All Chapters of A Werewolf's Growth and Redemption: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
108 Chapters
Our Camping Trip (3) : On the Yacht
As we agreed, Neil woke me up right on time, half an hour before sunrise. It was our first time witnessing the sunrise together, and Neil was filled with excitement. However, I struggled to open my eyes, resting my head on his shoulder and wrapping my arms around his waist, leaning against his back to steal a few more moments of sleep. When the sun finally peeked over the horizon, Neil gently roused me, marking another first for us — our first sunrise together. Although it was a seemingly ordinary natural phenomenon, sharing that moment with him, nestled in his embrace, infused it with a warmth that made it extraordinary.After lingering a while longer to catch up on sleep, we finally got up to prepare for the day, enjoying a leisurely breakfast before setting off for our next destination. While still by the seaside, this day promised more than just beachside lounging or camper van relaxation. I had arranged for a yacht excursion, intending to take Neil out to sea for some adventure.
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Our Camping Trip (4) : Nearing the end
I'm concerned he might repeat the incident of being punished last time, falling asleep from exhaustion and missing one of the meals. As it approached the time between lunch and dinner, and he still hadn't awakened, I felt it was time to take action. I walked into the yacht's kitchen to see what I could manage, but found myself at a loss. Fortunately, before complete disappointment set in, my eyes fell upon the microwave quietly sitting in the corner.Although ingredients were prepared before boarding, I had also inadvertently punished him to sleep in bed—the only person capable of turning those ingredients into a meal. As someone with little connection to the kitchen, I could only scavenge for items that could be heated in the microwave, cobbling together a dish from whatever could be warmed up. Indeed, fortune favors the determined, as I stumbled upon a few suitable items. The rest of the fresh ingredients would serve as companions for our little voyage.I approached the bed with the
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My Original Home and Family
Beforehand, I arranged for someone to bring my car over on this day. After returning the camper, we hopped into my sports car and headed back to Lucas Castle. On the way, I shared some childhood memories and stories about my family with Neil. When he heard about my lonely childhood, he showed great empathy, comforting me warmly as he grasped the hand that was stroking his hair.When I mentioned our butler, Ethan, his eyes practically lit up. He found Ethan remarkable, especially when he learned that Ethan had managed to turn a non-existent house into a place he agreed to stay in after just one dinner visit. I was initially worried he might be upset, but Ethan's abilities seemed to overwhelm Neil's emotions; he was just intrigued by the prospect of meeting this person.However, when I spoke about my parents, I could sense his hand stiffen slightly, as if no matter how much I tried to reassure him, he still had some concerns. Since he had already promised to stay with me, locked to my s
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My Agreed Terms
We might have drifted off at some point, maintaining our position with him on top and me beneath, until we were both awakened by a knock at the door."Master Ryan, Mr. Neil, dinner is ready. Please come downstairs for the meal, and Sir will be joining us,"Ethan's voice called out. I responded with a murmured acknowledgment and then gently tapped Neil's back to wake him. However, this little sleepyhead seemed to be increasingly fond of staying in bed. Worried that a simple tap wouldn't do the trick, I slipped my hand under his shirt to stroke his back, yet he remained undisturbed. Finally, I resorted to slipping my hand into his pants and giving his butt a firm pinch. Startled, he immediately sat up, his expression groggy as he looked at me."Finally, you are awake." I said, my two hands feeling his thighs up and down."Ryan, I had a dream.""Hmm? What kind of dream?""I dreamed that the ghost in the castle came to find me, he wanted me to go with him, so he shook me to wake me up, I
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My Mistake
As I opened the door, I caught sight of a shadow rushing towards me. He seemed deeply concerned that my father and I might have an unpleasant conversation leading to a fight. Teasing him, I remarked on how well his “daughter-in-law” was managing things, earning myself a playful punch to the chest. Seizing the opportunity, I reached for his hand, intending to plant a kiss, only to be interrupted by Ethan's untimely arrival. Yet, I couldn't blame him; after all, I had asked him to bring dinner to the room. No matter what, I couldn't let “my wife” go hungry.We seemed to have brushed off the incident from the dining room, thoroughly enjoying our dinner. Without waiting for him to finish his water, I whisked him into the bathroom for a relaxing soak, leaving his face flushed like a ripe apple before he reluctantly emerged from the bathroom. Unfortunately, as he stepped out, he was met with my beloved large bed. He seemed torn between wanting to escape and fearing to do so, his agitation r
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My Impatience
I approached the castle main door and saw Neil still standing right where I had left him moments ago, his feet firmly planted. What could I do? The celebration at the castle was a must-attend; my sister's event, one I could perhaps skip, but leaving her standing and Neil stranded at home might lead to familial discord, with Neil bearing the brunt of it. Alternatively, could I simply disregard everything and take Neil away? Yet, that would invite pursuit by the wolf pack, akin to living the life of a fugitive. And there was something more crucial: preventing the opportunist from striking in my absence.As I pondered over these matters, Paul suddenly darted into my field of vision, moving towards Neil as if to assuage his nerves. This sight offered a glimmer of hope; I could entrust Neil to Paul for the time being, allowing Paul to take care of him temporarily, perhaps even spend time with him until I returned later that evening. Compared to my scheming relatives, those who ignored me,
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My Dominance
It was the second day of the birthday celebration.In the morning, I had to practically drag him out of bed and handed him over to Paul before heading to the party. I still held onto the hope of leaving early, though it seemed unlikely. I couldn't help but envy Paul a bit - he didn't have to attend even though he was the grandson, while I, as the godson, had to, and for a whole seven days at that.The main guests of the day were the elders, both the patriarch and second elder. Alcohol flowed freely, and the revelry seemed to surpass that of the previous day. Neil called at some point, but not as frequently as the day before, and I didn't answer any of his calls. By the time I remembered to call him back, he didn't pick up - he was probably having a blast. I decided not to pursue it further; he could enjoy himself without me, and we could catch up later in the evening.Today I ended up even more intoxicated than yesterday. When I returned, Neil was still awake, sitting on the edge of t
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My Selfishness
Over the next two days, the fifth and sixth days of the celebration, I returned home early both times. I had intended to make it up to him, but the same issue resurfaced. However, this time it seemed more serious. He wasn't just timid or fearful; I sensed he was on the verge of breaking down, perhaps even disappointed in me.On the first day, I sat down, intending to have a serious conversation with him. I also wanted to tell him about Harry's persistent calls from the previous day. But he started crying, saying he wanted to go home. Before I could even try to soothe him or suggest we leave together in a few days, he said something that immediately angered me.“Ryan, if you don't want to go back, can I go back alone?”"What are you saying?""I'm begging you, let me go back, okay? I won't cause you any trouble. I'll go by myself and figure things out.""Neil! As I've told you before, I have only one request, and that's for you not to leave me. We need to stay together. You promised me
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My Shackles to him
I slept until nearly noon, perhaps because I had been working too hard and felt exhausted. I suspected the person in my arms was still asleep. Turning him over, I prepared to give him a kiss on the forehead. As my hand touched his cheek, I felt as though I had grasped a hot water bottle."Neil, Neil, wake up!"I shook him for a while, but there was no response; he seemed to have lost consciousness. I quickly asked Ethan to call a doctor to check on Neil. I was uneasy about letting anyone else touch Neil and kept a close eye on the doctor's every move. Fortunately, they were professional and didn't get scared off by my vigilance.After the doctor's examination, he explained Neil's physical condition and carefully advised on what to pay attention to. Essentially, the main thing was to take a few days to rest and avoid exertion; absolute rest was necessary."The doctor said it's nothing serious, just that perhaps last night was too overexerted.""Mm.""Darling, I'm sorry, I was too rough
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My Neil, he's dead
After applying the medicine and helping him into his basic underwear, I covered him with a blanket and then stepped out. Let it be like this, just wait for three days, just three days, and after that, we won't need to worry anymore. I'll wait until that midnight of the third day, not even to delay one more minute, then I'll hold him and leave this place forever.With Neil's phone in hand, I returned to the bar. Judging by how clean it was, I knew Ethan had already arranged for someone to clean up. I poured myself a whiskey and unlocked Neil's phone to check. Unfortunately, I stumbled upon something I didn't want to see. There were fifteen missed calls and unread messages from a new number."Neil, it's Harry. Are you okay?""Are you alright?""Are you too busy to read my messages?"These were all messages from three days ago, the night he had nightmares. He hadn't checked his messages all day, he must have been really exhausted that day. I continued scrolling down..."Neil, I'll be hon
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