All Chapters of The Alpha Billionaire Mistress and his Secret Baby : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
44 Chapters
The Rise of Luna Amelia
"And who invited you here?" Amelia questioned. Her voice was condescending, rudely filling the atmosphere. "Get out." She commanded."This house doesn't belong to you, Amelia. You should be the one living, not me." Grace added. "Oh! Really?" Amelia exclaimed. Walking towards Grace's direction. Maxmillian tried to pull her back, but she pushed him away. "I think we are equal now, aren't we? The only difference is that I'm better than you." Amelia smirked. "Oh, I see what is going on here. I'm guessing Alexander must have told you about Maxmillian and I are getting married....""It hasn't been sealed. You can't be like us," Grace interrupted."And why can't she?" Maxmillian intruded.Grace fell mute. She had no response to give Maxmillian. She began shivering, seeing how Maxmillian and Amelia were against her. "You probably thought that I would leave Maxmillian once I get to find out that he's a monster, right?" Amelia mocked, "I'm so sorry to disappoint you, Grace Monroe, but I lov
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Jason Knight
"What did you just say?" Maxmillian asked. His face was twisted in anger. His breath was so loud that even Maxmillian could hear."Can we go inside and talk?" Amelia pleaded. "There are people here.""You didn't realize that when you chose to bring up the discussion right here?" Maxmillian yelled."Don't yell at me Maxmillian knight, Amelia warned. "It's not as if I enjoyed what I did. I only thought about the safety of my child," Amelia said."Our child, Amelia" Maxmillian responded rudely. "I am not mad at you for being concerned. I'm angry because you didn't tell me you were pregnant, Amelia. You lied to me. You kept it a secret from me? How could you?" Maxmillian asked."I am sorry Max. But like I said, everything is not just about you. I was thinking about my child. I was protecting him from Grace and Alexander. Something kept pushing me to leave here.....""Nothing happened while you were away, Amelia. For the whole year you left, I haven't set my eyes on them up until this mome
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Army of Shape - Shifters
It's been more than four years since Maxmillian and Amelia heard a word from Grace Monroe and her son Alexander, ever since they left Maxmillian's, house angrily. They had left the house Maxmillian gave to them, and sent him back the documents and papers of his property via a mail carrier.Although Maxmillian had the hunch that they would be back, he never thought it would be in the most dangerous of ways."How many have you gotten so far?" Grace asked her son Alexander. Coming out of a dark empty room, where just one bed was kept. They went back to the house where they stayed before they went in search of Maxmillian. The house was not as huge as that of Maxmillian, but it was enough for both of them to plan thier evil deeds. Alexander was in the city room, sitting on a soft sofa, crossing his legs, as he sipped wine into his mouth. He watched his mother coming out of the room with her robe untied, looking almost naked. "Two hundred so far." Maxmillian answered. "What about you?"
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Meanwhile, Maxmillian and Amelia have taken Jason back to another orphanage home where they feel he will be safe, which is very far away from them. They were scared that something else might come after him."I see why you have hidden him all these years." Maxmillian knight said the night after they had seen the werewolf in their house. "I thought you said you were the last werewolf to exist." Amelia asked." I am. That one you killed happens to be the hand work of Grace and Alexander." Maxmillian answered."What are you talking about?" Amelia asked. Hoping it shouldn't be what she was thinking."I think Grace and Alexander are creating an army of Shape-shifters." Maxmillian answered." The shape-shifter you killed happened to be one of them." He added."What?" Amelia screamed. "Shh. Everyone will hear you. It's midnight babe" Maxmillian warned. "Are you insane? There is no one left in this compound apart from both of us, that things killed each and every maid and guard we had." Ame
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The History of Shape - Shifters
Maxmillian and Amelia invited Aleah into the house. Even though they didn't believe her when she claimed to be Maxmillian's elder sister. They offered her water to drink and food to eat. While she sat on the couch waiting for the couple to come and join her. Maxmillian and Amelia began whispering to themselves, standing a bit far from her while they watched her stuff food in her mouth hungrily."Does she have to sit on my couch? Her clothes are dirty, she will stain my cushion." Maxmillian lamented "Why didn't you give this to her at the dining table?""Cushion? Is that all you can think of right now? She is your sister...""We are not even sure of that. How can you believe that so quickly? Did you believe her when she said you were a half-breed?" Maxmillian whispered."Well....""You both realize I can hear you, right? Werewolves can hear from afar. And besides, you both are just three feet away from me." Aleah intruded.Maxmillian and Amelia felt embarrassed. They stared at her for
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Another Attack
After Aleah had explained to them everything they needed to know. They gave her a room where she could stay. Maxmillian and Amelia couldn't go to work anymore since it was already late. Maxmillian had asked Amelia to take his sister to a clothing store, so she could get good clothes for herself. Since she was the only family Maxmillian had left, he decided to treat her well. Meanwhile, Grace and Alexander were busy planning how to attack Maxmillian again. They sent their best female army, by the name of Isla, to go and finish the job Evans couldn't. "Do you think Isla will come back?" Alexander asked his mother. "I can't say," Grace answered. "What's the need of sending her then? We will end up losing soldiers at this rate," Alexander said."Then we will make more" Grace yelled. "By the way, we need someone to replace Evans.""I think I have an idea. How about we tell the soldiers we have already, to go out and bring in more soldiers. As many as they like. We don't have to do thi
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Isla Death
Aleah had left Maximillian's house that very day and had not returned. He became extremely worried about her, pacing from one corner of his sitting room to another."What are you worried about?" Amelia went on, interrupting Maxmillian's thoughts."Aleah is not back," Maxmillian replied."it's midnight already, it's not safe out there, especially not for her.""She will be fine. She told you she would be back, right? Then trust her, give her the benefit of the doubt," Amelia said."What if something bad happens to her? She is all we have to win this war against Grace. We can't afford to lose," Maxmillian said."Have you tried calling her?" Amelia asked."You are forgetting she doesn't have a phone," Maximilian answered."She has been in the woods for a very long time. I'm very sure she knows her way around. You don't need to be scared Maxmillian" Amelia said, trying to make Maxmillian feel comfortable. "You might be the alpha, but Leah is way stronger than you," Amelia whispered.Maxmil
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Alexander Returns
It had been two days since Aleah left Maxmillian's house. All processes to reach her proved abortive. Maxmillian and Amelia moved on with their daily life. The injury Isla incurred on Amelia had completely healed. For some reason, they were expecting another shape-shifter which Grace was going to send to show up again, but unfortunately, none of them did."What do you think she will be up to this time around?" Amelia questioned Maxmillian while they were back for breakfast."No idea. But Grace is definitely up to something, I can sense it." Maxmillian replied."She should give up already. I am so fed up", Amelia said."She isn't one to give up easily. If she is, she would have forgotten about me a long time ago. Whatever she is planning, is not good at all." Maxmillian added.Just while Maxmillian and Amelia were having their discussion, Maxmillian's phone rang. "Hello?" He said, answering his call."Good morning sir." The person on the other side of the phone greeted me. His name is
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Alexander Returns 2
"You signed all your life work under your wife's name?" Alexander questioned rhetorically.Maxmillian smirked. "I'm glad you are now begining to see her as my wife," he said."Alexander Monroe," Amelia called out, walking directly to him where he sat. Shivers ran down his spine just by seeing Amelia alone. He couldn't control his heart race, he became numb instantly. "Your heart is beating faster than usual now," Amelia told him. "For someone whom you claim you love, you know how to make her feel pain," Amelia told her."What...what are you talking about?" Maxmillian stammered."On two occasions you have sent two different shape-shifters to come hunt us. The last girl did a clean job leaving injuries on my body. I hope she rot in hell." Amelia said."That was the handwork of my mum." Alexander lied. "Although she didn't send the girl to attack you.""Oh, which means you are aware," Amelia said."I would never hurt you intentionally, Amelia. I wouldn't do that. You know how I feel a
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Couple's Fall out
"Have you started reading the book Aleah gave you?" Amelia asked Maxmillian as they got back home, hours after saving the company from Alexander."No. Not yet." Maxmillian replied.It was already dusk. Their ride back home was calm and quiet. For some reason, Amelia was so angry with her husband that she couldn't even look at him.As soon as they got home, she flung her purse on the couch. Staring at Maxmillian aggressively."How did you know Alexander was around?" Maxmillian asked."So we now keep secrets from each other?" Amelia asked back."Secrets? What are you talking about?" Maxmillian asked, looking confused."Before you left, you had no intention of telling me what was wrong. If I had not trailed you, I wouldn't have found out about Alexander's return." Amelia added."I had no idea he was back either. I wanted to keep you safe...""You have been trying to keep me safe since we got married. How has that worked out for you? If not for your sister, I would have died the other day
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