All Chapters of A Werewolf's Growth and Redemption: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
108 Chapters
My Sense of Crisis
I guided him all the way to the parking lot, hastily opening the door and urging him into the passenger seat. Every second delayed felt like an invitation for potential danger, leaving me anxious about who might lay eyes on him, who might snatch him away. Once I got into the car, I wasted no time in driving off. It wasn't until we were well beyond the confines of the supermarket that I finally stopped the car, stealing a glance at the precious one beside me, who had narrowly escaped harm. "Are you okay?""Yeah, I'm fine, thank you, Ryan."It was a relief that he was okay. But when I saw the hickey on his neck, that familiar surge of anger rose within me."Neil, when something like this happens, you have to protect yourself. What if I hadn't been there, or if I wasn't by your side next time?""I'm sorry.""I don't want your apologies! I want you to stand up to them! If they try to force you, you have to push back!""I did push back, but they grabbed me.""You're a man, can't you push
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My Gaps In Memory
When I woke up, my head was pounding like a relentless drumbeat. Groaning, I reached out in a sluggish attempt to find my pillow, my fingers fumbling blindly through the air for what felt like an eternity. Confusion clouded my mind as I struggled to piece together the fragments of the night before. Slowly, I forced my heavy eyelids to open, squinting against the harsh morning light as realization dawned upon me — Why was I not in my own room? I was in Neil's room! But why? What had happened last night to lead me here? I racked my throbbing brain, searching desperately for any recollection of events.And then it hit me — my pants were still on. Relief washed over me like a cool breeze on a sweltering day. If my clothes were intact, surely, I hadn't done anything too regrettable. But even with this reassurance, the mystery of how I ended up in Neil's room remained unsolved, leaving me with a throbbing headache and a growing sense of unease.As the incessant "drip, drip, drip" of the fa
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My "Interrogation"
Before he could take advantage of the opportunity to escape, I swiftly encircled his waist with my arms, pulling him close and positioning him firmly on my lap. The pressure of my embrace conveyed both control and intimacy, ensuring he was aware of my presence and authority. As he hesitated, torn between the impulse to resist and the desire to comply, I seized the moment to carefully examine his neck.The sight of the numerous hickeys adorning his skin sent a rush of conflicting emotions coursing through me. How intense must my hunger had been to leave such a visible trail? There was a mix of exhilaration and embarrassment as I beheld the tangible evidence of our passion. What had driven me to mark him so extensively?The realization of my own fervor left me grappling with a sense of satisfaction tinged with unease. Amidst this emotional turbulence, a pang of empathy pricked at my conscience: What had he endured, bearing such physical reminders, he thought of his potential discomfort
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My Caregiver Day
We had agreed to go to school together because my first class was his. Stepping out of my room, I found the place devoid of any signs of life—no breakfast on the table, no familiar presence in sight. Did he leave already, or was he still asleep? Since the last time I impulsively barged in, entering his room didn't require much formality anymore. It was simply a matter of turning the knob and walking in. Occasionally, I'd remind myself to knock, but more often than not, I'd forget in my eagerness to see him.I pushed the door open, stepping into his room to find him still nestled in his bed. Contemplating whether to play a little prank on him—maybe a gentle morning kiss to rouse him—I reached out and brushed his cheek. But as my fingers made contact, a wave of unexpected heat emanated from his skin, instantly knotting my stomach with worry. Gripping his shoulder, I gave him a gentle shake, urging him to wake up."Neil, why are you burning up like this? Are you feeling unwell?" My voice
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My Secret is no longer a Secret
Neil had an evening class, so I suggested he wait for me at the school after it ended, and I would come to pick him up. After a few rounds of his resistance and my persistence, I emerged victorious; he relented. With nothing pressing to attend to at home, I decided to head to the school early. Little did I know, I would encounter a disconcerting sight.I spotted a group of familiar faces waiting outside the door. These were the thugs who had previously bullied Neil at the supermarket, accompanied by a few unfamiliar ones who seemed to be waiting for Neil to finish class. A sinking feeling gripped my heart; this was not a good sign. Without hesitation, I made a swift decision to intervene personally, determined to prevent the situation from escalating further.As I approached the door, I could feel the tension in the air thickening, a palpable sense of apprehension mingling with my determination. My steps were resolute as I approached the group, my mind racing with strategies to defuse
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My Worries are melted by the Warmth
Returning home alone, I found myself enveloped in an endless wave of anxiety and unease. The memory of Neil witnessing my transformation into a white wolf and then fleeing haunted me relentlessly. The panic and turmoil I felt were indescribable, like a storm raging within me. Normally, I would wait for Neil to return before retiring to our room, seeking comfort in his presence. But this time was different. This time, I chose to retreat into the solitude of my own space, seeking refuge from the tumult of my emotions.As I entered the room, a suffocating silence greeted me, thick with the weight of my apprehensions. I sank into a chair, my mind swirling with thoughts, each one a thread in the tapestry of fear and worry that consumed me. Every creak of the floorboards, every whisper of the wind outside, seemed to magnify my sense of isolation. The room, once a sanctuary, now felt like a prison, its walls closing in around me.I sat there, lost in a maze of doubts and insecurities, unable
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My Happiest Day
As Neil's birthday approached, I found myself engulfed in a whirlwind of secret planning, determined to orchestrate a celebration unlike any other. With the day falling on a Saturday and neither of us having any classes, I resolved to whisk Neil away on a two-day, one-night adventure to a serene hot spring retreat. Every detail meticulously plotted, I labored over each element, striving to tailor the experience to his tastes and ensure that this trip would become a cherished memory between us.On the Saturday morning of Neil's birthday, I eagerly delved into the final and most crucial stage of my preparations. Sneaking into his room while he slumbered peacefully, I carefully selected a few of his favorite outfits from his closet, envisioning his delighted expression when he discovered them neatly packed for our journey. With quiet determination, I gathered some of his go-to skincare products and facial cleansers from his bathroom, ensuring that his grooming routine wouldn't be disrupt
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My Longed Moment
The moment he nodded his head, it was as if my composure, which I had been working so hard to maintain, vanished.I moved closer to him, gently holding his face with both hands and leaned in for a warm, affectionate kiss. As I felt him becoming more comfortable, I explored his face with tender kisses on his cheeks, eyes, and lips before returning to a gentle embrace. I paused periodically to share smiles and infuse positivity into the experience.As we shared this moment, I removed my jacket and brought my hands to his face, deepening our connection with more caring kisses. I felt his hands on my waist, holding onto my tank top, and I was delighted by his growing comfort. I gently caressed his chin and covered his face with tender kisses, even playfully rubbing our noses together before returning to a close, intimate kiss. I embraced him by holding his neck and letting him wrap his arms around my waist, our bodies drawing closer as we continued to share this special moment.I gently l
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My Rival: who is just a plushie
Waking up to the soft morning light filtering through the curtains, I found myself lost in the warmth of the previous night's memories. As I lay there, eyes closed, I couldn't help but replay the events of yesterday, each moment etched vividly in my mind. It was one of those rare, perfect days that you wish could last forever.With a contented smile playing on my lips, I slowly opened my eyes, eager to start the day by stealing a glance at the man who had filled my heart with joy. But as my gaze fell upon him, nestled in the embrace of slumber, something caught my attention. Instead of being wrapped in my arms, he held a small grey wolf plushie close to his chest.Instantly, a twinge of jealousy stirred within me. How could he choose a stuffed toy over me? Suppressing the feeling, I gently extracted myself from his embrace and reached for the plushie, my mind already concocting playful scenarios of reclaiming my place as the sole object of his affection.With the plushie in hand, I ti
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My Rival : Real one
On the day of departure, both of us were filled with anticipation, and our smiles never left us, except for a small incident — because I unilaterally upgraded to business class, he felt that economy class was just fine and there was no need to spend money on an upgrade, especially for a relatively short flight. I confidently reassured him that I had the means and there was no need to worry about money. After that, he didn't say much more. Perhaps he might have felt slightly disappointed, but for me, it was truly inconsequential, hardly even worth mentioning.I sat by the window, reclined, and closed my eyes. Just before I drifted off, Neil was still seated beside me. After a while, I felt something brushing against my legs through my jeans. Opening my eyes, I saw a child attempting to get closer to the window to see the view outside.Why was there a child beside me? In my drowsiness, I had a ridiculous thought — when did Neil turn into a child? I shook off the drowsiness and tried to
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