All Chapters of TORN BETWEEN THE ALPHA BULLY AND MY BEST FRIEND : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
57 Chapters
Chapter 31
Daniel's pov"Daniel!" Maya's eyes widened as she saw me emerge from inside her house."What are you doing here?" She asked, almost stumbling over her words.I glanced behind her and my eyes narrowed when I saw Micah smirking at me."Why is he here?" I growled at Maya.Micah rolled his eyes at me and began to speak to Maya."I should go, thanks for coming and keeping me company, Maya. I enjoyed every second of your company." He said pointedly and did the unthinkable, he bent down and kissed Maya on his cheeks.I stood there frozen as Maya waved him goodbye.I was boiling with hatred as my eyes refused to move away from him until he got into his car and drove off."I didn't know you were coming…" Maya Suddenly turned to me looking a bit awkward."And I didn't know you were still going to Micah's place. I thought we had an agreement." I gritted out, trying to calm my anger."He wasn't feeling well and I thought to go visit him."She said."How convinient Maya. After what we talked about
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Chapter 32
Juliet's povDaniel slapped my hands off his face as if coming back to his senses."The hell do you think you are doing?" He glared at me.I played off the shock in my eyes."Just touching your hair, it's soft." I said, trying to cover up my initial intent which was to get him to kiss me so the bartender could take a picture of us and I could post it."Well, don't do it again." He scolded. "Nobody touches my hair or my face," he said pointedly.He picked up his drink from the bar and took a giant sip.Just then, Jake, the bartender appeared and dropped my drink in front of me."Enjoy, princess." He smiled before walking off.I took a small sip of my drink and dropped it back on the table and peered over at Daniel.For someone so hot, he was so stubborn.I needed to figure out a way to get him on my side against Maya. I was so exhausted having to fight for my boyfriend's attention from a new bee. Seeing her at Micah's house earlier today had almost made me cry. What was it he saw in he
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Chapter 33
Micah's pov."What? Not much else to say?" I asked as Juliet's eyes went from wide with anger to narrow with irritation and pain.I wasn't under the impression that she could feel pain. Maybe I had been a little harsh with my words earlier."Have you fallen for her?* Juliet suddenly asked, looking back at me, an unreadable expression in her eyes."Fallen for who?" I asked even though I already had a pretty good idea of who and what she was talking about."Maya, Micah. Are you in love with her?" She yelled impatiently, stepping closer to where I stood.I burst out laughing at her ridiculous question."Oh, come on, Juliet. You are being ridiculous." I scoffed. Now she was making stuff up."That doesn't answer my question.""Really? Fine then, I'm not in love with her." I chuckled again at her ridiculousness. Where on earth did she get that from."Okay." She nodded, seemingly relieved at my admission.I felt the opposite though. I felt like I had just lied to her. Like I had just lied to
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Chapter 34
Maya's POVI walked through the halls of school feeling completely down.Lydia wasn't yet in school which made me a little shy and self conscious. Two night ago, she'd sent a video of Micah kissing me on the cheeks and had told me it was circulating through the school website.At first I had been shocked but when I had gone to check the school group chat, I had been devastated beyond repair.People were calling me all kind sof names, slut, bop, homewrecker, just everything that wasn't good. There were a few people shipping Micah and I but they were just as toxic as the people calling me a home wrecker.I let out a sigh, glad that the whole slut thing had blown over a bit. There was only one thing worse than having the whole school's attention on you and it was having their attention on you for something they perceived you've done wrong.I paddled down to my locker to take out my textbooks when I saw Micah walking towards me.“Hey…” I was about I wave at him but he walked past me befor
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Chapter 35
Micah's POV I sat, smirking to myself after walking out on Maya. It had come as a surprise when she'd walked up to me to talk to me without having to initiate contact first. Just then, our teacher walked in with Juliet following him closely… They seemed to have been having a conversation. She glanced over at me briefly before walking over to her seat which was directly behind me. I let out a sigh but didn't dare look back for fear that I'd turn to stone from the hostility emanating from her. She was still mad at me as expected. I spent the next three hours zoning in and out of class and then some minutes unable to take my eyes off Maya. Daniel was back in school, surprisingly which didn't pose well for me. As soon as the bell rang, Ted and the guys walked over to me. "Hey man, how are you doing?" Ted asked. "Great, as you can see." I shrugged. "You alright? You haven't been answering any of our texts." Ted asked. "I'm good, Ted. Anyway, I have to go. Got to go eat, I'll
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Chapter 36
Maya's POV"What? Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?" Micah asked as soon as I finished lamenting my story.He'd been paying attention and had not said a single word but his expression had been one of shock."Because I was also trying to process the whole thing."I admitted, meeting his eyes.It had been one of the things boggling my mind for days. I hadn't said anything to anyone yet, not even my dad. I knew him well enough to know that he would shut it down immediately and I was too curious to let this slide."Understandable…"He Said."but still not an excuse to keep it to yourself, Jeez, Maya…" he ran his hands through his hair, messing the already beautiful waves and giving it an even more messy look."So, what are you going to do now?" He asked after a long stretch of silence."I don't know… there isn't much to do right now. I don't exactly have twenty thousand dollars at my disposal and I can't ask my father for twenty thousand dollars, he'd ask what I want it for.""I
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Chapter 37
Maya's povI glared at her Kuliet with every hating bone in my body as I held my face, the spit she had slapped.She wanted to be the bigger person and walk away for a split second but she couldn't take her bullying anymore. She'd crossed the line this time. Without wasting any time, she slaps her across the face hard and fast making Juliet stagger baack."How dare you?" I yelled at her, my face contoured into a grimace.She was holding herself, staring at me in shock. Did she honestly think I was going to let her get away with this?"I'm done with your antics, Juliet, the next time you come near me, I'm going to make sure, I fuck you up!" I spat at her."Who the hell do you think you are?!" I added, getting increasingly annoyed the more my face stung.In a blur of movement, Juliet slapped me again as if I hadn't just said anything.Angry, I slapped her again but before my hands could connect with her face, I felt two soft but firm hands pull me away from her. I glanced back to find
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Chapter 38
Juliet's PovI was filled with rage. I would believe that bitch Maya had the guts to hit me back after I slapped her. And it was all because of Micah. I knew she wouldn’t have had the balls to do with if he wasn’t friends with her.Speaking about Micah, he was currently giving me the silent treatment. I hadn’t spoken to him in two days and it was driving me nuts.Ignoring my friends, I stormed off and went in search of Micah. I found him in the parking lot. He was standing at the rear end of his car, trying to get out his football gear. He most likely had a late afternoon practice, that wouldn’t let out until late. This was my chance to talk to him.“Micah,” I huffed, approaching him. I placed my hands on my hips and tried my best to rail in my temper. The last thing I needed was for us to engage in yet another fight. Things were already pretty heated between us. And it was all that tramp’s fault.“Juliet,” Micah pursed his lips when he saw me. He was clutching his duffel bag against
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Chapter 39
Daniel's povI truged down the hallway on my way home when Lydia joined me."Hey loser," she bumped me with her waist."Hey, Lyd." I said to her ruffling her hair lovingly."Thought you'd have gone home by now.""Yeah, I had an after school club meeting…" she answered as she pooped open a lolipop and shoved in her mouth."Oh, that's right you still are part of that dead club.""It's not a dead club!" She huffed."It's a prestigious club that has lost it's touch but with my help, I'm going to revive it. Lolipop?" She asked after saying all of that in one breath.She sounded sure of herself as always and it was one trait I absolutely admired about her."Sure," I shrugged. "Thanks."I took it from her and tore yof the wrapper before taking a lick."Anyway, wanna go out today?* Lydia asked."I don't know… I have a few assignments.""So do I but I'm bored and Maya is busy helping her aunt out today.I winced at the sound of Maya's name. I had not said a single word to get today but I had
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Chapter 40
Daniel's povI opened the car door for Lydia as soon as we got to Tony's and she grinned and gave me that constipated "royal' expression she always wore whenever we went out together.I rolled my eyes at her and helped her out of the car and led her towards the entrance of Tony's.It already looked packed which was just the way I wanted it. I planned on having fun tonight without thinking about Maya or Micah or what those two could be getting up to."This place is stunning." Lydia's eyes widened as we both stepped into the bar.It had a ghotic yet futuristic feel to it that impressed me. I just knew Tony's was about to be the next big thing among the higghscoolers and college students in the pack, that is until it is finally deemed unworthy by the popular crowd."It sure is," I said, mesmerized by the tables and chates that were modelled after pods. Their placement gave the impression at first the table and chair was floating in the air.Lydia was bubbling with excitement and I found
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