All Chapters of Captivated by Mr. Billionaire: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
92 Chapters
Chapter 80
A tall and hard appearance but he still handled me with an unexpected level of consideration and gentleness. An intimidating silent front but soft spoken in the rare moments that he did speak. A rather expressionless face and yet his eyes still somehow able to carry such raw emotions. Everything about this man seemed like a contradiction. After the doctor had concluded that I had temporarily lost about a year's worth of memories from my concussion, she suggested that I stay overnight for monitoring and told me to refrain from exerting too much energy. With these instructions, Rafael spent the rest of the day fretting over my every need. Asking me if I was hungry, if I wanted some water, whether I was in pain anywhere, and a whole list more. Even though he was already hovering over my every move, I could tell that he trying really hard to hold himself back to avoid frightening me. Every time he reflexively reached out to me in fear of me hurting myself... Every time he accidenta
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Chapter 81
It was easier said than done. For the last week, I had been trying to make amends with my supposed husband. He had asked me to take some time off from work to rest up and said that he would work from home too, but I had barely even been able to see him at all this entire time. It wasn't that he was neglecting me for anything. If anything, he was much more of a doting husband than I expected. Although I rarely came face-to-face with him, he managed to guess all my needs before I said anything and somehow finish all the tasks for me before I even needed them. He would prepare breakfast, handle the laundry, and clean the house to a nearly spotless state before I even woke up every day. All of my favorites would be left piping hot on the kitchen counter as if he knew exactly when I would come downstairs, but he was never present as I ate breakfast with Liam. Not even a single glimpse of his towering figure. Just like breakfast, all the other meals would also be prepared before I cou
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Chapter 82
Ever since the first time he came home late at night, Rafael has been going out more often. He never stayed out at late as the first time, but he would still be gone most of the afternoon and be quite secretive about where he had gone, acutely avoiding any of my questions about his day. Although I didn't want to think poorly of him, I still couldn't help wondering what he had been doing that would result in him coming home in a different shirt every time. I had been trying to open up to him more. Visiting him at his at-home office in the mornings. Gifting him little baked goods that I had made the day before. Asking about how he had been doing. Inviting him to have dinner with us. He seemed to be getting more relaxed around me.But, every once in a while, our fingers would accidentally brush up against each other whenever we passed something to another. I would be unable to stop myself from flinching in response, and Rafael's expression would fall drastically before quietly excusin
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Chapter 83
"Achi, you know that I'm not going anywhere, right?" He nodded his head in acknowledgment but made no move to release me from his grasp. "You've been holding me since you came back last night... Are you sure you don't want to do something else?" He gave a soft shake of his head as he silently buried his face even further against my stomach. I sighed and set my book aside. He really wasn't budging in the slightest. I leaned back against the headboard of our shared bed and laced my fingers through his hair, gently taking my fingertips against his scalp. I tried to reassure him, "You know that I won't disappear if you let me go, right?" He pressed his lips into a thin line. Eyebrows furrowed in silent discontentment. Sighing again, I decided to continue stroking his head comfortingly in hopes of easing his nerves. Just like the night before, he ended up spending the entire morning lying in bed with his head nuzzled deeply in my abdomen, only lifting his head briefly to call his g
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Chapter 84
"Are you going to head back to the madam now, sir?"I handed my bloodied shirt to Watson and graciously accepted the clean towel from him. I nodded quietly in response as I carefully wiped the rest of the blood off of my body, making sure not the miss any of the specks littered around my collar or splatters dripping from my hands. I didn't want to freak Jane out by coming home covered in blood. She had no clue about the dark side of my world. She only knew of my clean image as the infamous head of the long-standing and powerful Cordova Industries, but there was no company in the world that could have stayed this strong for so many generations without any bloodshed. I had enemies lurking in every shadow of my life. I was greedy and brought her into my life even though I knew it would be dangerous. And she had gotten hurt because of me. It was something that I would never be able to forgive myself for, but I was much too selfish to let her go. I had already gotten a taste of how
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Chapter 85
My eyes widened in surprise at her outburst. A picture of me kissing another woman?Since when did I kiss someone else...Tears fell from the corner of Jane's eyes as she looked at me brokenly. She whispered lifelessly, "I saw the picture of you kissing Cassy... I knew she had feelings for you and never wanted to tell you for fear that you might someday realize she was better than me... But it seems like you finally realized it all by yourself..."Cassy?When did I...Oh god... That time she came into my office on the day of..."I knew that I should've expected it... She had devoted her entire life to you... There was no way someone as kind as Achilles could ever overlook such devotion... It's selfish of me to say this, but I was hoping you would overlook her efforts... That's why I never said anything..." She roughly yanked her hand out of my grasp and pulled her hands closed to her chest. Lowering her eyes, she muttered, "I knew that I was the outsider, but I couldn't bring myself
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Chapter 86
After I had spent the rest of the evening with my family, thoroughly reminding my wife how much I loved her, I decided to take the next day off to explain to her what I had been doing these last couple of weeks. I had originally wanted to keep it hidden from her in fear of stressing her out more than necessary, but it seemed that my secretive nature only caused more harm than good. I told her I had been working with my father and brother to find the people who were targeting her. Explaining how we had found the woman who pushed her down the stairs the first time I ran out of the house in the rush. How we had been trying to get more information out of her ever since to find the other people supporting her from behind. To quell her worries, I had to tell her about the dark side of our family that I had tried so hard to hide. Although I didn't go into detail about it, I had to explain how we couldn't do everything to the book due to the number of enemies that came with holding one of t
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Chapter 87
I knocked on the doorframe, signaling my entrance as I walked into the main office of our private warehouse. It was pitch dark with not a single light on in the room. Only the bright glow of several monitors kept the room litReegan looked up from his computer with his usual sunken eye bags and tiredly asked, "Did you bring the goods?" I rolled my eyes at his poor attempt at a joke and placed the bag of his favorite take-out meal on the desk next to him. A large grin spread across his face as he eagerly tore into the bag, fishing out his usual order of extra spicy ramen with a cup of quadruple-shot espresso coffee. I leaned over his head, taking no mind of his messy habits as I glanced at his work. There was a jumble of numbers spread across the screen, with one of the panels seemingly tracking an IP address bouncing between several towers across the globe. I hummed softly in thought for a moment before noting, "I'm guessing you're having trouble pinning down the owner of the phon
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Chapter 88
"Achi?" "Yes, love?" "Um... W-Would it be alright if I went o-out today?" I paused mid-twirl, making her loose strand of hair slip out from between my fingers. With my head still propped up against my arm as I laid next to my little wife on the bed, I glanced down at her, noting her fiddling fingers. Looking up at me hopefully, Jane continued, "I-It's just I haven't left the estate for several weeks a-already a-and your mother invited Liam and me on an o-outing for today s-so I thought it would be nice to do something d-different for once..."I pursued, hesitating on agreeing outright. The people who wanted to kill her were still out there, and I didn't want to risk the possibility of losing her so soon after getting her back. Noting my hesitation, her face immediately fell. "I-I g-guess it's still too much to ask for right now... I-It's probably still too d-dangerous, and I know that you're still working very hard to find the people w-who tried to hurt me... I'll just tell them
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Chapter 89
"Danary, are you ready to go?" I perked up in recognition of Haraya's voice and the familiar clamoring of the visitors entering through the front door. It must've been why Achilles darted out the backdoor in such a hurry. He truly was such an antisocial man when it came to anyone besides Liam or myself, but it was still something I found quite adorable in my giant of a husband. I helped Liam down from the island top and walked out in hand with him to greet our visitors. Even though it was still only morning, Mrs. Cordova was already spiritedly chatting away with her friend, pointing out all the details and ornaments along the walls as Ms. Mellisa stared at the interior of our house in awe. I guess it was the first time Ms. Mellisa had visited our home due to Achilles's overprotectiveness, but I figured that Ms. Mellisa was a safe person. She had apparently been friends with the Mrs. Cordova for decades, even before Mrs. Cordova married Achilles's father, and generally acted as a g
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