All Chapters of The Alpha Billionaire Mistress and his Secret Baby : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
44 Chapters
Alexander and Melissa's Plan
After a long chase, Alexander didn't succeed in catching the shape-shifter who attacked Amelia. He came to the spot where the incident had happened, and saw Amelia, lying helplessly and unconsciously on the floor. He carried her up and took her to his house. At about 11 pm in the night. Amelia was not back home. Maxmillian began calling her phone, but there was no response since she was still unconscious.Maxmillian Knight became worried sick. He was restless, he had no idea where she would be or where she would go to. He knew she had no friends. He sent a few of his guards whom he had recently employed to go in search of his wife. Maxmillian began pacing from one corner of his compound to another. Hoping that Amelia would just pop out of nowhere. He understood they had a misunderstanding before she left, every word she said to him kept ringing out loud in his head. He saw the guards he had sent to search for her approaching him without Amelia. "Where is she? Where is my wife?" Max
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"The Alpha." Melissa cried out, startled that she was before the Alpha. "Leave us, Melissa," Alexander commanded.Melissa couldn't get her eyes off Maxmillian. Her jaw dropped. She saw a lot of Alexander in Maxmillian. Their voices were alike. Their body posture was the same. "I said LEAVE!!!" Alexander roared, sending shivers down Melissa's spine. She ran out of the room immediately. "What are you doing with my wife?" Maxmillian asked."Me?" Alexander smirked. "No, no, no, I didn't do anything. I haven't done anything yet actually, I have just been staring at her beautiful skin from afar." Alexander said. "I must compliment you, Maxmillian knight, you are doing a great job taking care of our woman." "Our?!!! Have you gone nut, Alexander? She is my wife, my woman, my Luna, Mine alone. I won't share with you or anyone, it's high time that got stuck into your head," Maxmillian said angrily."Your woman? You can't even protect her," Alexander said."What? I'm guessing it's the secon
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Aleah is back
The night was long. Maxmillian had retired to bed with Amelia, but he found it hard to sleep. He cuddled Amelia sweetly, wrapping her around his arm, so she could feel warm. "Why haven't you slept?" Amelia quietly."I can't sleep" Maxmillian replied."Why is that? What is troubling you?" Amelia questioned again, turning to face Maxmillian."I just feel weird about all of these things going on. I can't even take care of my son properly because it's not safe. Every day, I go to see him, watching him from afar. But he dont see me. I wish I could have two of you in here without worrying about anything," Maxmillian said."I am sorry about everything I said earlier this evening. I know you are trying to protect us....""But I am not doing a good job," Maxmillian cuts in. "I would die if anything happen to you, Amelia. Yes, you know I love you, but you have no idea how much I love you. I can't lose you, I want us to grow old together for a very long time." Maxmillian said."Then let me fig
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Aleah's Warning
Aleah went upstairs to check on Amelia, who had been wide awake hearing everything Aleah told her husband.Aleah knocked on the bedroom door of Maxmillian's room, thinking Amelia wasn't awake."You can come in" Amelia said."Hey... Amelia? How are you doing?" Aleah asked."I'm feeling better." She said, sitting up on the bed."Maxmillian told me everything that happened between you and Alexander yesterday. Are you sure you are alright? Did Alexander say anything to you? Anything weird, did he hurt you?" Aleah asked curiously. "No, he didn't," Amelia replied."Did you get to see this werewolf in question?" Aleah questioned her. "I can find her.""It was fully shifted, Aleah, I couldn't see the face. It was really dark." Amelia answered. "I wish I had been there. It wouldn't have seen the light of the day" Aleah grudged.Amelia kept staring Aleah. Feeling excited inside of her. "I'm so glad you are back," Amelia said."Me too. But I won't be staying for long, I have got work to do,"
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Werewolf Bane
Alexander picked up his phone to call his mother, and to tell her about the latest update. "What did you say?" Grace asked, sounding so shocked. "A book about shape-shifters? I have never heard of it." She said."Me neither. I never thought there would be such a book," Alexander replied."You need to get your hands on that book, and you need to do it fast Alex. If that book truly exists, then all of us are doomed." Grace suggested. "How did they come across that book in the first place? If Maxmillian had such a book, we would have known. Don't you think?" Grace said."I was told that Maxmillian's sister came around," Alexander added."Who?" Grace questioned curiously."Her name is Aleah.""Aleah? I have never heard of such name before," Grace said."Well, according to my source, he said she happens to be Maxmillian's elder sister. I think she was the one who killed Isla. She might be a dangerous mom," Alexander said."This is getting serious. Do you want me to come over? I can send m
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Alexander's Dilemma
After Aleah had instructed Maxmillian, she left. A few hours later, Maxmillian took the bane and went to meet Alexander.Alexander was restless, panicking in his room. Melissa was there with him, cuddling and patting his back, trying to make him calm down, and put him to rest. They had just finished making out. "Can you please leave?" Alexander said to Melissa."No." Melissa replied confidently, walking back to sit on the bed. " I am going nowhere." She replied, crossing her legs and relaxing comfortably. Maxmillian stared at her angrily."I heard your mother is sending you more guards tonight. I am certain she will send a lot of she-wolfs too," Melissa said."And so?" Alexander asked, turning back to Melissa.Melissa stood up from the bed, she walked seductively to where Alexander stood, loosened his robes and began touching his body. "I won't let anyone of them come close to you Alexander." She whispered softly in Alexander's ear.Alexander shoved her hands off him and tied his ro
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Alexander's Rage
That same night, immediately Maxmillian left, Alexander threw a thunderous rage. He had never felt so insecure before. The anger he let out was furious, that no one, not even Melissa, who was still with him, was able to control him.Out of fear, Melissa ran out of Alexander's room, but became even more scared as she saw dead soldiers everywhere outside the room.Alexander picked up his phone and called Grace. He narrated everything that happened to her. Grace became more angry."How could you let this happen?" Grace yelled through the phone."I'm sorry mum. I never for once thought that Maxmillian knight would have the guts to do this. He is an Alpha, why would he kill his own kind?" Alexander cried out."He's kind that are not in support of him, he will definitely kill those who are against him." Grace responded. "This is not good son, I am really disappointed in you? How do you expect us to start all over again? You know how many years it cost us to build and train those shape-shift
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Ever since Maxmillian left Alexander's house he has not had rest or peace of mind. He feels he had just started a war with his son. The next morning, Maxmillian refused to go to work. Given the excuse of trying to finish the book, Aleah had asked him to study. He was on the bed, still in his robe with the book of Shape-shifters in his hands. "And that is supposed to be an excuse?" Amelia asked, staring at him as she slowly prepared for work."Don't you think you should stay at home for some time? We have managers, they can handle our company. I had just declared war with Alexander. It is not going to sit well for him. They may be up to something mischievous as we speak." Maxmillian concluded."I am not spending one more day in this house with you, without going to work. I don't want to believe you are scared of your son," Amelia said."I am not." Maxmillian replied, "as you can see, I am still trying to control my wolf...""From one excuse to another, from declaring war to starting
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The Kidnap
As soon as Jeremy left Maxmillian's room, he knew going back to Alexander was a death sentence, but then again, he had no choice. As soon as he got to Alexander's house, he began shivering, so much so that even Alexander could sense the uneasiness coming from him."Where is the book I asked you to get for me?" Alexander asked. His voice was cold, echoing through the living room, sending more shivers down Jeremy's spine. "I'm sorry, sir. Please forgive me," Jeremy fell to his knees, sobbing for mercy. "I was able to lay my hands on the book, but Mr. Maxmillian scared me away. He claimed to be the Alpha...""I am your Alpha!!!" Alexander roared loudly. "What a waste," he said. "I made you a shape-shifter, just like me. You should be able to fight back. You were to fight him for that book, even if it were to be your last breath, and you went and chickened out? How embarrassing. Do you realize that whatever is in the book can end all our lives, including yours, in the space of seconds? I
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Ruined Dinner Date
At approximately 7:30 p.m. that evening, Maximilian Knight and Amelia were on a dinner date at one of the most expensive restaurants in the city. They booked a VIP room to enjoy some quiet time alone, as it had been a while."Do you like it here?" Maximilian asked softly."Yeah, it's a new restaurant, isn't it?" Amelia replied, unable to meet Maximilian's gaze due to her shyness.The expression on Maximilian's face radiated joy as he admired Amelia's beauty and continuously complimented her."You are so beautiful," Maximilian said."Thank you," Amelia replied uncomfortably.Their date was going well as the couple reminisced and laughed about old times, sharing stories of how they fell in love with each other.Suddenly, Maximilian's phone rang. It was an unknown number. He picked up the call. "Hello, who is this?""Your son has been kidnapped, sir," Jeremy cried out from the other end of the phone."What?" Maximilian jumped out of his chair, looking furious."What is it?" Amelia asked,
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