All Chapters of Obsession- A Tale Of Betray And Romance: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
51 Chapters
11. Physical Classes
Alana’s POV"Say something," I said."Are you serious? Do you even know what you are saying?" He asked. "What's wrong with this Chris?" "Everything is wrong Alana, I don't understand you, what are you even thinking huh?" He asked. "Chris, you can't stop me and I am not thinking wrong. I have a right to know everything and I will find a place to learn." I said. He started moving close to me until I collided with the wall."Look, I am warning you don't boil my anger or else you will see the worst of me." he said dangerously. "Chris, you can't order me to do what you want. I have a right to do everything just because you are my fucking husband doesn't given you the right to rule my life understand?."The elevator opened and he left without saying a word. I too followed him. The journey home was silent. I went directly to my room as I was angry. I have a bad habit if I have decided something I will do it by hook or by crook no one can change my decision, No one. It's 11pm and I am hun
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12. A Love Bite.
Alana’s POVHe sat beside me putting the laptop on his lap. The lights were already off. I offered him the popcorn while he smiled while taking some. The movie was a bit mature. I didn't know about this. I shouldn't have watched this with him! This Movie is highly mature, at least for me who has never seen such movies. I cleared my throat to control my feelings. I felt his hand on waist all of a sudden. "Are you fine?" He asked and I nodded. "Fine," I said. I again started watching the movie when I felt his hand moving up until he reached my boobs. He pressed it lightly and I closed my eyes. "I think we should start the class today only." he said, putting the laptop to the side. He hovered over me pressing his hand this time hard, I was drowning in the feelings. "Alana, calm down," he said. "I am calm." I said, taking a deep breath."Tell me what things you know?" He asked me to caress my cheek."Uhm... Kiss, sex, just these." I said and he smiled."There are so many things to
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13. Sunday Being Funday.
Alana’s POV"Where are we Going Chris?" I asked as the driver was driving for the last half an hour. "You will see," he said. After almost 15 minutes we stopped at a mall."Shopping?" I asked. "Yes I thought you needed this." he said and I smiled.I was looking here and there thinking of which dress to buy. "Here, try them," he said, giving me some dresses. I nodded and left. I tried one after another and I must say his choice is quite good. They all fit me well and were of my favourite colours. He told me to buy everything so I did. After that he bought me some sandals and core shoes. "So? What next?" He asked."Nothing." "Nothing? What about jewels, bags and all?" He asked."I don't like them much." "But at least a bracelet or locket?" "Ok." I said and he smiled. He selected one for me."Make me wear it." I said while he nodded. He made me stand in front of the mirror Himself standing behind me. It was an infinity locket with silver embroidery and chain."Beautiful" he said
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14. Desperate Soul.
Chris’s POVWhat to say to her now? I just don't know why is she so curious to know these things and moreover from where the fuck she always comes up with the new things?"Tell me?" She asked. I stood in front of her taking a deep breath. "Who told you about this?" I asked. "No one I was talking to my friend, she just talked and I got to know." She said,"I am teaching you right? I will include this in the list." I said. "No, I want to know now, just tell me." She said being stubborn."I said I will teach you later, let's just go with the flow." "Chris, you know I am a curious soul. I will think about it until I get to know so tell me." she said and I sighed. I held her hand moving close to her."Do you want to know?" I asked and she nodded. "Fine then." I put her hand on my manhood."Can you feel this?" I asked while she nodded lightly. "Sucking it through your mouth is called blowjob." She immediately withdrew her hand while I chuckled. "What happened now?" I asked. "No...Noth
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15. Wishes Getting On Nerves.
Chris’s POVNow what does this girl want? I moved towards her. Alana was standing upstairs looking at us. Jannie moved close to me. "What are you doi-" my words left incomplete in my mouth as she kissed me. I immediately pushed her away. "What are you doing?" I asked and she smiled. "I am trying to gain you back, Chris. I am sorry for the rubbish I said that day. I regret each word. Staying away from you made me realise how much I love you." she said and I rolled my eyes. "It's fine and if you are done saying you're sorry then please." I said, showing her the way towards the gate."Chris, I want you back." she said and I looked at her then at Alana.Fuck this girl! She will ruin my plan."It's impossible, Jannie. I have told you before." "I know But I am not telling you to divorce her because I know your promises are everything to you." "Then what do you mean?" "An affair! And later when she will leave you then We will get married because I know she won't be able to stay here f
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16. Angry Birds
Chris’s POVI was again shocked from where the fuck these type of ideas come in her mind?"Are you serious?" "Yes I am." "Alana, you know it's impossible. It will reveal everything." I said."You have to make this possible, I don't know how." she said with a smirk leaning on my table."God, Alana, you're so stubborn." she chuckled."I am going out Be there in 5 minutes." saying so I mean ordering me, she leaves the room.Alana’s POVI sat in my place looking at the time, it's gonna be fun."Miss Alana?" One of the employees called me while I left towards his table. I was looking at the documents he gave me when."Miss Alana!" I turned around to see him coming close to me.He held me by my waist, capturing my lips. He started kissing me but me being me I acted like I was shocked. I didn't respond to him, I tried pushing him and he broke the kiss. I can hear the gossip all around."I don't want anyone to talk about this and also no one will ask any questions from her." he said and lef
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17. Strange Feelings
Alana’s POVThe meeting was over but he was still doing something on his laptop rather than eating. I loved the food today as after so long I ate the lazania. I guess he told Nancy to prepare for me, he remembers! As I was done with my food I looked at him but he was still busy. Sigh!Will he eat bread? How can he be so tasteless? I took the rest of the lazania from the tray preparing a bite. "Here eat this" I said while he took the bite without even looking, uff! The half of the food was done. "Didn't the food change today?" He asked and I looked at him. He still thinks I am feeding him bread? "Because it's not bread""Really then what is it?" He asked."Lazania!" "What?" He looked at me."Yeah!" "Alana, this is full of cheese. Are you mad I don't eat these things?" He said making faces."But you didn't notice that you ate half of it already." I said."What!" "Yes and now you will finish it." "No I will not.""Chris, don't be childish, you will not gain weight." "I will be o
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18. Changes Of Mind?
Alana’s POV"Oh yeah I forgot, we will start from tomorrow." I said."Tomorrow?" "Yeah." "Hmm." I smiled. "Alana?" He called again and I turned towards him again."Yes?""I can't wait till tomorrow." he said, pulling me on him. He took my lips in his kissing like a maniac. He changed his position hovering over me. He took off my clothes all in one."Today I will do fingering." he said."What's that?" "You will see."He starts giving open mouth kisses all over my neck till cleavage. His hand went down on my clit and he started making circles there. He opened my legs wide."Ready?""Hmm."He entered his finger inside while I held his shirt in my grip tightly, he started doing in and out still kissing me. I deepen the kiss to suppress my moans. AsI was near, he sped up. Fuck the way he was kissing me I was loosing more control. He stopped as I was done. I was panting hard. "I will take a shower and come ok." he said while I nodded. He left while I was still trying to catch my breat
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19. You Are Going To Be A Father.
Alana’s POV"What?" He asked. "Yes Chris, I want divorce and I don't want to argue, it's my final decision." Saying so, I got up to go but he held my hand."You can't leave like this, tell me what happened suddenly?" "Chris please I just want to go. I want divorce for no reason." "Alana stop, look at me, tell me what happened? Everything was fine in the office. What happened? Tell me." he asked, holding both my cheeks pinning me to the wall."Chris, I said please I am really tired." I changed my tone."No Alana No. I won't leave until you tell me. Please, tell me what happened? I thought you are happy with this relationship, your acts, your words...I am really tense now, please tell me what happened?" "They are true I mean yes I start liking you, I don't know if it is a love thing or not but yes I start liking you-" "So Do I Alana, I also feel something for you and I was happy. I never felt this way for anyone it's just you-""Oh really? But your words to others say something els
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20. Strange Things.
Chris’s POVToday the lunch was quiet, the way to the office was quiet. No one talked. She went to the lawyer for the case while I am going to meet Jannie. I need to find some answers. I knocked on the door while a maid opened it. I went directly inside to see her having her breakfast. "Jannie!" "Oh Chris, good morning." she said calmly. "What do you think you are doing?" "Doing breakfast!" "Ha ha ha, very funny. Jannie, I am already mad, don't make me more." "What have I done Chris?" "What is this?" I asked, putting the report on the table harshly."Oh this! Haven't you seen?""I had, I had but I want to know how and when?" "What do you mean by how and when? We are in a relationship from 2 years Chris-""Nothing happened between us Jannie you know that, we never had sex." I cleared."We had Chris, you forgot but we had." "No, I can't forget because I was never physical with you." "You were drunk that night, that is why you don't remember." "Oh just shut up, even being ful
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