All Chapters of TORN BETWEEN THE ALPHA BULLY AND MY BEST FRIEND : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
57 Chapters
Chapter 41
Maya's pov.I stood at the front door of my house, waiting for Micah to arrive. The paper he'd slid to me during class today had said he'd be coming over to my place around 5pm to get me so I could go tutor him but it was already 5: 30 and I didn't want my father coming to meet us or my aunt.I frowned when it began to drizzle and went back into the house to wait.I plopped down on the couch and texted Micah, asking him where he was.He didn't text back immediately so I assumed he was probably driving.I decided to play a game on my phone while I waited for him to arrive.As I played, I couldn't help but think about Daniel. He'd ignored me the whole day in school and had also ignored my text messages. I felt like a desperate ex that couldn't take the hint.I had asked Lydia to help me talk to him and I had even seen them going home together but I still hadn't gotten a text from her.I key out a sigh, feeling out of sorts. A lot of things had happened this week that was driving me in
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Chapter 42
Maya's POV There was a palpable awkwardness between us as Daniel and I stared at each other.I shifted awkwardly and before they could look up at him again, Micah was pulling me towards Luke and his other teammates."Hey man," Luke high fived Micah and so did the other guys surrounding the snooker table."Hey, didn't realize you were coming out today." Luke said."Yeah, me either."I tuned their conversation out and my eyes shifted to where Daniel and Lydia stood.Lydia waved at me and I let go of Micah's hands but before I could take a step, he interlocked his hands in mine again, stopping me.He pulled me gently towards him and I heard the guys laugh at him, calling him a lover boy."Where are you going?" He asked in hushed tones."To my friends." I said and looked over at the snooker table but Daniel was no longer there and Lydia was practically glaring at me."You mean the one glaring daggers at you?" Micah questioned.I peered up at Micah and he looked back at Lydia. She was wal
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Chapter 43
Maya's PovI woke up the next day, feeling a bit hungover. I hadn't even drank that much tonight. Why did I feel like shit? I wondered as I dragged myself out of bed and walked towards the bathroom.As soon as I got to the vanity, I quickly turned on the tap and splashed water on my face so I'd wake up properly.I didn't feel like going to school today but I didn't have much of a choice.Aunt wouldn't stand for it and neither would my dad and neither would my perfect attendance."Plus you get to see Micah and ask him what yesterday was all about."My wolf chimed in and to my surprise she wasn't being sexual with Micah.I dragged my feet to the kitchen and found my Aunt drinking coffee."Good morning sunshine," she grinned at me."Good morning, Aunt," I yawned as I walked towards the fridge.I opened it, took out a bottle water and went to sit on one of the stools under the kitchen island."You look tired, did you get any sleep at all?"She questioned, touching my face."Yeah, a littl
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Chapter 44
Maya's povI watched as Daniel walked past me feeling sad all over again.I had thought going to him to straighten things out would do any good but it managed to get things worse.I groaned as I massaged my temples, still wondering why the hell I had done wrong that was making Daniel so fucking upset.Lydia still hadn't said anything yet and it saddened me even more.I felt like everyone was against me for reasons I didn't quite understand, okay, I understood but everything seemed to suddenly be blowing out of proportion.I let out a tired and frustrated groan.My phone chimed in my hand and I checked to see who texted me.Micah's name appeared on my screen. I tapped the message icon to read what he'd texted.Micah; Hey, sorry about last night. Can you meet me at the library during recess so we can study?At least one person was behaving normally.I quickly sent him a text telling him that I hadn't accepted his apology just yet but that I'd be there.I turned around, about to go back
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Chapter 45
Maya's povMicah took a seat beside me and grinned."You really are funny sometimes."He said and I made a gesture that indicated it was obvious that I was."Thank you for the flowers, I'll keep them till they wither away."Micah gave me a shocked look before bursting into laughter."You are bloody dark, you know that?" He said, it seemed like he was surprised to hear me joke about things and it made me laugh."A little bit." I grinned."So, where do we start?" Micah asked."We start by you telling me what happened yesterday?" I said, staring at him squarely in the eye."I don't want to talk about it." He said, looking away from me , all traces of humor gone from his face."You are going to have to. Your antics cost me my friendships,"He snapped his head back to me in shock."What?""Yeah, Lydia and Daniel are mad at me."I admitted."Why? Because you have a life outside of them? That's normal, Maya.""That's not it. I blew them off the day I was supposed to tutor you at your place
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Chapter 46
Maya's povI was walking along the parking lot of school on my way home when Micah appeared beside me."Hey, Red." He said with a nervous smile."Hey, Micah. Thought you'd be at practice by now." I glanced at him. "I was. I excused myself so I could talk to you about something." "Uhm…" I wasn't sure I liked the sound of that especially since he looked incredibly nervous."Don't worry, I'm not going to ask you to marry me." He chuckled."Oh no, I was really looking forward to marrying the Heir to the pack house, " I said dryly, rolling my eyes at him."Shut up." He rolled his eyes back and snickered at me."So, why are you looking for me?" I asked."I wanted to invite you to my birthday party tomorrow at my parents pool house,""Oh…" I trailed off."What?" He asked, faltering in his steps.I stopped all of a sudden and he did too.A student almost ran into Micah and was about to cuss him out when he realized it was Micah."Sorry man," he said and Micah nodded before looking back at m
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Chapter 47
Micah's POVLoud music sounded through every speaker in the pool house. Boys and girls from school danced while some of them were already in the pool hosting random competitions.I stayed glued to the bar waiting nervously for Maya.She'd texted me last night that she'd be at the party today but she was nowhere to be found.Did she get cold feet and decided to stay back or did something happen?Goddess, I hoped not. I really wanted her here and not just because of her company.I contemplated texting her but I thought against it. That would look desperate besides it had only been an hour since the party started. I was sure she was going to make it although I was sure she wasn't going to appreciate the fact that the whole school was here.I had skewerd the truth a bit to fit my narrative."Hey birthday boy," Luke patted me on the back as he plucked a beer from the bar.He'd recently gotten a buzz cut that made him look like some mafia henchman. Surprisingly, all the girls were into the
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Chapter 48
Micah's POV The party was going smoothly and I had received a bunch of gifts but nothing from Juliet. I could lie to myself and say that I cared but I honestly didn't. With her not speaking to me, there was no drama.Maya was speaking to Lydia close to the pool and they were both giggling."You are staring bro." Ted's voice startled me making me spill my drink.I glanced over at him in annoyance."What the fuck, Ted?" "Sorry man, I didn't know you were holding a drink." He apologized with barely any remorse in his eyes. In fact, there was a glint of mischief in them and I knew he was about to say something outrageous.I rolled my eyes at him and placed my drink on the table and checked my outfit for any stains."It didn't spill on your shirt, dude, relax" Ted remarked with a chuckle."No thanks to you." I glared.Ted laughed it off in the usual Ted fashion."So, what really is the plan?"Ted asked, coming to sit beside me."For what exactly?" I questioned even though I knew exactly
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Chapter 49
Micah's povI sat in the cafeteria watching as Maya spoke to her friends animatedly.They all seemed to be back to normal and the motion irked me.I missed when she was all mine. We didn't have any lectures together today, so I didn't have any excuse to go up to her and frankly, I didn't want to. My feelings towards and for her were still very confusing She'd texted me last night but I hadn't responded for fear of… I wasn't sure what I was afraid of and I didn't want to think about it more than I already had."You realize you are making groggily eyes at her, don't you?" Ted chuckled beside me.Fuck! I cursed internally.I hadn't realized that I had been staring so long."At who?" I glanced at him, pretending not to know what he was talking about."Red, you've been staring at her like a love struck puppy for the past five minutes.""That's not true." I rolled my eyes, trying to look as calm as possible."Sure buddy," Ted patted me on the back.He rose from his seat and finished his ca
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Chapter 50
Micah's POV "Nice haircut Luke." Maya smiled at the blonde dumbass."You like it?" Luke giggled like a schoolgirl.Luke seemed to be the only one that Maya could tolerate among my friends. She spoke to all of them politely but she was especially nice to Luke and sometimes Ted. I found it cute that she was giving them a chance to prove themselves even though she wasn't a fan."Yeah, I love it. Makes you look more mature. I'm sure other girls have mentioned how good it looks." Maya replied with a cheeky smile."Well, the only girl's opinion that matters is standing right in front of me."Luke teased, wiggling his eyebrows at her.Maya rolled her eyes at him but chuckled good-naturedly at his awkward attempt to flirt.She was so mesmerizing, it was scary how willing I was to stare at her for days without break."You are starting again," Justin whispered in my ears."Fuck off," I gritted, making sure Maya didn't hear me."Remember the best lover boy," he chuckled before walking off with
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