sin City, a cocktail party was beginning. A relatively small gathering, for just over a hundred wealthy people. This would not be an ordinary night, with million-dollar games rolling on the tables, or golden call girls dancing around the hall. The night promised much more.The casino's decor was
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"Let's go," Will placed his hand at the base of Arabella's spine and guided her to the table.The eye contact occurred when Arabella decided she was ready to face Damon and not dwell on the taste he had.Damon seemed to be at home, in a completely comfortable environment for him. His commanding yet relaxed posture showed that he was not far from his comfort zone. On the other hand, Arabella was completely far from what she considered normal."Do we have room for one more?" Will looked at Damon, then at the women at the table. They were all young, between their twenties and thirties. All of them, also, possessed undeniably captivating beauty."We always have room for one more," one of the women, the brunette, murmured, already moving aside to make space."Welcome, Miss Collins," the blonde, Damon's companion, smiled.From the women's postures, Arabella understood what this gathering was about. The women were not welcoming her simply because they liked her, but because the end of the n
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"I can still manage my fucking time, Arabella."Upon hearing those words and letting them take effect, Arabella stopped. She simply froze, right in the middle of the hall. She thought about it, and almost wanted to laugh. Turning to Damon again, she began to speak her first thought, without filters: "You are here because you saw the perfect opportunity to bring a model. do not act like your effort is for me, because despite having the chance to be with me, you still prefer them."Damon took a step toward Arabella to ensure more privacy. In their current position, his lips were only inches away from her ear. The proximity sparked electricity, but they were too exposed to release the energy. Arabella felt her body react internally, but the only expression she had was a soft sigh."You have no idea of the effort I would make for you," he whispered."You do not need to make an effort, Mr. Banks. Your intentions are clear," she retorted."Are they really? Because you still seem irritated
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Instinctively, she halted in her tracks, her senses on high alert. The hairs on the back of her neck prickled with a mixture of apprehension and disbelief. Could it be? "You are a good bitch, aren't you?" the voices continued.Heart pounding in her chest, Arabella's steps faltered as she strained to discern the voices. And then, amidst the chorus of groans, a voice rose above the rest... a voice she knew all too well. It was Mason's voice, laden with an intensity that sent a chill coursing through her veins.Frozen in place, a torrent of emotions surged within Arabella — confusion, anger, and a gnawing sense of humiliation. With trembling hands and a racing mind, Arabella contemplated her next move. Should she confront Mason? Demand answers? Or should she retreat, pretend she hadn't heard anything, and confront him later when she had gathered her thoughts?Caught in the throes of indecision, Arabella stood rooted to the spot. "Keep on your knees, Arabella," Mason's voice echoed f
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"Collins residence," Victor's voice greeted her on the other end of the line, tinged with a hint of weariness."Dad?" Arabella's confusion was evident in her voice. "Where's the secretary?"There was a pause on the other end of the line, a pregnant silence that spoke volumes. "Ah... Arabella, dear. Well, she..." Victor's voice faltered slightly, as if he were searching for the right words. "We no longer have a secretary."Arabella's brow furrowed in disbelief. "What? Why?""It's a very high cost, dear," Victor explained, his tone apologetic."But you sold the..." Arabella's words trailed off, her mind racing. "Is the money gone?""Arabella, why did you call?" Victor attempted to deflect, but Arabella was not so easily swayed."Answer me, Victor. Is the money gone?" Her voice was firm, her resolve unyielding."Arabella, when you last visited, Eleonor was with you, and I did not want to add another burden to your shoulders," Victor began, his voice heavy with sorrow. "Yes, I sold the c
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"You might think..." the woman began, but she was interrupted."I can assure it."Damon approached Arabella, but she stepped back. Regaining her composure and quickly putting some distance between them, she felt intimidated. At this stage of the game, she knew it would only be a matter of opportunity until she surrendered completely, and the last thing she wanted was to have Eleonor tormenting her life for discovering her weakness: Damon Banks."How many times did I give in to your advances?" the woman raised her chin slightly, with confidence and a hint of audacity.The storage room was relatively spacious, but it felt cramped as he walked the few steps separating him from Arabella. The man wanted to say something, however, feeling that perfume that he had stored in his mind was like applying amnesia to his brain. Every inch of proximity was poisonous; a dose that would not leave them sober anytime soon."None," she said, taking his silence as an answer.Arabella did not flinch when
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