All Chapters of A Werewolf's Growth and Redemption: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
111 Chapters
I apologized
I woke up after a brief nap, only to find the person who had been lying beneath me was gone. At first, I thought I had overslept, but a glance at the clock, which told me it was only four in the morning. The sky was still dark. Where could this child have gone? He had left without making a sound, so much so that I hadn't even noticed. How quiet and careful must he have been to move without waking me?I walked out of the room and found him sitting by the coffee table again, but this time he was seated on the opposite side, with his back turned towards me. Silently, I approached him from behind, curious to see what he was up to. The sight before me was similar to earlier: numerous photographs scattered across the table and the wallet still open. However, this time his hands were busily engaged in some activity, though I couldn't discern what it was from my vantage point. Absorbed in his task, he hadn't realized I was standing right behind him until I spoke, startling him."What are you
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Roy took Neil away
The misunderstanding from last night wasn't resolved until early morning, and we didn't wake up until the afternoon. As soon as I turned on my phone, I saw nearly twenty missed calls and over thirty messages, all from Harry. And these numbers were just from my phone; Neil's phone had about double that. After freshening up, I sent Harry a message, "What's up?" My phone rang almost immediately, not even five seconds later."Did you torture my godbrother again? Now only you picking up the phone? Don't tell me you just got up? So, did you keep going until morning or stopped around noon? Can you please think about my godbrother for once? You're like a wolf, insatiable; my brother is human, his resources are limited! For his sake, so he can live longer, please take it easy. Rest is essential for a long journey, you know?" Harry rattled off as soon as I answered, not giving me a chance to speak. "Hey, hey, are you listening?""Yeah, are you done?""Finished, your turn.""I messed up." I glan
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Neil is suffering
I sent a quick message to Ethan and rushed back to my car, intending to follow Roy. However, by the time I got there, Roy was already out of sight. I had no choice but to wait for Ethan to track Roy’s whereabouts. I had no idea what Roy was thinking or where he might take Neil. The only thing I knew for sure was that they couldn't fly, since I had all of Neil’s documents. I began to feel that Ethan was taking an unusually long time. I couldn't tell if it was just my anxiety or my growing dependency on him as my only hope.Finally, Ethan responded. He said that both Roy and Neil’s phones were turned off, making it impossible to track them via GPS. He had traced Roy's car, but it had mysteriously vanished after leaving the university area. Nevertheless, Ethan didn’t give up. He started checking the CCTV footage and road cameras outside the university area to see if he could find any clues about Roy’s car, but he needed time. Suddenly, I remembered the pink-haired boy who might still be
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Finding Neil
Lisa found evidence similar to what was around Roy's mansion. After dispelling the magic, she discovered another car. Without delay, Lisa contacted our mutual friend Ethan. By the time Harry and I emerged, Ethan had already traced the car—it belonged to Mike.Lisa and Ethan each contacted their magician friends to remove all the involved spells. Eventually, the car reappeared on various CCTV cameras across the roads. Ethan sent over some surveillance footage showing Neil being taken away by Mike. Neil was seen unconscious in the back seat, lying alone in a deep sleep.Armed with Ethan's information, we made our way back to Neil's hometown. By the time we arrived, it was nearly morning. I was running out of patience. Without further ado, we stormed into Mike's house, not considering the legal consequences of trespassing."Where's Neil?""He's not here with me," Mike shrugged indifferently, seeming to anticipate our visit."Let's search the place," Harry suggested."You can search till
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Neil finally woke up
Neil's fever had subsided, but he remained unconscious. The doctor suggested it could be exhaustion or that his subconscious perceived sleep as a refuge. It was a psychological state; if he felt in danger, the latter could indeed happen. I couldn't imagine how distressed and frightened Neil must have been. From being bullied by Roy, to Mike's ordeal, and finally falling into the hands of students at the same university, he had been continuously tormented. Neil was truly pitiable.I didn't want to delay any longer. I didn't want Neil to feel unsafe even in his sleep. I wanted to bring him back to Ryan Castle immediately because there, I could also utilize my abilities to enhance his protection. In these unfamiliar surroundings, my capabilities were limited. I consulted with Harry's doctor about potential issues during the journey and emergency measures. Additionally, I had Ethan to arranged for our family doctor to be on standby at Ryan Castle. I wanted to ensure Neil's condition only
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Unwelcome Guest
I sat at my desk and started flipping through the folders while Ethan began his briefing. This particular meeting felt different; I was in such a good mood that I felt like I could fly, and Ethan, sitting across from me, seemed to share the sentiment. But I didn't let on."The first thing, the guy who helped Master R…""Ethan, I don’t mind you calling him whatever you want.""That punk?""Too polite," I shook my head, dismissing the mildness of the term."That little bastard?""Is there a difference?" I rejected the idea again."Actually, I have a more uncouth thought, but it’s a bit…""Say it.""Asshole.""Go on," I tapped the desk, giving Ethan my approval."The magician who helped that asshole is same like the one who framed Mr. Neil Wesley last time. They're both from the same rogue organization that usually serves the underworld or asshole like him.""Birds of a feather flock together.""Exactly. That day, Lisa tracked him down. She initially just wanted to give him a scare, but
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The fight started
"Please stop shouting. You're severely disturbing the peace of the castle.""Ethan, you're quite something now. Not calling me 'Master Roy' anymore, huh? Seems like you've chosen your side.""I'm merely prioritizing the safety of the castle. Anyone who threatens it must be dealt with first. So, please, calm down and leave immediately.""Calm down? My fiancé was abducted, and he's right here in this Ryan Castle. And you, one of the accomplices, still dare to act smug!""The matter between you and Mr. Neil has escalated beyond a personal issue and now concerns his safety. Even if I am an accomplice, it's to protect Mr. Neil, not to abduct him as you claim. If there's any abduction, it's actions like yours with Mike that have put Mr. Neil in danger.""I had no idea Mike would do that, and he's already been punished accordingly. I punished him for Neil. If you don't believe me, I can bring him here.""There's no need.""I'm serious. He exposed Neil's video, so I exposed his within his ent
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Avoid tracking
When I proposed swapping Roy and Rose's business management roles to the old man, my only thought was about Rose's ambition to dominate the Werewolf Women's Association. I was certain she would do her utmost to improve both the orphanage and the private school. I never imagined this exchange would bring about such a change in character. It seemed this decision was even better than I had anticipated, and hopefully, it would lessen the suffering endured by the children. If Neil found out, he should be very pleased.I ascended to the second floor and encountered the servant who led the way. As before, our meeting was not in the study but in the indoor garden. The old man sat in the same spot awaiting my arrival, pouring tea when he saw me, reminiscent of our previous encounters."Let's get straight to the point," I said as I sat down, not wanting to waste any time."Sure, explain the recent situation," he replied."Going through it step by step would be too time-consuming. Just tell me w
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The old magician Maria
One turn, another turn, and then a third—we've lost our pursuers. Now, Ethan's most pressing task was to floor the accelerator and get us to that remote location as quickly as possible. We had been driving for such a long time that I feel a bit dizzy. I even suspect my constitution has weakened; I never used to get car sick.I glanced back at Harry, who was leaning against the window, struggling with nausea. Even Neil, who had been sleeping on my lap, woke up and complained of an upset stomach. Harry and I were too proud to admit our discomfort, but as soon as Neil voiced his unease, he immediately drew the attention of both Ethan and Lisa."Here, take this," Lisa said, handing us something that looked like pills. We swallowed them without asking any questions, and miraculously, the discomfort vanished instantly. "I didn't expect it to start this soon," Lisa remarked to Ethan."I suppose it's because many unruly magicians have been pestering her over the years," Ethan replied."Perhap
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Maria is willing to help
"Ryan, this bug tastes really good!" Despite not quite understanding Neil's taste for bugs, I indulgently ruffled his hair."In that case, how about these..." Harry took the opportunity to push more bugs towards Neil."Try this one, it's quite nutritious." Maria's expression was somewhat complex, unsure if she was testing Neil's tolerance for bugs or genuinely trying to introduce him to beneficial food. Neil didn't hesitate and picked up a piece to taste."This one is delicious too!""How long did it take you guys to get used to this?" Harry teased Lisa and Ethan playfully, prompting Lisa to immediately give him a thigh-pinch attack."Are they really that tasty?" I wiped Neil's mouth, still somewhat skeptical of his assessment."Mm." Neil nodded, continuing to eat the bugs."Weren't you scared just now?""Scared of live bugs, not these. They're really good!""So as long as it's turned into food, you won't be scared of even the scariest things? Should I turn Roy into food then?""Hey,
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