All Chapters of A Werewolf's Growth and Redemption: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
111 Chapters
Drink Liquor by mistake
I really wanted to clarify his first encounter with Roy—did he remember it correctly? Was Roy really fishing? Because my impression of Roy was that he absolutely detests fishing. He had mentioned before that fishing was an incredibly boring activity, and even as a companion, he would never choose to accompany someone on a fishing trip. And was that when Roy and Neil started? During Neil’s school days? When he was a teenager?Just as I was hesitating about whether to ask directly, I noticed something was off. He was hugging the teddy bear, leaning against its shoulder, sometimes staring blankly ahead with a bright smile, sometimes lowering his head, clenching his fists, and wiping his eyes."Neil, are you okay?" Seeing him repeatedly wiping his eyes, lifting his head, and then lowering it again to wipe his eyes, I felt uneasy and asked softly."I'm fine." He kept wiping his eyes."Is it sand in your eyes?" I asked."No, it's just..." He said he was fine, but his hands didn't stop."Jus
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Sure, I'll take very good care of him
I held my phone and walked out to the balcony. Partly, I didn't want Neil to overhear my conversation with Roy, since most of what Roy and I discussed was rather adult in nature. Additionally, I was concerned that Roy might catch on to what Neil and I had been doing."Hello.""Are you with my baby?""Didn't you ask him to come to me?""Help me out, brother. It's just one paper. Just give him some rough guidance, and he'll sort out the rest. Don't be fooled by his naive look; he's quite smart.""Are you really that comfortable letting your baby stay with me?""Of course. Why wouldn't I be? A timid human with an impatient werewolf like you—the worst that could happen is you'd get annoyed and leave him behind."So, Neil was a timid soul in Roy's eyes. I glanced back at Neil, who was lying on the bed. He did seem like someone who needed protection, but I believed he wasn't actually timid. He just lacked a sense of security, something even his fiancé, Roy, had failed to provide.This was s
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He doesn't mind?
The sudden yank and pull of the blanket jolted me awake. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw the small figure who had slept in my arms last night, now looking a bit nervous. From his bewildered expression, I could guess that he had blanked out and forgotten the promises he made to me the night before. I knew I could explain everything that had happened, and while I wasn't entirely without fault, I was certainly not to blame. However, my current concern was that this child might be frightened or anxious due to his perceived betrayal of Roy. After all, he wasn't like that scoundrel Roy, and he probably didn't know that Roy had another lover outside."Neil, don't be scared. Can you listen to me first?" Seeing him nod, I pulled him back to the center of the bed, as he was about to fall off. Noticing his lingering wariness, I gave him the blanket and wrapped him up snugly. "I did cross a line last night, and if it bothers you, just tell me, and we can figure something out, okay?" My priorit
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Neil's Past
After our meal, I took him for a stroll around the island to help him digest. Knowing his fear of the sea, I avoided the shore and instead led him through some of the recreational areas in the heart of the island. Despite the lack of anything particularly special, he walked with such enjoyment and delight, marveling at unfamiliar sights with an inquisitive gaze. His focused expression and occasional smiles reminded me once again of Neil Wesley.As noon approached and the sun reached its zenith, I couldn't bear to let Neil walk under the scorching sun. He was my precious treasure, meant to be cherished, not to be exposed to the harsh sunlight. We stepped into a high-end Japanese restaurant where I had also reserved a buffet. Neil was far too thin for his height of 170 cm, weighing just around 50 kg. If I didn't help him gain weight, I wouldn't be Ryan Lucas.He ate with great enthusiasm. I was quite amazed at his digestive capacity; even after a hefty breakfast that could feed two and
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That Incident Three Years Ago
"Neil, what happened three years ago?""It was the year the school organized a holiday trip that everyone had to attend. I was worried about the cost because, living in an orphanage, I had no money. But then the school said a philanthropist had sponsored our trip. Everyone in our orphanage was so happy because it was our first chance to go somewhere other than the orphanage or school. Thanks to that philanthropist, we had our first trip."The first trip. That meant there had been no such arrangements before, only three years ago. I pulled out my phone and sent a quick message to Ethan, asking him to check the records of all the holiday trips organized by Rollen Boy’s School. Then I quickly put my phone away; I needed to know more and couldn't interrupt Neil's confession.I held his hand tightly. "I remember we were divided into two groups that year: one for a sea trip and one for a mountain trip. I initially chose the mountain trip because I'm afraid of the sea. But on the day of the
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What Roy Did
Ethan's text message read:"Master Ryan, I've found the results you asked for and some additional information that I think you should know: -1. Rollen Boy’s School had only ever had one holiday trip, which was three years ago.2. The trip was initially divided into a sea group and a mountain group, but the mountain group was canceled the day before the trip, leaving half of the children without the chance to go on the holiday.3. After canceling the mountain group, the school made some adjustments, pulling some kids from the sea group and replacing them with the children from the mountain group.4. The kids who got to go on the trip and those who didn’t had different backgrounds. The former were all from wealthy families; the latter were all orphans.5. There was one exception: Mr. Neil. Mr. Neil was the only orphan who went on the holiday trip."This last point struck a chord with my deepest fears. Since Neil was the only orphan who went on the sea trip, it meant Roy had his eye on
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Becoming that kind of relationship
“I've been thinking, Ryan, are you a hybrid?”“What?”“You know, half-human, half-wolf? Or perhaps half-vampire, half-wolf.”“Haha, why would you think that?” I laughed, the first hearty laughs since losing Neill Weasley.“Because your thoughts seem different from Roy's. Or is it that your thoughts are more civilized, Ryan?”Suddenly, I started to doubt. Why did Roy bring Neil back to the castle and allow him to follow me to understand the werewolf mentality? It was because the wolfish thoughts Roy had instilled in Neill had been tainted by his own selfishness. If he were to speak the correct werewolf thoughts, they would conflict with what he had previously said. If he continued with what he had said before, Neil's thesis might be ruined. But if Neil were to ask me and I told him something different from what Roy had said, he could attribute it to the difference in our perspectives, given the few years of age difference between Roy and me. If my guess was correct, Roy Lucas, I must s
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Neil had no identity before
I had arranged for a yacht to take us back, but I was well aware that Neil couldn’t handle being on a boat. Therefore, I had no choice but to wait until he fell asleep before making my move. This time, I hired a driver because I was worried about possible mishaps, such as Neil waking up suddenly. I knew I couldn't manage both the driving and the task of keeping him company alone. It was clear to me that this wasn’t a time for bravado—Neil’s well-being was my primary concern.I settled him in a bedroom on the lower deck, positioned right in the middle of the yacht. It was an ideal spot, where the sounds of the waves were barely audible and the engine noise was minimal. Getting through the next two hours should be manageable. After locking the door, I sat down in the recliner next to his bed to rest. Watching his peaceful, sleeping face, I had to resist the urge to plant a few kisses on his cheeks. But I couldn't risk waking him up.Just when I thought everything had been perfectly arra
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The Little Wolf helps conquer fear
Returning to the video, after stripping Neil of his clothes, Roy didn’t pounce on him immediately. Instead, he rummaged through his bag for a while before walking back to the bed with his hands full. He sat down beside Neil, gently kissing his soft black hair and pressing his lips to Neil's forehead. Then, he turned Neil over and used a white bandage to carefully bind his hands behind his back, creating an aesthetic of chaotic beauty with the torn strips. Next, Roy placed a black blindfold over Neil’s eyes, securing it at the back. He then turned Neil back over, spread his legs, and tied them to the bedposts with bandages. During this process, Roy frequently caressed Neil’s body, and whenever he touched a sensitive spot, Neil would react slightly, as if electrified. After securing Neil, Roy took a thicker rope and began to wrap it around Neil’s body. The rough rope contrasted starkly with Neil’s delicate skin, especially around his chest, where the slight friction created a decadent
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Take care of those who have bullied him
I felt immensely proud of my quick thinking. A simple transformation not only helped Neil get through that hour successfully, but our journey back was also smooth. However, Neil seemed to have developed an addiction to stroking my wolf fur. Instead of sitting in the passenger seat, he chose to sit right behind the driver’s seat, constantly running his fingers through my hair like a mother monkey grooming her baby.Since he was my precious little one, as long as he didn’t interfere with my driving, I let him be. Neil remained completely absorbed in his exploration of my hair until we reached the gates of Ryan Castle. When I opened the top of the sports car to make it easier for Ethan to welcome us, Neil was still at it. The whole scene startled Ethan, who was jogging towards us, typically composed. It wasn’t until he saw my smile that he understood the situation. He then proceeded to open the car door and help with our luggage.“Master Ryan, Mr. Neil.”“Ethan, has everything been alrig
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