All Chapters of The Lycan Brothers' Willing Toy: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
103 Chapters
I screamed as I ran, returning to the room I exited. I slammed the door shut behind me and locked it before I made for the window. It was the only room I had been to in their house, with the window not barred. I guess they either forgot to do it or just left it, so I wouldn't feel like a caged bird. I shivered in fear as I glanced behind me.“Bunny?” Blue called out, his voice as calm as ever, not the dark growl I heard a few seconds ago.I yelped in fear when I heard a knock on the door. My heart practically flew out of my chest as I opened the window. I glanced down and almost changed my mind when I noticed how far the ground looked from here. I turned to look at the door as the knocks became insistent. I knew it would only be a matter of time before they broke the door down. And that right there was something I wasn't hoping for, not with what I saw. I was scared out of my wits and knew I had to be as far from them as I could. Someone who could easily snap the neck of someone wh
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BLUEShe wasn't supposed to find out, at least not this way. We had already discussed how to tell her who we were before she discovered it herself, but things didn't turn out the way we wanted. She got wind of it before we had the chance to do that. And that was the fucking guards' fault. We warned them four days ago not to show up unannounced because of our Bunny, but they damned hell had to do it. The moment we heard her scream, we turned, our heads whipping towards her so fast, that we were lucky we didn't get whiplash. I gulped, my eyes widening in fear when I realized what had just happened. Our Bunny had not only seen us in our changed state but saw us in our worst. Fuck. This wasn't good. Not at all. “Shit!” I growled as I raced for the stairs, with Fred close behind, discarding the dead guard. The kneeling one would have to wait for the verdict to come for him. “How the fuck didn't we hear her coming?” I looked back at Fred, whose expression mirrored the one on my face. H
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What if we hurt her?
We followed her scent down the hallway. Though it was overridden by the odour of tobacco, urine and blood, we could still perceive her unique smell. It was like a beacon. The farther we went, the more intense it became until we got to a door. Without waiting, I kicked it down and rushed in with Fred, to an empty room. We stopped, and looked around, sniffing the air to be certain we didn't make any mistake with it. The onslaught of her scent made me know we were in the right place. There was no doubt about it, our Bunny was here. However, it seemed we were late. Our Bunny had been removed. “That bastard!” Fred growled, punching the wall. I could feel his pain like it was my own. Wait a minute, who was I kidding? We were both experiencing the same thing. Our emotions were in turmoil, wreaking havoc within us, as they sought an outlet.I looked towards the bed, the place where her scent was coming out stronger, and that was when I saw something. “There's a piece of paper on the bed,
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To serve a purpose
BELLATalk of jumping from frying pan to fire. I ran away from my lovers, not knowing I was running into something hideous. I met the monster who brought me to the room and ended up fainting again. The next time I woke up, I found myself in a cage, surrounded by a furnace of fire. Yup. A freaking furnace.The heat woke me up. While unconscious, I felt like I was being baked in an oven. Sweat dripped down my body like droplets of rain as I knelt on the iron cage. With a yelp, I stood up, cursing under my breath. “Where the hell is this freaking place?!” I yelled out as I jumped from one side of the cage to another, seeking a safe place to keep my feet. The damned monster dares to remove my slippers, to let me feel the hotness of the fire on the soles of my feet. “If you want a confrontation, why don't you face me?!” I shouted. “Hey!” I looked around, to know if I could see anyone. I couldn't see beyond them because of how raging the fire was. “If you wish to slay me, you can seek an
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Half Lycan, Half Vampire
“Who?” I glared at him, wondering what he was talking about. He sounded like he was speaking to himself and not to me. Which was why I asked him that, to be certain he wasn't speaking to me.“Your lovers,” he replied, smirking. “They are here for you.”“Blue and Fred?” I frowned at that. “Impossible,” I whispered when he nodded. “You must be mistaken. They are not here to save me.”More like to strangle me, so I wouldn't tell the rest of the world about them. “Not here to save you?” He smirked. “It's funny how your mind works, human. The men I knew wouldn't have returned to their place if you weren't with me. They came for you," he said, convinced. Though I was stunned at his words, I tried to tell myself there was no way they could have come back for me. At least not to save me.The bang came again. This time I heard a crashing sound on the floor. Even without being told, I was aware of what made the sound. The poor door took the brunt.A large gust of wind blew towards us, extin
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You are our home
Home? I scoffed at that, looking at them like they had gone bollocks. “Your home is not mine.”“It's not ours, too,” Fred responded. “You are our home, Bella. Wherever you go is where we will go. We don't care where that is. As long as you are with us. That's all that matters.”I wanted to sneer at them, to claim they didn't know what they were saying, but before I could do that, yells from outside stopped me. It wasn't a shout of pain, but anger. “Fuck. They don't seem to learn,” Fred mumbled under his breath as he turned to look at Blue, who nodded. “Don't worry, bunny. We will take care of them and return to your side,” Blue promised as they turned their backs to me. I couldn't say a word, not because I didn't want to do that, but because I was too stunned when I saw wolves run into the room. Yup. You freaking heard that right. Not kidding, though. Real wolves ran into the room, barring their teeth as they raced towards Blue and Fred. It was a miracle I didn't faint as I obser
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We won't let go
“Why are you scared of us, Bunny? You know we will never harm you, right?” He asked, making it sound like he wasn't the one who looked like a beast when they attacked those wolves.“If we wanted to hurt you, we would have done that before you found out who we were,” he added when he realized I wasn't going to answer his question.“Not if you were preparing me for the grand finale,” I argued as I took a step back, keeping my eyes fixed on them. The last thing I would want was for them to catch me unaware. "Grand finale? Why do you think we will ever wish to hurt you?” Fred asked as he drew some steps until he was standing next to Blue. “I know we aren't humans, and you are not wrong in fearing us, but I need you to know we will never hurt you. Not now, and certainly not ever.”“And you want me to trust that?” I scoffed, giving them my best glaring look. “I would be a fool to believe you.”Blue sighed as he exchanged glances with Fred. “Do you realize we can erase your memory and make
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I paced the floors after they left, trying to figure out how to get away from the room. I knew undoubtedly there was no leaving this house should I not think of a strategy. I sighed heavily and plopped down on the bed to rest my legs before I resumed pacing. It wasn't easy thinking about a means of escape when I knew there weren't any for me. At last, I made up my mind and walked over to the door. “I want to be let out!” I yelled as I knocked on it, knowing they could hear. It only took a few seconds for them to open the door from the outside. I didn't hear the sound of a key, but I knew they locked me. However they managed to do that?Fred was the one on the other side. Blue wasn't with him. And by the looks of it, Fred didn't seem that happy to be here. “What do you want?” He demanded, sounding as if speaking to me was a work on its own. “Do I need to have any reason for calling you guys?” I closed the distance between us, smiling at him. Though my mind asked me to run as far a
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I had just had my dinner, after interrogating the strange lady, and was returning to my room when I heard a groan, like someone in pain. Curious, my legs took me towards the room. I knew I should have run, at least go back to my chamber, but I didn't do that. I wanted to know what caused the noise. After all, I was as good as dead. I couldn't count how many times I stared death in the eyes. Going to that one room would only make my death quicker. That was all. The groaning stopped the moment I got to the door. Puzzled, I looked around, wondering if I had conjured the sound. It wasn't that far-fetched, though.I turned to leave, to return to my room, only for the grunt to start, this time louder. Exhaling, I placed my hand on the doorknob as I tried not to let my fear get the best of me. My hands shook as I turned the knob and opened the door. I stood chilled on the threshold as I peered into the room. It was pitch black. My human eyes couldn't make anything out at first until I no
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BLUEI didn't count on our Bunny seeing my wolf. It was unexpected, but I couldn't control it, not when the damned beast was eager to get to her. That was the reason he fought me. Fred and I decided after we returned, not to go near our Bunny. She feared us, and we didn't want to give her any reason to be afraid anymore, which was why we kept our distance. Having her in the house was more than enough for us, but our wolves were stubborn. The damned beasts wanted to be close to our mate. Yep. Mate. We didn't realize who she was to us until that day when she was in the cage. Before that, Fred and I never cared about the bond. As hybrids, we figured we wouldn't have any mates. Another thing was the thought of having different mates. We were used to sharing our women, and the thought of separating because of a mate bond didn't sit well with us. But when we recognized who our Bunny was, everything started making sense. Our feelings and jealousy were all because of the bond. Though the
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