All Chapters of Obsession- A Tale Of Betray And Romance: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
51 Chapters
41. Pain.
Chris’s POVShe did not say a word. "Arghhhhh" I shouted, throwing the Tv on the floor angrily."Chris." I looked at her back to see Nancy, she was having tears in her eyes.I realised what I did. I looked at Alana but she was standing in the same position as if she was not in this world. I went to my room To calm myself down. I don't wanna hurt her so I have to calm down. But this pain is just too much. I threw everything coming my way on the floor. I punched the wall harshly as much as I could. The door opened to reveal Nancy. She came near me and I hugged her tightly, crying hard."My son, you have to be strong. She needs you the most at this moment." she said. "Why can't we stay happy?" I was on the verge of crying. I wanted to give her all the happiness but she having pain and nothing more."Chris, it's destiny, fate. We can't do anything, it's God's choice, we just can't do anything right? Just be calm and have patience." I broke the hug taking a deep breath."Now go to her." S
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42. You Are My Star.
Chris’s POVAfter hours we finally reached. She threw herself on the bed as soon as we entered the hotel room. "I am tired." she said and I smiled."So you can sleep." "Not now because I am hungry." "Let me order something." "Wow." I looked at her. She was now standing on the balcony looking at the view. "Chris, this is so beautiful." she said.I hugged her from behind and kissed her cheek. It was really beautiful at night so the lights were giving a beautiful effect to the view."It is really beautiful but..." I turned her around. "Not more than you." She smiled hugging me tightly. I know she is showing me that she is happy but she is actually not. And I can clearly understand that losing a child is not a simple thing especially for a mother. She broke the hug. The bell ranged."Let me see, I guess the food is here." I said and she nodded.***********The next day we visited the most beautiful places here as well as Disneyland as she wanted to. Her mood is really good now and I
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43. That Room Belongs To Me.
Alana’s POVIt's been a week to that day. The day I still can't believe is true. I never imagined the way he proposed to me was unexpected and awesome as well. I came down the hall and a smile appeared on my face. Everyone is working here and there, decorating the house. We are getting married again. I still can't believe it but trust me this time I am the happiest person. This time the feeling is new and unexplainable. "Alana dear, Where is Chris?" Nancy asked."He isn't home yet, what happened?" "The electrician is asking for the money." "Let me bring."I gave him the money while he left. I looked around again. The flowers are all my favourite. He is doing so much effort, first we will get married in a church then we will have an Indian wedding. We can't do a Nikkah as we aren't Muslims so yeah. I went upstairs to see the decorations. My eyes fell on the room I decorated for my baby. I took a deep breath going inside. I looked around while A lone tear escaped my eyes but... I wip
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44. The Day.
Alana’s POVIt's finally the day. Our day. I am sitting in my room while Chloe, Rose, mom and Chris’s mother are here as well as some makeup artist. I have worn the dress Chris has especially designed for me and the designer is none other than Chloe. I am all nervous. I don't know why? It feels like it's my first time and with some unknown guy but no it isn't then why?"So how are you feeling?" Rose asked."The feeling is unexplainable Rose, I am happy, nervous and scared at the same time.""It happens dear, no need to worry, moreover he is Chris, your already husband." Aunty said while I smiled. "I know." "And it's done... Gosh just look at you girl, you are looking breathtakingly beautiful. Chris was right, this is definitely gonna suit you. This dress is made for you only." Chloe said."Thanks Chloe, The credit goes to you only." I said."I know I know after all I am the best designer in the world babes." I chuckled."Ok ok enough we are getting late, Chris will faint with curios
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45. His Story, But Whose?
Alana’s POVI am standing in a shopping mall looking after the dresses for the functions. “I guess this will be good." I said to Rose. Chris is busy with the meeting that’s why he wasn't able to come. "Oh please Alana, This is so simple. I can't believe I mean I know you like simplicity but girl this is a special day. For god sake choose something good." "Ok mama ok." I said and she slapped my hand playfully. After a lot of time we finally selected one dress. Now I am standing in a changing room looking at myself in the mirror. This dress is really beautiful. I came out to see Rose nowhere, I looked around but she was nowhere. "Uhmm, excuse me can you please tell me where the girl who was with me left?" I asked the worker."Mam she left to attend a call she said wait for her." "Ok thanks, Can you please do me a favour?" "Sure mam.""Can you click a photo of me in this dress?" "Sure." She held the phone, clicking 2 to 3 photos."Thankyou" I said and she left. I sent the pictur
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46. Too Much Confusion.
Alana’s POVI ran to him and hugged him tightly. "Slow down Baby." He said, circling his arms around me. I hugged him more tightly. I don't know why but I was in tears. I was scared, scared to be played again. What if what Dan said about Chris is true? What if all this was HIS plan to marry me? I wish it's not the truth. He broke the hug."Hey what happened, why are you crying?" He asked, panicking."I want to go home." I said. "Alana, tell me what happened? Someone said anything?" He asked but I nodded in no."No Chris no-" my words left incomplete as Dan came out along with Diana. I wiped my tears while he was looking at me miserably but I ignored. They left the place."He said something to you? Tell me Alana, he did something? I am not gonna leave him." He was going behind him but I held his hand nodding my head in no. "Let's go home Chris." "No Alana, I won't." he went behind him while I too followed him. He held his collar from both sides, punching his face hard. "Chris." I
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47. Family Problems.
Alana’s POVWe are in London, sitting in the hospital waiting for the doctor to tell us something. Chris’s Mom was continuously crying while CHris was sitting all tense. Mom, Dad are also here. HIS mom said he suddenly fell on the bed holding his heart, which means he had a heart attack. I just pray he gets well soon. The doctor came out. "Is he fine, what happened to him?" Chris asked."He is out of danger but stress is harmful for him. We will do some more tests and then we have to keep him under observation for 2 days." "Is it a serious attack?" "Unfortunately it is that is why a single tension is an affect, so try to keep him distracted." The doctor left. I looked towards HIS mom and she was crying but this time silently. I don't know why but I have a gut feeling they had a fight."I am going out to get some fresh air." She left while Chris left to pay the bills and buy medicines. I followed HER, she left the hospital going at the backside. As soon as she stopped she started c
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48. Apologising.
Alana’s POV"So it means it's something very serious.""Maybe.""Chris, will you stop this? I am really tense now. I want to know... Tell me." I finally showed him the anger. But there was silence. "Ok, call me when you want to talk." I was leaving the room but he held my hand."Dan was right..." He again paused."Right about?" "About my feelings for you, yes I have always loved you, when you were not able to talk properly when you always needed a help in your homework, when you always wear spectacles and when you first time called me Berry." he said while I sat in front of him to let him continue. "I know I have done wrong by faking some things and hiding my feelings but trust me My intentions were never wrong." "So this was actually all your plan to marry me?" "No it wasn't at first. I was happy for you to marry the one you love but when I found out the real side of Dan I changed my mind. I threatened him about his family and he backed off.""And what about Jannie?" I finally a
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49. Jannie Became The Reason.
Alana’s POV"What?" "Alana, please don't say no. You know I thought I would visit you but I wasn't having the courage to but I know you will be the best mother and Chris the best father. You can say the actual reason is I want Chris to be the father of this child because I have seen his love for you and I know when he loves someone it's beyond limits and he will definitely love him like he loves you." she said while I was quiet. On one hand I can't do this, adopting Chris’s ex child? But on the other hand I want this. Fuck I am confused."Jannie, I can't take the decision alone. Chris... I have to ask him." "I know and you have 6 months to think as well take your time Alana but please think about him once after me there will be no one to take care of him." she said with tears. ************I came out of the house to bump into Chris. I was shocked to see him."What are you doing here?" We both asked in union. "Alana, what are you doing here?" "I came here to talk to Jannie but...
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50. Our Happily Ever After.
Alana’s POVIt's been 3 months. We lived 3 months away from each other. So many things happened in these months. Chris’s Mom and dad are now separate. HE is living with his mom and his dad didn't take much time to marry that lady. Chris was hurt but now he is fine. We are still not talking to each other. He calls once a week to know if I am alright or if I need anything, Also he visits sometimes. I told my mom and dad about everything that happened between us because I don't wanna lie to them anymore and to my great surprise they let the decision be mine. Jannie and I have become friends now. I assured her that I will take care of her baby with all the love and care. Yes, I have decided to adopt her baby.I have forgiven Chris a long time back but I am not able to trust him anymore. I mean I know he never lied to me but still I don't know what has happened to me. Even Jannie asked me to forgive him. I don't know what to do. I changed my dress wearing a night suit and laid down to sle
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