All Chapters of A Werewolf's Growth and Redemption: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
108 Chapters
My Neil, his injuries
I regained my composure, though it was less of composure and more of speechlessness, powerlessness, and hopelessness. Kneeling beside Neil, who appeared devoid of any color, I found myself devoid of any coherent thoughts, only the desire to fill every moment and every second with him. As I observed the bloodless figure before me, an unconscious question slipped from my lips."How could someone suddenly start bleeding without cause?""Perhaps it's due to internal injuries," Ethan responded naturally, unaware of my murmurs."Internal injuries?" The words stirred something within me. "Neil mentioned being attacked, injured, but I couldn't see any wounds. I even accused him of fabricating it.""Wounds that couldn’t be seen?""Yes, even the vampire claimed Neil was injured.""Master, may I examine Mr. Neil?" Ethan's request triggered a realization. "I've heard of a magic that conceals surface truths, masking external injuries while internal ones persist. Without prompt treatment, these int
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Neil's Diary and the USB (1)
In one hand, I held Neil's diary, and in the other, Ethan's USB drive, handed to me personally. As I delved into the diary, I discovered Neil too had fallen for me at first sight, but his self-doubt clouded his feelings. Many times, his thoughts and emotions mirrored mine, only he was more naïve, yet all this was before my transformation. I never noticed my own change, let alone its downward spiral. Initially, to win Neil over, I resorted to deceit and manipulation; once together, driven by my possessiveness, I controlled and punished him. Returning to the castle, I felt I had veered further off course, and the damning truth lay on the next page of the diary: the second day at the castle. No one admonished me, not even Neil, and it was only after his passing that I found my faults within his diary.Turning to the last seventh page of Neil's diary:"On the second day at the castle, I anticipated it to be a splendid one, with breakfast followed by a leisurely stroll. But then I saw him,
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Neil's Diary and the USB (2)
I continued to flip through Neil's diary: the last, sixth page."This morning, my alarm went off, but I was too tired to get up. My eyes wouldn't open, and my muscles felt heavy. I couldn't wake up, and the noise woke Ryan. He was a bit grumpy from being disturbed.I realized Ryan couldn't see my wounds either, because when he grabbed my wrist to wake me up, his fingernails dug into my wound, causing me a sharp pain. Why can't they see my injuries?I got into Paul's car. He looked angry, and I didn't dare to look at him. I secretly called Ryan, but Ryan didn't pick up. I tried calling again, but he still didn't answer. He must be busy.We arrived at a waterfall area, where I saw Rainey and the others, along with the people from yesterday. Paul dragged me to the center of the crowd and punched me in the stomach, making me collapse in pain. He then placed his leg on my chest, and my back hurt from being pressed against the rocks.I heard Rainey and the others ask Paul if he was crazy. P
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My Guest
I took out Neil's phone, retrieved the blocked contacts, and found Harry's number. Using my own phone, I called him. This was the second time I had reached out to him. The first time was to keep him away from Neil, fearing he might hurt him. Now, the second time, I had hurt Neil myself and needed his help."Hello.""It's Ryan.""What happened to Neil?""Neil is dead. I caused his death.""Ryan Lucas!""I know you hate me. I'll pay the price, don't worry about that.""What do you want?""I need your help. I need you to get rid of three werewolves. Are you up for it?""Are they the ones who killed Neil?""Yes.""Okay.""First, find someone capable of protecting you all the way to Lucas Castle. Once you're at the castle, I'll protect you. This isn't just confidence—it's a promise on my life.""Then why didn't you protect Neil with your life back then?"I couldn't answer that question. I wanted to tell him that I realized my confidence was misplaced only now, but what use was that now? My
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My Revenge Partners
"Ryan, get to the point.""Alright, Harry. Most of the people who bullied Neil are dead now. The only ones left are the patriarch 's grandson, Paul, my sister, Rainey, and her boyfriend, Cole. I'm not in a position to deal with it, so it's up to you.""Brother!""Ryan! That's your sister!" The old woman, in a rare display of maternal love, intervened."Did she think about that when she was bullying Neil, the person I love the most?""That was only a human, brother!""You're just a werewolf, sister.""Dad, brother's gone mad, you have to help me," Rainey pleaded, clinging to her father's hand."Say something! Your son is about to kill your daughter!""Ryan, that's enough.""No, I won't stop. What can you do about it?""If he died, that's his fate. What does it have to do with Rainey? What does it have to do with me? What does it have to do with your father?""Joseph Lucas, Rose Lucas, are you going to stand there and pretend you don't know about the things your daughter and her thug bo
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My Neil, please come back
Ethan still brought meals three times a day, but each time he delivered a meal, he would take away the untouched one from before. He had tried to persuade me many times, but I always replied that for someone on the verge of death, eating one more meal or one less didn't make a difference. This morning, however, he was so shocked by my actions that he dropped the entire breakfast on the floor because I had harmed myself.I had been lying in bed, looking at Neil, thinking about his pain and my guilt, repeatedly dwelling on the same thoughts. Suddenly, an idea struck me. If I followed Neil in death, I would only experience dying. My poor Neil endured unimaginable pain alone, pain that no one else knew or understood.I picked up something sharp and started cutting into my own flesh. Wherever Neil had a wound, I made a cut on myself in the same place. I had made about a dozen cuts when Ethan walked in. Seeing what I was doing, he immediately threw the food aside and rushed over to take the
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Neil Caster
Recently, I told them I was planning to move out. The old man and his wife earnestly tried to persuade me to stay, asking what dissatisfaction I had that they could try to remedy. I mentioned my desire not to live with them, and the next day they had someone expand the castle grounds, erecting a secondary castle behind the main one, to be solely under my jurisdiction. To make a clear distinction, the main castle was renamed Joseph Castle, while the secondary one was christened Ryan Castle, and no one referred to this abode as Lucas Castle anymore. Under my management, no one except Ethan could enter Ryan Castle while I was at home, so Ethan would instruct the servants to clean only when I was away. As for magic shield, the old man suggested maintaining a barrier even though I lived alone, but I agreed superficially while secretly having Ethan cast another spell, allowing the castle's master to be exempt from the barrier. What needed to be known, I would know; what didn't need to be k
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Dominance and Submission
Before returning to my castle, Ethan and I roughly confirmed whether my brother's abandonment was related to Neil. Ethan responded that from the private conversation between the old man and the old woman earlier, it could be inferred as one of the reasons. I speculated that another reason might be that Roy was an untamed free spirit, someone whose thoughts could never be accurately predicted. This unpredictability was a major taboo for the old man when choosing an heir. He could accept rebellion, but not someone who played entirely by their own rules. Given this reasoning, what I needed to do most was to strengthen myself to a level surpassing the old man, and then break the rules. This was my strategy for dealing with the Lucas family. Moreover, once the Lucas family was under my feet, the wolf pack wouldn't be an issue. They were like swarms of ants and bees; as long as I was strong enough and provided them with benefits, they wouldn't pose much of a problem, if any at all. My gr
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The rule behind “get out”
I lay back down on the bed, trying to suppress my anger and fall asleep again. However, my emotions refused to settle and, instead, I found myself growing even more furious because sleep continued to elude me. I made up my mind: I was definitely going to fire the new servant. Once I got myself ready, I planned to find Ethan and personally reprimand the newcomer before dismissing him on the spot. As I passed the second floor, I heard someone repeatedly saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." The voice was coming from Roy's room. Puzzled by the fact that Roy had already left, I wondered who could be in there. I walked over and pushed open the door, which was slightly ajar. As it opened, a small figure came into view. It was Neil. He was bare-chested, kneeling in the corner of the room facing the wall, his hands raised in the air, his head bowed, and continuously muttering "I'm sorry." I quickly rushed toward the small figure. “Neil, what’s wrong? Why are you kneeling here?” “I’m
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His Fear of the Sea
Neil Wesley loved the sea deeply, for it symbolized freedom to him. I still owed him a special yacht trip, though the chance to set sail with him again was long gone. However, I decided to bring Neil Caster along for a similar experience. After all, they were Neils and they both share the name Neil, and surely, he would enjoy it just as much. Not only did I need to understand him better, but I also aimed to create cherished memories together.Using the excuse of a private trip, I managed to take him away from the castle, providing him with an opportunity to understand the werewolf philosophy firsthand. I didn't disclose our destination; I simply instructed him to get in the car. Throughout the drive, he diligently worked on his assignments and asked me questions, his demeanor reminiscent of Neil Wesley's lectures—serious, scholarly, and charming.It wasn't until we arrived at the marina that I revealed our plan to embark on a yacht. Contrary to my expectations, he stood there, stunned
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