All Chapters of TORN BETWEEN THE ALPHA BULLY AND MY BEST FRIEND : Chapter 51 - Chapter 57
57 Chapters
Chapter 51
Maya's POV "You realize he is doing all of this to get closer to you right?" Lydia remarked that morning after I had told her the truth about me and Micah's relationship."Maybe so but it's good pay, so I'm not going to just give that up.""True," she nodded.I was so glad I was talking to my best friends again and I didn't even have to do any sort of grand gesture with her.Daniel and I were in a good place. He'd forgiven me instantly during Micah's party when I had gone to him with a gift. I had been surprised he'd accepted my apology letter and a necklace that got him that had him and my initials in it. He has been wearing it everywhere and I found it cute.We were all supposed to meet tomorrow at a cafe to hangout and I couldn't wait.I hd no idea how sad I had been until we all became friends again .Daniel told me how I had hurt him by ignoring his warnings and then blowing him off for Micah that had always treated me badly. I explained to him that I had forgiven Micah and that
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Chapter 52
Maya's POV I watched as Micah stood up abruptly and began to pace his room. He looked like he was trying to gather his thoughts and at the same time talk himself out of gathering his thoughts and telling me what was going on with him. He seemed to be distraught and I was confused. "This is kind of embarrassing but," he stopped and sighed again and then resumed his seat beside me. I could tell he was finding it difficult to spill how he was feeling and I couldn't help but see him differently. Micah was not one to mince his words. He was on the list of direct people I knew, so for him to find it hard to talk, it meant that whatever was bothering him was driving him crazy. I was glad that I had asked him. "I hate talking about it but you saw my parents leave in a hurry just now, didn't you?" He asked and I nodded. "Yeah, I did." I said, facing him completely. "We, that's how it is with them. For the longest time, all I remember about them is their backs turned to me. I know i
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Chapter 53
Maya's POV I watched in crippling embarrassment as Juliet angrily yelled at Micah. Not only was she upset she was red in the face with her eyes welling up in anger. I felt like an idiot just standing there doing nothing. Quickly I got my things and made for the door but Juliet was faster than me, she blocked my way and pulled my hair back before I could get to the door, asking me where the hell I thought I was going to."Juliet please," I said to her "just let me go, I don't want to be part of this," my voice was bordering on pleading.I knew this was all my fault but what could I do? Micah and I had been caught up in the moment and had almost kissed. I felt so ashamed. I knew I had said that I wasn’t going to stay away from Micah When Juliet had provoked me and threatened me to stay away from Micah or she would do something bad to me but I had not meant it at all.All I wanted was to be friends with Micah… at least that was what I was telling myself my wolf did not believe me.
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Chapter 54
Micah's POV I watched as Maya walked out ignoring my plea for her to wait. It was not what she was thinking and I had not said anything to Juliet. I hated the tears that rolled down from my eyes when Juliet had mentioned her mother. I was completely distraught by her words and when she’d looked at me with shock, I had lost it.How on earth had Juliet found out about Maya’s mother? And why would she say something so cruel?“Maya, Please wait!” I tried to call out to her again. But all I could see was her back as she ran away from me. I looked down at Juliet, who was still glaring at me with contempt in her eyes and felt the inexplicable urge to snap her in half.“ How dare you?” I sneered.“How dare me? You were the one cheating on me. What are you talking about, Micah?” she retorted.“You’re right. I think I have given you way too much leverage. I cannot keep doing this with you, Juliet. Try as you may, you are still a fucking bitch and I’m done with you. Get out of my house.”
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Chapter 55
Maya's POVI ran out of Micah’s house, tears streaming down my face. All I could think about was how betrayed I felt. How could he do this to me? I thought we were friends. Why would he tell Juliet about my mother? And they had sex last night too? I felt like such a fool. I thought we were bonding, I thought we were friends, I thought I meant something to him, but of course I was just an idiot.Daniel had been right about Micah. He was not good for me. I should have heeded to his warnings but I was too stubborn to listen. I thought I had found a friend, I thought there was more to him that met the eyes, turned out I had been fooling myself into thinking that. It had been nothing but wishful thinking.I wasn’t sure how I had found my way to Daniel’s place or even his arms but it was the only place giving me comfort.“It’s okay, it’s okay Maya” Daniel patted my head, cooing in hushed tones. He’d been listening to me for hours go on about how Micah had betrayed me and had not on
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Chapter 56
Maya's POVI sat in the cafeteria with a long face as I complained about what Micah had done to Lydia who seemed unfazed and frankly bored.She was barely paying any attention to me and just continued to eat her food like I wasn’t speaking. It kind of hurt me that she didn’t care about my situation, but at the end of the day, I couldn’t blame her, she told me to stay away from Micah from day one and I had not listened to her.“Lydia, are you listening to me? I asked In frustration.“No, I’m not listening to you. Maya. In fact, I am annoyed by this conversation. I cannot believe we are talking about Micah right now. You know how much I do not like him, you know that I hate his fucking guts yet you keep bringing him up.”“ I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring it up,” I said, feeling terrible. I wanted to be mad at her. But I couldn’t be mad at her. She was right. I kept bringing Micah up. I had no idea why he was such a constant topic in my life. No matter how much I tried, I just cou
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Chapter 57
Maya's POV There had been a few major moments in which I had felt my world crumbling and shattering all around me. This was one of those moments.I couldn’t believe what Juliet had said to me. Making such hurtful comments about my mother, even though she could tell that it was a sore subject. The worst part was how Micah had just watched. I knew he was the one who had told her. He was one of the few people who knew about my mother’s neglect.I had confided in him about such a sore subject and he had gone ahead to betray my trust.Oh my God.Not only was I hurt, but I was also mortified and slightly embarrassed that I had trusted him.So far, I had done a fine job of avoiding him. Still, it didn’t stop him from seeking me out, trying to apologize. When he couldn’t talk to me directly, he left text messages, expressing how sorry he was. I remained unsure of his true intentions. It was way too big of a risk to trust him after everything he had done to me.I was in the library browsing t
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