All Chapters of Obsession- A Tale Of Betray And Romance: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
51 Chapters
21. Confession Is It?
Chris’s POVI came back to the office totally shattered. What will I say to her now? I said her to trust me to give me a chance but I am not the one to trust, fuck my life. I collided with the table nearby while everyone looked at me."Are you alright Sir?" One of the employees asked."I am fine." saying so I left to my room ignoring her. I can't look at her, I can't!I loosened my tie as I was feeling suffocated, I turned around listening to the voice of the door. She locked it."What happened Chris, are you okay?" She asked. I didn't reply. What to say? She came near me standing in front of me while I looked down. I can't face her. She held my chin pulling it up."What happened tell me" This was the end, I hugged her tightly taking deep breaths calming myself. I can't take this anymore. I am scared I don't want to lose her, but there is no way of going back. I regret why I had a relationship with Jannie? I shouldn't have."Chris, you are scaring me. Tell me what happened?" "I am
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22. Breaking Apart.
Chris’s POVI am standing in a hospital as Jannie is inside. I was waiting for her to come out with the reports."Chris?" I turned around listening to my name to see Alana."Alana?" "What are you doing here, is she okay?" She asked. Yes, Actually she was feeling weak. What are you doing here?" "I came here with him. Dan Meet Chris and you already know him Chris" she said and I was shut."Hello brother, nice to meet you." he said, forwarding his hand while I took it as a handshake."Me too." "By the way, congratulations to you." Dan said and I smiled but my heart was beating in a rapid speed "Thanks!" "But you haven't congratulated us?" "For?" "I am also going to be a father, we are pregnant," he said. I lost my balance "This can't be the truth, this can't be!" I fallen down "Chris? Chris?" I can hear her voice, a panicked voice. I opened my eyes with a thud looking at my surroundings. It was a dream. I am still home."Chris, are you fine?" She asked. I sat up hugging her tig
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23. Playing Smart
Chris’s POV It's 7:30 and I am still staring at her, I wasn't able to sleep the whole night. She snuggled into me as she was waking up. I immediately closed my eyes. I can feel her hand on my face as she was caressing my facial features. She pecked my nose then cheeks. "I wish I could be the first girl in your life." her words shaked me to the core.I realised how wrong I have done. No doubt she is the first and last for me but still I was in a relationship with Jannie and it was wrong, totally wrong. Jannie was a way to get information about Dan but still she was in my life. She pecked my lips a few times. I opened my eyes while she gave a small smile."Good morning." "Good morning!...I wish every morning could be like this." I said, she didn't reply.She kissed me for a few seconds again looking back at me. I held her head pulling her close, kissing her hard. I changed our positions hovering over her giving open mouth kisses on her neck. The phone starts ringing without looking a
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24. Left.
Chris’s POV"I will give you divorce, don't worry." I said."How? I mean you just said you won't and now you are saying something else? Are you playing with me?" She asked."Why do you think like this? Weren't you the one to file the divorce and now you are the only one asking for it. I was never ready for this, just for your happiness I am doing this Alana, just for you." I cleared. "Don't worry I promise you I will come to the court tomorrow and you know I don't break the promises." I added."Ok then I am going home as I am not feeling good here." She said and I nodded. She left! Tomorrow is the day! We will be apart tomorrow. I never imagined this. I thought about travelling the world with her, showing the best places in the world. All my dreams will remain my dreams only. Anyway! I came back home, going directly to my room as I was really tired. "Where do you think you are going, Chris?" Mom asked, I sighed, turning back."To my room." "We were waiting for you!""Mom, I am rea
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25. Tired Of Behaviors
2 weeks laterChris’s POVIt's been 2 weeks already. I have tried a lot to contact her but her phone is switched off. I'm sure she changed her Sim, I don't know why she is doing all this. There are so many things I want to know, so many questions to be answered! I have checked every place here where she can go but no she is no where she didn't even left the country then where the fuck she faded away? It is really enough now, I am tired of all this and moreover Jannie is again and again telling me to get married. I think she is deaf she can't understand at once that I will marry her. I have become an alcoholic in these 2 weeks, mom and dad left thinking I am fine but actually I am not at all fine. I miss her! I really do. I left the office sitting in my car! "At the XYZ coffee shop." I said to the driver while he nodded. I ordered my coffee waiting for Brendon to come as he is still in search of Alana."Thank you." I said as he kept the coffee on the table."You ar
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26. Drunk
Alana’s POV"You again?" I asked, trying to maintain balance."Come with me." He took me to a corner. "What are you doing here?" He asked."Why are you asking?" I asked back."You are drunk?" "Why are you asking?" I asked again."Nandini stop irritating me." "Why?" He held my arms tightly."What are you doing here?" "I came here with my friends." "Who was that guy?" "Why do you care?" "Alana!" He was pissed off."He is also my friend, Jesur." I said."We are going back." he said, holding my hand taking me out of the club."Leave me Chris." I saw Jesur outside talking on the phone, I was going to call him But Chris held my mouth. Throwing me in the seat he sat on the driver seat starting the engine."What do you think you are doing Alana? Why did you drink?" He asked. "You shouldn't be concerned, it's my choice." "Seriously? I don't think you can handle this?" "You don't know me. I can handle it." The car suddenly stopped!"What is happening?" He asked, trying to start the e
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27. Hiding Truths.
Chris’s POV"Why... I mean... I mean what happened suddenly?" "Nothing I just want to confirm. Is there any problem?" "No, I mean why would there be any problem? You suddenly asked…" "Yeah, let's go then." "" "Yes, why?""Uhmm, Actually I need to use the restroom, can I go?" She asked and I nodded. Let her call whomever she wants, she can't do anything now.Inside the restroom Jannie washed her face multiple times as she was shivering, she took out her phone calling someone."Hello... Dan I... I am in danger. I ...Manik wants to do a DNA test. He... He wants to check if this baby is his or not.""What's the problem with this Jannie? I mean he has the right, why are you scared?" "Because...." She stopped."Because what Jannie, he is the father right?" She didn't reply, she reminded herself of the past.FlashbackHow can he do this to me? He was asking for a chance even after sleeping with her? How can he do this to me? "Jannie?" I turned around listening to the voice.“U
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28. Game Over.
Chris’s POV"Chris please please wait." She followed me holding my arm.“Jannie, leave me, your game is over." "Chris please, it was a mistake. I never wanted to cheat you, it just happened. Please listen to me and try to understand me." "Oh really Jannie? That is why you thought to use this child to play with me? You are ridiculous, I can't believe you. Jannie I know I have done wrong with you, I cheated you. I shouldn't have but now I don't regret because you are cheap, you used your fucking child to get me how can you do this?""Chris, I was scared. I need you back. I am so sorry, please." "You should go back to that guy, it will be good for you both." I said, snatching the paper from her hand. I left!I came to Alana’s apartment at 8am. She must be home at this time. I won't tell her to come back because I am tired of begging again and again. I will just show her the truth. She opened the door."Chris? What are you doing here?" I entered inside. "I told you she is lying," I sa
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29. The Truth.
Alana’s POV"I can't give you the happiness Chris, the feeling of being a father, I can't." I was crying. He didn't reply."Just this?" I looked at him. "Because of this you were leaving me?" He asked and I nodded. He made me sit on my bed while he sat with his knees on the floor holding my hands."Alana, you scared me!" He said."Chris, I am not joking, I am telling you something serious." "I know. Alana Don't I have the right to know? Why did you hide this from me?" "Because Jannie already had broken the news so I thought to leave you Chris. I don't want you to be with me after this default, I am default-" My words left incomplete as he kissed me, I didn't reply."Never say that again, Alana I love you And I want you if we can't have a baby then its fine, we can try I mean if you want we can go to the best doctors for the checkup and if not then we can adopt one, but I don't wanna lose you." he said."How can you suddenly change? You were just saying cheap things about me and now.
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30. Birthday Preparations
Alana’s POVI was shocked to see I have never seen these photos ever? From where he got them, My school pics, college pics. He entered the room."Alana, Tell me the menu? I mean what do you want to eat today?" "Whatever you want! Why are you asking?" "No, I mean your favourite dish? As your Mom and Dad are here I don't know what they would like to eat." "Uhm... Anything Like Italian food." I said."Ok I will tell Nancy." he left. After a few minutes he came back sitting in front of me.“Chris" "Yes my love?""What is this?" I asked turning the laptop, but his expressions didn't change. "These are your photos!""Chris What type of photos is this? I mean I have never seen them before. I never clicked them. I don't even know if these photos ever exist." "Alana, are you serious? I copied them from your phone only. How can you say that? Where else will I get it?" I was shocked to hear."From my phone?" "Yeah, you can check." I picked up the phone opening the gallery scrolling down a
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