All Chapters of A Werewolf's Growth and Redemption: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
111 Chapters
The Demonstration of Forcibly Kiss
After Ethan left, I sent a text message to the old man, asking to meet him. It took him nearly five minutes to read it, and he didn’t reply immediately. Perhaps he couldn’t believe I’d reached out to him on my own, given that this was probably the first time in about five years. Even before Neil left, I rarely contacted him unless he reached out to me first. When he finally replied with “tomorrow morning,” I returned to my post, which I hadn’t attended to for two days, to handle some important work, and I didn't finish until nearly evening.I went to the leisure area to find Neil. He was browsing through movies, seemingly looking for something to watch. I wrapped my arms around him from behind, startling him. But unlike before, he didn’t tense up; he relaxed into my embrace when he realized it was me and continued searching for a movie. Seeing his attention entirely on the screen, I playfully pretended to be jealous, gently grazing his neck with my teeth, making him squirm from the ti
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Give him an eighteen-year-old life
In the morning, I gave the person in my arms a kiss on the forehead before leaving the room, heading to Joseph Castle for the appointment. As soon as I stepped through the main gate, I saw Ethan already waiting. I had thought the meeting would be in the old man's study, as usual, but Ethan informed me that the old man was waiting for me in the indoor garden.When I arrived at the indoor garden, the old man was sitting there, staring into the distance, lost in thought. There was a pot of tea on the table, with two cups—one filled, the other still empty. Perhaps he hadn't poured the second cup because I hadn't arrived yet. It had been three years since our last private conversation, which happened when I confronted him about the patriarch 's birthday celebration. Since then, our communication had been limited to text messages, and if it was urgent, voice messages. No wonder he hesitated for so long when I suggested this meeting yesterday."You're here?" Ever since I established myself i
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Met an acquaintance at the music festival
In the car, I began to remind Neil of the things he needed to pay attention to at the music festival. Given Neil's description of its popularity, surely it was bound to be packed with people."Do you remember what I told you?" I asked, brushing his nape to draw his attention back from the passing scenery outside the car window."I remember," he replied."Repeat it for me.""First, keep your phone with you and pay attention to calls and messages; second, don't wander off and stay close to Ryan; third, if we get separated, stay where you are and wait for Ryan to come back.""Good, are you excited?""Very much, Ryan. This is actually my first time attending such a large event, and I'm a bit nervous.""There's nothing to be nervous about. You're not the one performing.""Haha, true. Thank you, Ryan. I never dreamed I'd have the chance to go to a music festival."It was amazing how something so small could make him so happy. I wondered whether he was just easily contented or if such experi
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Neil's God Brother
After tending to Neil's wounds and tidying up a bit, I quickly got myself ready for the appointment. But before heading out, I decided to have a serious talk with Neil about what happened during the day. I seated him on the sofa near the entrance, and I pulled a small round stool to sit in front of him. At that moment, our eyes met at the same level."Neil.""Ryan, can I speak first?" I paused, held his hand, and nodded."Ryan, I'm sorry. Am I too clumsy? Is that why Roy doesn't take me out to play?" It seemed he was thinking along the same lines as I was. He was worried that I would be angry, and his thoughts had nearly spiraled out of control."Neil, what happened today was an accident. You don't need to be scared or blame yourself. You've done really well." Hearing this, he lifted his head to look at me. "I don't know why Roy doesn't take you out, and I don't want to know. But despite what happened today, it won't stop me from taking you out or having fun with you in the future." S
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You take the lead, okay?
As soon as the manager came in, I asked him to bring enough food for five people. Given that we were VIPs in a private room, he didn't think much of it and went out, perhaps accustomed to the wasteful habits of the rude and wild guests. After all, in a five-star hotel, service was paramount. However, my action drew disdain from Neil's god brother, who seemed to think I was trying to take advantage.He quickly realized he was mistaken. Neil began indulging in the food with an insatiable appetite. This time, the buffet offered a different style of cuisine, heightening his curiosity and excitement about the flavors to an unprecedented level. I just tasted a few bites before reverting to my usual paternal mode. During this time, Neil noticed Harry's gaze fixed on the him, this amazing baby. He became shy, lowered his head, and glanced at me surreptitiously. Amused by his expression, I patted his neck and signaled him to keep eating."Enjoy your food, eat to your heart's content, and don't
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Neil was kidnapped
This morning, we met with Neil's god brother as planned. We intended to visit some nearby tourist attractions after the breakfast, but our plans were disrupted. I trusted that vampire too much, leaving Neil in his care while I went to the restroom. When I returned to our private room, it was empty. I quickly took out my phone to call Neil, only to hear the vibration coming from within the room. I traced the sound and found a note beneath Neil’s phone.The note read: "Dear sister-in-law, I’ve taken my brother with me. Don’t worry about finding us; you won’t be able to. I’ll return him to you, safe and sound, by 7 PM tonight." I immediately called Harry and the damn vampire had the audacity to answer."Hello, you have one minute to talk. After that, I’ll hang up, and you won’t be able to find us anymore.""Where are you taking Neil?""Sorry, can’t answer that. This is my private time with my brother. Don’t worry about that, sister-in-law.""You dare!""I'm doing it right now. You have t
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Became three brothers
Five minutes before the agreed-upon time, I was hurriedly putting on layers of clothes, one after another, while carrying a bundle of bags. Once everything was on, I hoisted Neil into my arms and headed out. As I arrived at the hotel lobby, there was Harry, already waiting. He saw me laden with bags and, instead of offering to help, started spouting nonsense, comparing me to that pervert Roy."Why isn’t he awake yet? Don’t tell me you tortured him till this morning," he said."What nonsense. This little darling isn’t a morning person. I couldn’t bear to wake him up early, so I didn’t tell him the time. What, you got a problem with my baby?" I retorted."Of course not, here, let me," Harry said, his demeanor shifting completely upon hearing my explanation. He reached out to take Neil from my arms, but I swiftly turned to avoid his hands. As if I'd let anyone take Neil from me. The only thing Harry could do to help was carry the bags—just the bags, nothing more. Neil was not included in
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As they were curious, Neil woke up, perhaps disturbed by our conversation. He stumbled out of the tent, rubbing his eyes with one hand and feeling his way forward with the other, probably looking for me. I took his hand, and he snuggled into my arms, hugging my waist tightly."Is this the youngest brother?""So cute.""Yes, this is our little brother. We’re not in that kind of relationship," Harry seized the opportunity to clarify and do a small revenge."Huh? Who’s the little brother? Me?" Neil asked, confused."Who else?" Harry said, pulling Neil closer. "Come on, say hi to the uncles.""Hello, uncles," Neil said, bowing politely."Good, good. Such a sweet boy.""The little brother is so fair-skinned, just like the older brother.""See, uncles, my little brother looks like me. The second brother is a bit different," Harry said, deliberately excluding me. "So, my little brother and I are closer." He even hugged Neil !Damn vampire."Aww, they have such a good relationship. I'm so jeal
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He volunteered
Neil and I stayed an extra day at that place before leaving. We made sure to fly to the city hosting the Harry’s Music Festival before nightfall, so we could spend the night there. I didn't want Neil to have to wake up early and rush to fly on the day of the festival, as he might be exhausted by the time the evening festivities began. Arriving a night early gave us the chance to explore the local food street, filling Neil's stomach before heading back to the hotel to rest.After I finished my shower, I found that little guy sitting by the coffee table in the living room, busy with something. He wasn't sitting on the sofa behind or beside him but had wedged himself between the couch and the table, sitting on the floor. Being curious, I walked over to see what he was up to. It turned out he was looking at some small photographs Robert had given him—some of the best shots from a photo session we had at a studio.I stepped over the sofa and sat down on the floor next to him, scooting clos
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Reason for voluntary
After he finished his task, he didn't stand up but knelt there, repeatedly apologizing to me. These were just words spoken in anger, so why was he taking them so seriously, so sensitively? Without responding, I turned and went back to the room to get his clothes. When I returned to give them to him so he wouldn't catch a cold, I found him in that same ashamed posture—head down, body trembling slightly, hands clasped together and rubbing up and down.I bent down to hand him the clothes and realized he was crying. Gently, I placed my hand on his trembling shoulder, trying to help him up, but he didn't dare stand. He glanced at me before lowering his head again, his emotions out of control but his voice barely a whisper."Ryan, do you... don't want me anymore?"His sudden question took me by surprise. I had been so angry and said so many harsh things, but I had never considered that question or even thought I needed to. His outburst made me realize: Had I been too angry? Had my overreact
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