All Chapters of THE BILLIONAIRE OBSESSED WITH A MARRIED WOMAN: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
90 Chapters
Mason reached into his pocket, retrieved his phone, and showed the photos to Arabella. They were snapshots from earlier, capturing her and Damon at the church. Photos of his hand on her thigh. Photos of them going to the confessional. Photos of them leaving the confessional together. Photos of him whispering in her ear."Mason..." Arabella whispered, her voice barely audible."When you left, Angel followed you to the church. She witnessed your little performance with Damon Banks. And you know what?" Mason smirked. "Father Bee saw you two in the confessional." Mason stepped away, walking back towards Angel. "Tell me, Arabella. How does it feel to have his cock inside you? Do you revel in him being richer than your husband? More powerful? Is that what your pussy craved?"Mason grabbed the glass from the table and hurled it against the wall. Angel and Arabella both flinched in shock. "To think I chose you because you were supposed to be more submissive, quiet, and domesticated," he mu
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"Arabella, wait..." Damon reached out, his hand poised to grasp her arm, but before he could make contact, she had already begun to slip away, melting into the crowd.A sense of helplessness washed over Damon as he watched her recede into the distance, his heart heavy with the weight of unspoken apologies. He was about to follow her, but someone stepped in front of him."What did you think of my speech?" Sabrina smiled broadly.With a firm grip, Damon's fingers closed around Sabrina's delicate arm, their pressure conveying a sense of urgency. He guided her forcefully away from the crowd, his steps determined and purposeful. The atmosphere seemed to thicken around them as they stepped onto the balcony, the cool night air offering a brief respite from the heated tension that had enveloped them inside. The distant hum of conversation and music from the party below served as a stark contrast to the silent intensity between Damon and Sabrina as they stood facing each other."What the he
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"Hi, Principessa," he greeted."Wrong time to start talking, Damon."Damon placed both hands on the marble edge. With perfect synchronization, Arabella parted her legs, making space for him to position himself between them. In that moment, he felt like he should never have left that spot.Sabrina? Mason? No one else existed.He began to sink into Arabella's body, sliding into her as if he were made for it. Everything happened in slow motion. Their eyes were locked on each other, reflecting pure malice. Damon looked at the woman as she moaned, then looked at himself through the reflection in the mirror.The man's lips traveled to Arabella's throat, and she embraced him with arms and legs. He wanted to put every inch of her into his mouth, savor her skin, and elicit moans, knowing exactly what to do and how to do it. And despite being in his comfort zone, Damon held his breath every time Arabella squeezed him.Every movement excited them more, leading them to the precipice of pleasure s
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Every fiber of his being screamed with defiance, but a sense of resignation settled over him like a heavy shroud. He understood all too well the power dynamics at play, the delicate balance of influence and authority that Damon Banks wielded over him. As much as he wanted to lash out, to resist, he knew it would be futile. Going against Banks would only lead to his downfall, and Mason could not afford to jeopardize his own ambitions, no matter how much it grated against his pride. With a deep breath, he forced himself to swallow his pride, to suppress the simmering rage boiling within him. He may have felt like a caged animal, but for now, he had no choice but to bide his time and play the game according to Banks's rules.Damon's expression remained unreadable as Mason approached him tentatively. "So." Mason began, his voice trailing off as he searched for the right words. "I divorce Arabella and..." he left the sentence hanging."And the future of the project will be in your hands
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"Let's talk, princess.""Not in front of where I work.""Okay, then get in the car." The way Damon spoke, always imposing his will as if it were an order, was interesting."In fact, I plan to take a walk," she tried to change the subject."Stop making things difficult.""Not having time to talk to you isn't making it difficult."Arabella glanced at the people walking by on the sidewalk, completely oblivious to the conversation. And while Damon pondered what he had just heard, his blue eyes were capable of burning the beautiful lady's body."I am not going to ask you to get in the car again," he said."Damon, let's be realistic. We're not compatible. I am not the kind of woman capable of meeting your standards," Arabella sighed. "You came, you wanted me, you intimidated Mason into divorcing me..." she squeezed the bag between her hands. "All this just so you can take pleasure in saying I am yours."He wanted to agree, and he did so in his mind, but the man would be unable to admit tha
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And as the Lamborghini raced through the streets of Las Vegas, Arabella could not help but think about how frightening the situation was. Perhaps it was all connected to Mason..."You might lose signal on the highway," Alex stated."That's not the issue. I need an alley, a bridge, anywhere I can drop Arabella off," he replied, not even looking at her."What?" Arabella turned to face Damon as she heard his words."Sir, I do not want to cause panic, but what if the reason for the chase is Miss Collins herself?" Alex's voice came through the car's system, causing a shiver to run down Arabella's spine."Fuck," Damon muttered.At that moment, the speedometer needle was between one hundred and eighty and one hundred and eighty-five. Damon could not increase speed, not within the city. Although the street was long and sparsely populated, it wasn't safe to exceed the limits like this. He just kept going, always looking at the Mustang in the rearview mirror, and noting that the car could stil
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Arabella collapsed onto Damon, resting her forehead on the man's shoulder. He, in turn, hugged her with one arm, using only one hand to continue holding the steering wheel.And feeling the exhausted body, Banks could see the lights of the city of Henderson. That's when calmness overtook his spirit, and he smiled relieved. The cars following them could no longer be seen, which meant they had been left behind.However, amidst the chaos, what surprised the man was knowing that his relaxation, largely, was because he knew that Arabella's life would not be compromised, nor her safety.She was okay, and that was all that mattered.**The sun infiltrated the room like a shrewd inspector. The light was capable of revealing traces of the previous night, the early hours, and mid-morning. The open curtains indicated that the people in that room hadn't had time to close them. The clothes scattered on the floor were evidence of how carnal the previous hours had been, of how little time they had
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Damon Banks examined the paperwork in his hands. It was a detailed dossier about the life of a certain brunette. He read the information calmly, with a hint of boredom. His eyes turned to his personal assistant, Harley, and then he commented to the man who had provided the report:"Her life is an open book.""There are no surprises, sir. She's a regular girl. She graduated, got married. Never had children."Damon analyzed the bland details of that file. It was about Arabella, no doubt, but it seemed too mundane for a woman like her. There were no surprises, no information, no curiosities, and no novelties."No, she's not a regular girl."He was partly disappointed to learn that the day had not yet come when he would discover who that woman really was. Because when he looked at her, Damon saw danger, mystery, malice, and ill intentions, but looking at that file, all he could see was normalcy."Anything specific I should find out?" Harley offered."I want details about her college. Who
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Because three days ago, Damon had no way of knowing that seeing Arabella with someone else would be so uncomfortable. He rested his left ankle on his right knee and began to swing his foot in time to the music. It seemed to be just a common movement, but this was the man's way of releasing the anxiety that was pressing on his chest.Arabella's intention was to dance, dance to try to forget the man who cut her expectations before they grew.But what she was doing was much worse.Even unconsciously, the woman was making regret whip Damon. She made him think of when it was her hands on her body, and her mouth kissing her skin. In a way, Arabella was making sure he did not forget her.The most diabolical part of that vision was the feeling of helplessness. Damon could not make demands, because that was exactly what he disliked in a relationship. He could not talk to Arabella, as he had ended the "Almost relationship” a few days before.What Banks did not know was that regret was a snake.
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"These people came for you, not the house" Damon heard his friend's voice overtake the music.He looked back, and found Joseph walking towards him."They came because they were unoccupied" was the answer."They admire you, stop being an asshole" Joseph smiled, thinking his friend was making some sarcastic joke."They're strangers to me. I want them all to fuck off""It's your birthday, man" Joseph approached his friend, and also rested his elbows on the protective bar. So they stayed side by side."Do you think I forgot?"Damon stared at the man next to him. The truth was that he could not forget even if he wanted to, and he wanted to. But some people considered that date too important not to be celebrated every holy year.Both were bathed in the dim light emanating from the room, as the intention was not to attract the attention of people downstairs. In other words, Damon was seeking refuge in the darkness, where no one but his demons would see him."You are very sober" was Joseph's
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