All Chapters of The Alpha Billionaire Mistress and his Secret Baby : Chapter 41 - Chapter 44
44 Chapters
Baits upon baits
Maximilian Knight walked fearlessly into the room where Alexander was. He saw Amelia tied to a chair and immediately lost it."Have you gone nuts? How dare you, Alexander? Untie her this minute," Maximilian commanded in a very angry tone."Of course, I will do that. But not until I get what I want," Alexander stated.Maximilian looked around but could not find Jason."Where is my son? Where is Jason? Bring him out immediately," he roared loudly, almost losing it, and shifting."Oh, shut it, old man. Stop ranting," Alexander rebuked. "You came to my house and killed all of my soldiers. What were you thinking? That I was going to let it slide? I am not a weakling like you, Mr. Maximilian Knight.""Take whatever you want. You can take me instead. Just let my wife and son go. Keep them out of this. They have done absolutely nothing wrong to you," Maximilian said. "If you hurt them or lay one finger on them, I might just end up losing it on you," Maximilian warned, moving closer to Alexand
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The secret baby
That same night, Maxmillian Knight walked home feeling disappointed in himself. He was unable to get back his wife and son. He couldn't just hand over the shape-shifter's book to Alexander. He would use it to destroy their entire existence. He also couldn’t think of how he would tell Aleah to surrender herself to Grace and Alexander in exchange for another, nor did he know where Aleah was.Maxmillian Knight looked devastatingly worried. He paced every single part of his bedroom, pondering a way out. But every one of his thoughts was to no avail. He began imagining things, like what Alexander would do to Amelia."What if he tries to talk her out of the love she has for me?" he soliloquized. He couldn't bear the thought of anything harming his family, so he picked up a jacket and went in search of Amelia in the woods.At about 1:00 a.m., Maxmillian Knight was still in the woods searching for his sister. He probably needed her advice on what to do to get his family back. When it seemed l
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The Betrayal 1
The facial expression Alexander let out made Amelia scared. She became worried sick, wondering how Alexander found out, even when her husband hadn't."How did you know?" Amelia asked curiously."Is that supposed to be a question?" Alexander asked again."Why not? I haven't told anyone, not even my husband, so how the hell did you find out?" Amelia answered rhetorically."I told him." Grace walked in, interrupting their conversation. "You think I wouldn't know? I am a woman, remember? I see signs."Amelia became angrier just at the sight of Grace. She had always hated Grace since the very moment Grace walked into their house to take Maxmillian from her."Stay away from me. I wasn't talking to you," Amelia replied rudely."You still got nerves. Don't forget you are our hostage. I see Alexander is beginning to make you feel you are worth it. But need I remind you that you are worth nothing.""Does my presence here make you feel burdened? Then let me go!" Amelia yelled."Don't yell at my
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The Betrayal 2
Amelia's eyes shimmered as she told Alexander her decision. Alexander and Grace happened to be the only enemies Maxmillian had. Even though they were family, he hated the fact that they were always against him."You made a good choice, Amelia," Alexander said. "I will tell my armies to come back home, and I will tell Maxmillian you asked to see him...""No! I can't just tell him that right away. Give me some time, please," Amelia pleaded."Sure. You can have all the time you need. Tell me whenever you are ready to see him. I will send for him myself, okay?" Alexander said.He pecked Amelia on her cheek and left the room again. Amelia let out a loud cry, wondering how she got herself into such a mess. "Maybe if I had listened to Maxmillian that night, I wouldn't have been in such a mess," Amelia thought.Every day that passed, Maxmillian came to check on Amelia. He hadn't gotten Aleah, which was the bait Grace needed in exchange for Amelia. Whenever he came, Amelia rejected him, saying
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