All Chapters of The Lycan Brothers' Willing Toy: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
101 Chapters
We don't want her
“You —” She opened her mouth to rain insults like I knew she would, but the door opened, causing her to freeze on the spot. We all stood up straighter, each keeping to their position on the line. Over 50 workers stood in two lines, facing each other, to receive the owners of the firm, whom none of us had ever met. “Welcome!” We all greeted them at once, bowing as they strode into the receiving room. Since it was the only part of the office that could contain us, the director chose it. As one, we all raised our heads as I stepped away from the others to meet them, only to freeze when I saw who it was. Staring at me were none other than my lovers. Though they looked different dressed in silver suits, there was no way I could mistake them. Fucking hell. My heart thumped against my chest as I watched them. I had to blink, to be certain I wasn't making things up. Rubbing my eyes didn't seem to help matters.I gave them an appraisal, noting how fucking handsome they were. I couldn't t
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Failed plans
BLUEThis wasn't how it was supposed to go. Fred and I planned to ask her to stay with us after the expiration of the contract. I had gotten everything I would say to her ready, but when she spoke those words, I lost it. It seemed like the demon I had been trying to suppress for weeks finally got out of the cage. I couldn't even control the way I felt at that moment. I was blinded with rage and could only go with the pull of my body, not knowing what else to do. Had it not been for Fred, I might have done something disastrous. Something I would have regretted. I was lucky he was with me, standing behind me while I tried to make a freaking fool of myself. After I stormed up the stairs to the room, he followed behind, slamming the door shut when he stepped in, his eyes blazing with anger. “What the freaking hell is wrong with you?!” He growled at me, his eyes narrowed to slits. “You bloody know what that is. Quit fucking acting like you didn't feel it!” I tugged hard on my hair, alm
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A moment alone
FREDWe stood outside the door for some minutes, trying to come up with ways to step into her office without making it seem like we were looking for her, and we found it. The director must have been tipped off by the nose-bleeding lady, since we saw him running towards us, with an apologetic smile on his face. He was sweating buckets and his shirt clung to his body.“Imelda informed me she has concluded the tour. Was it to your liking?” He grinned, looking like he was just moments from sweeping the floor, to please us, should we give the word.“Imelda?” I tilted my head to the side. “Who is she?” He looked shocked by the question, but concealed the expression so fast, it made it seem like I had imagined the look. He smiled, “Pardon me, sir. Imelda was the one who took you on a tour. She was once the best journalist in the company before Miss Bella rose to the position.”“Oh.” I exchanged looks with Blue before I smiled at the man, who blinked when he noticed it. He looked like he wa
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What do you want from me?
BELLAI blinked at his words. It was the last thing I expected to hear from him. I squinted, to be certain I wasn't imagining things. It wouldn't be a surprise should that be the case. “Bella?” He called out to me, stepping close to my table. Once more, Blue rendered me speechless. He apologized and called me by my name.I looked towards the window to check if the world had ended without my knowledge. It had to be the case because why the freaking fuck would he call me by my name? That was an unexpected turn of events. “Aren't you going to speak to us anymore?” Fred asked, keeping the strides with his brother. “We apologize for what we did to you. You have to understand us when we say it wasn't our fault. Hearing you speak of a termination made Blue lose it.” I didn't utter a word. Mind you, I was still freaking stunned. “Bella?” Blinking, I looked at them, frowning when I noticed they were standing in front of me. The only thing that separated us from each other was the table.
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I was powerless against that. Having him kiss me crippled all my defences. And let's not forget those damned words. They weren't what I was expecting. They were more than I was fucking hoping for. Moaning into the kiss, I wrapped my hands around his neck and deepened the kiss. He carried me up and brought me to the desk, still kissing me. I didn't know I had missed them so fucking much until this moment. The kiss brought back memories of the times we had been together. It made me desire more. He broke from the kiss and trailed kisses down my neck, sucking hard on it. “I've missed you, Bunny.” “I've missed you too,” I confessed, wrapping my hand around his neck to bring his face closer to me. “Remove your trousers and panties. I want to see your pussy dripping wet and ready for a fuck," he ordered, his tone showing how arouse he was. I know I should have refused that, told him we were at the office, but I didn't. It was as if something else was controlling my body. It could be m
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It was a pity you didn't 'come'
I took care of my needs after they left. Though it didn't feel as good as their touch, it was enough to keep me from storming out of my office to look for them, to demand they conclude what they started. Knowing who they were, I doubt they would have done that. Fuming, I tidied up my office and got dressed, trying to look as presentable as I could without letting anyone who sees me know my lovers almost fucked me. Lovers. A smile graced my lower lips as I thought back to what happened minutes ago. I couldn't get rid of those words from Fred. Though they didn't profess their love to me like I would have loved, they gave me something else. Hope. I knew it would only take some time and getting to know them — this time as lovers and not a means to an end — to get them to fall for me.Smiling, I checked my appearance with the small mirror I kept in my drawer. It was a gift from Chris, and I couldn't help but love her more at the moment. With the mirror, I could apply my lip gloss and
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Get ready for us
I felt nervous as I stood in front of their mansion, looking at the same doors I didn't expect I would return to, not after the way I ran out the last time. Do you feel that's normal?Despite what I experienced with them while I was here last, I was still willing to come over after I got an apology from them. Does that sound normal to you? I guess not. Had I not known better, I would have believed the brothers did something to me. How else did I end up turning into someone I could barely recognize?Sighing, I rapped twice on the door before I opened it and stepped in. I didn't wait for the door to shut on its own as it did normally, I closed it to avoid jumping out of my skin in fright when the door shuts. “Hello?” I called out, looking around. The brothers were gracious enough to leave their lights on. Else, I might have thought twice about my decision to take them back after everything that happened. “Blue? Fred?” I called to them as I strode into the sitting room, expecting to s
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Do you know what happens to a naughty bunny?
I stayed that way for a long time, with my knees hurting like hell, and my arse up in the air. I expected to feel them close, to experience their touch in a few minutes, but they seemed to be toying with me by taking their time. I shuffled on the bed, panting. Having the vibrators in my holes made it difficult for me to concentrate as my pussy kept on clenching around the objects. I was dripping, but those damned bastards didn't show up. Not until I was beyond the point of frustration.I would have pressed the vibrators' buttons had it not been for my need to have them do that, and many more to me. “Isn't she an obedient bunny?” Blue's voice flittered into my ears, sounding like he was standing beside the bed. But that made little sense at all. I was blindfolded and not deaf. There was no way I wouldn't have heard them come on. I didn't even hear the door open, but there they were, next to the bed. Had I not known better, I would have thought they materialized out of thin air. I
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Giving in to her wishes
I heard the click before they unlocked the chains around my feet. Sighing, I collapsed on the bed, feeling the emptiness within me, but glad they had the chains removed. Crouching on the bed for a long time did things to my knees, and I knew it would only be a short while before they gave away. “Get down from the bed,” Blue commanded, keeping his voice as low as he could. It was almost soft, like the caress of the wind on my skin, during an early summer morning. Gulping, I got down from the bed and stood facing it. At least I believed I was facing the bed. There was no way I could be certain about that, not with the blindfold. “Get down on your knees.”Once more, I did as he asked. My level of submissiveness surprised me. I never thought I would do something like this one day and always prided myself on thoughts of that. But not anymore. I was now willing to submit to not only a man but two. “Good. Place your hands on the bed and arch your back.”I did as he asked, finding it dif
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Groaning, I turned on the bed, looking towards the clock by the bedside. It had been four days since I returned to their house, and they had yet to let me go. You would think it was a punishment for me, but that wasn't the truth. It was a dream come true as I got to experience pleasure unlike anything else. And the icing on top? I got a leave from work. The director was quick to give me a week off after he got a call from my lovers. Yawning, I got down from the bed, wincing the moment my feet touched the ground. Now, that was the price I had to pay for what happened these past few days. Limping, I strode into the bathroom to have my bath, knowing it was time for me to step out of the room and face reality. I had been in my fantasy world for over 24 hours. It was time to leave the room. I soaked in the bath until the water ran cold before I got down from the tub, and took the black towel on the rack, trying not to think of how odd the brothers were. Most of the things they owned ca
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