All Chapters of Captivated by Mr. Billionaire: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
92 Chapters
Chapter 70
Each shakey breath... Every tightening of his arms around my neck... To every last whimper... It tore my heart to see my boy in such a state. Although he had ever told me what his life was like before I met him, I had figured that he most likely didn't have a very good history with his biological family. But I never thought that it would be this bad. How could a mother ever treat their own flesh and blood like that? Pushing him around so roughly... Crushing his confidence so into rubble with such malicious words... Instilling such fear into his little body that he couldn't even move in her presence...I remembered how his clothes were in tatters and how gaunt his face looked when I had first caught him rummaging through my house. His skin was so pale and sunken in that he looked as if he could have collapsed at any moment. Based on the state of his condition, he must've spent at least a few months living on the streets by himself before I found him, meaning that he was probably onl
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Chapter 71
I pursued my lips as I finished recounting the night to Achilles. Everything from when I first found Liam talking to his older brother before his biological mother stepped in to how we were hiding out on a private balcony on the upper floor to calm down. Achilles had asked me about what had happened the moment he finished tucking Liam in after we came back from the reception. At first, I didn't want to ruin the mood by telling him, but I knew that I would never be able to hide anything from him, nor did I want to. He had shown me over and over how much he cared for both Liam and me. There was no reason to hide such a thing from him. But at the same time, I didn't know what to say when Achilles fell completely silent at the end of my confession. He was just standing in front of me, completely lost in thought and unmoving. Was he upset that I didn't say anything earlier? Or was it something else? We were still in our wedding tuxedo and dress from the ceremony, standing in the middl
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Chapter 72
I blinked sleepily as rays of sunshine beamed through the gaps in the curtain.A heavy arm was draped over my bare waist as pair of soft lips slowly traveled down my back, pressing tender kisses between my shoulder blades and down along my spine. It was as if he stamping me with whispers of his love with one soft kiss at a time...I shivered as the tips of his hair brushed against my skin, acutely aware of just how naked we were under the sheets. A husky voice greeted, "Good morning, Jane." "Good morning, Achi," I replied warmly as his arm tightened around my waist, pulling me even closer to him until my back was pressed completely flush to bare chest. He hummed softly in contentment as he buried his face into my messy hair. Taking in a deep breath, he asked softly, "Did you sleep well?" I nodded as I interlaced my fingers with the warm hand splayed across my stomach. "Just a little sore on my lower back and between my legs..." He chuckled softly as he pressed a few more lingerin
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Chapter 73
I looked out the window in awe as the plane started to descend below the clouds. As it flew toward the center of the city, rows and rows of bright lights illuminated the tall buildings as snow floated beautifully down from the sky. The classic architecture with red-brick roofs and white walls. I squealed when I caught sight of a red flag with a single white cross in the center and exclaimed excitedly, "We're in Switzerland!" Achilles had insisted on keeping our honeymoon destination a secret from me. All he did was usher me onto his private jet and assure me that I would like it. Even Liam knew about it before me, so I had spent the entire plane ride feeling incredibly restless by myself. But now that we were here, I couldn't help feeling blown away by his surprise. He squeezed my hand softly, drawing my attention back to him, and asked, "Do you like it?" I nodded eagerly. "How did you know? I've always wanted to come here!" He chuckled softly and shared a knowing glance with ou
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Chapter 74
I glanced out the window, noting the relatively dim lighting reflecting off the morning snow. It must've still been quite early in the morning, considering how soundly Jane was still sleeping in the crook of my arm. I carefully leaned over her to grab my phone. The screen lit up with a single flick, revealing all the notifications I had received from my family, company, and security team. From my family, it was mostly just a bunch of jumbled-up messages from my mother with more typos than I could count, asking about how the trip was going. I quickly typed out a few short responses telling her about how well the last few days went, including a couple of pictures from our visit to the main village on the first day and pictures of Liam going down his first ski slope from yesterday. Closing my family's chat, I moved on to my overflowing inbox and skimmed over a couple of the emails. Deeming it to be mostly useless stuff, I opted to skip to Joseph's text messages instead. It seemed like
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Chapter 75
"Did you have fun, Liam?"I passed off our skis to one of my guards as I kneeled down to help him unclasp his helmet. With how cold it was in Gstaad at peak season, Jane had made sure that he was well bundled up for the weather, leaving not even a single inkling of frozen toes. The only problem was that he had practically been turned into a marshmallow with by the time she was done dressing him, making it quite difficult for him to handle any item with his thick mittens. As the hard cap popped off of his little head, a bright smile beamed up at me as he cheerily replied, "I did! Did you see how fast I went on the last run?" I chuckled softly as I helped him out of his ski boots, remembering how he barely turned and basically barreled his way down the mountain. "I did see. You are quite the daredevil, aren't you?" "Yup!" He twirled around in the snow freely now that he was back into his normal boots. Jumping into my arms all of a sudden, he excitedly exclaimed, "I can't wait to show
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Chapter 76
I gazed out of the kitchen window fondly as I dried the last few plates. My two little angels were playing with the snow in the backyard, building a giant but definitely lopsided snowman. I watched as they animatedly chatted with each other, two pairs of bright violet eyes sparkling like the morning dew as they happily patted away at the last snowball to be added to the top of the snowman. The ball was so big that it was nearly as large as Liam's crouching figure. Even my guards looked a bit unsure of themselves as they watched their madam wobble from side to side with a giant ball of snow in her arms. Ever since the day Liam shoved that little boy off of his mom, he had insisted on staying with Jane for the rest of the trip, not that I minded in the slightest. He followed Jane around everywhere and wanted to help her with everything. It was actually quite adorable to watch him follow his mom around like a little duckling. Unlike when he was with strangers, Liam always turned into
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Chapter 77
Ever since we came back from our honeymoon trip, I had barely been able to spend any time at home. I had been buried under so many piles of paperwork and never-ending lines of meetings for these last couple of days that I found myself spending less than 6 hours at home these days. In addition to the current quarter closing within a week, a bizarre amount of issues suddenly came up in the outer families. Their companies had all sorts of problems ranging from missing papers involving my company to incorrectly filed numbers that caused the stocks to bounce up and down even though they were sure that they had personally input it correctly. It was unlike me not to be able to finish my work, but I found myself leaving early for work at 5 AM in the morning to carve out time to fix confidential paperwork that only I could handle. But my meetings would stretch so late, trying to sort out all the mishaps, that I wouldn't be able to reach home until midnight. Jane had tried to convince me to
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Chapter 78
By the time I got onto the road, Benedict had called me, telling me that the paramedics had already gotten to Jane and rushed her to the nearest hospital in midtown. I immediately swerved mid-road at the news, making a giant u-turn toward the address that he had sent me. My mind was all over the place by the time I arrived at the hospital. All I could focus on was my need to see Jane with my own two eyes. I haphazardly parked the car in the drop-off zone. I had rushed into the emergency room in such a flurry that I frightened several nurses as I made a beeline to the front counter. I frantically spurted out to the receptionist, "My wife! She was admitted here a few minutes ago! Where is she?!" Her eyes grew wide at the sight of my panicked figure. I must've looked like a crazed beast, but she managed to regain her bearings relatively quickly and replied in a soothing tone, "Sir, everything is going to be alright. I need you to calm down first so we can locate your wife together."
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Chapter 79
It's so dark... Everything hurts... My head is pounding...My body feels so heavy...What happened...All I remember was Liam desperately calling out to me, trying to keep my awake... How tears streamed down his face... Begging me to stay with him... His heartbreaking scream was the last thing I heard before I passed out. Was I dead now?No... I can't be... Liam still needed me... I can't leave him all by himself again...A blinding light appeared as I forcefully cracked my eyes open. My vision was blurry, but there was the faint sound of a familiar, rhythmic, soft beeping to my side. I was in a hospital...Blinking a few times, the heart rate monitor eventually came into focus, displaying a clear red line spiking repetitively every so often. My eyes drifted across the room, scanning over the fluttering pale curtains and sofas only the side of the wall only to find no sign of my little boy. Where was he? He was brought to the hospital with me, right? How long was I out for?Ch
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