All Chapters of The Lycan Brothers' Willing Toy: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
103 Chapters
Embracing the dark
BELLAI stared into his eyes as my heartbeat escalated. It thumped loudly in my chest as I looked into his blue eyes, which seemed like a bottomless void. It was as if I were staring into the abyss, as it tried to suck my soul. Heat pooled at the bottom of my stomach. My breath hitched as different thoughts went through my mind. Even knowing they weren't humans, I still felt hot and bothered. It could be because of the familiarity between us. My body only remembered their touch and nothing more. “Do you realize what you are giving in to, Bunny?” Blue whispered, as if scared of breaking the connection between us. I gulped before I nodded, taking my time to respond. “Are you certain about that?” He reached over to me and rubbed his thumb on my lower lip. “Do you know what you are consenting to? Do you realize what we are going to do to you?”His voice was low. A deep rumble in his chest. Hot and so damned fucking sexy. “… Yes,” I muttered as my heartbeat picked up from where it st
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Undress me
Fred smirked as his eyes gleamed with mischief. He snaked his tongue out and licked his fangs. Slow, sensual and seductive. My breath hitched in my throat when I felt Blue's palm over my clothed breasts. He didn't press. He only set them there as he exhaled on my neck, arousing me. Heat pooled at the bottom of my stomach as I stared up at Fred. His eyes had gotten darker. Though they were still blue, they looked darker than the normal bright hue. “Do you love it when I do this?” Blue sighed at my neck before he planted a kiss on it. Light, but sufficient to send my heart racing like a sports car. I moaned as my eyes went over to Fred. They weren't doing much, but it felt like they were doing more than enough. My head tipped backwards and to the side, in the direction of Blue's lips. I was shamelessly purring like a cat while anticipating what they had in store for me.Murmuring sweet words to me, Blue kept on placing kisses on my neck, while Fred stared at me. He sat back on the
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“Aren't you a little impatient for tonight, bunny?” Blue smirked as he watched us. He had to walk around the bed, to stand in front of me, so he could witness everything. His gaze on me was hard and unrelenting, like he was starting deep into my soul.“Yeah. More than eager,” I whispered, looking at him. I was breathless, knowing there was more to come tonight, and waiting for it. The promise in his eyes told more than his actions. Fred turned to look at his brother, and they seemed to communicate for a minute or so before he got up from bed. “Walk over to the window and stand on it,” Fred murmured, staring at me. His eyes gave nothing away. Not even his thoughts. “Par… Pardon?” I blinked, looking at him like he had lost it. “Aren't you eager for tonight?” He pursed his lips with his eyebrows raised. “I am.”“Then do what I asked.”Frowning at the strange request, I walked over to the window and leaned on it, staring out. I tried not to think of what they had in mind for me.I he
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The teasing brother
Playing with her was so much better than I expected. Blue had always been one for plays, but tonight, I intend to do that to her. I slipped my cock out of her mouth before she could get a good grasp of it. She glanced down, sighing with disappointment when she noticed I would not give her what she wanted. She could tell, and that made her sad.Kneeling on the bed in a submission pose as she looked down, made my dick twitch. I craved nothing more but to have her on her knees as I fucked her from behind, but that wasn't what I wanted. At least, for now. Teasing her was much more fun. And Blue seemed to enjoy every fucking minute of it.“Come on, Bunny.” I chuckled as I placed my thumb and forefinger underneath her chin. I tilted her head back so she could stare into my eyes to know how much I wanted her. I didn't hide my desire from my gaze. I let it all out for her to witness.Those beautiful eyes stared into mine, already begging for release. Though she kept her eyes on my face, I co
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Not in the mood for games
I placed a chaste kiss on her lips before I went in fully for it. I cradled her face and used my thumb to caress her cheek as our tongues invaded and explored each other's mouths. I was getting used to kissing her gently, and I didn't rush through it. Our Bunny was making us learn so many things. Softness and care were among them. Back when we hadn't met her, we didn't know what it was to be soft to our sex partners. We always took whatever we wanted without caring about them. That was if they survived the night. But with Bella, it wasn't so. At first, we treated her like the others, until we learned how well she matched us. I cradled her face with my right hand, deepening the kiss as my other hand moved down to her breast, cupping and squeezing with vigour.I swallowed her sharp intake of breath as I gently pinched each nipple, pulling and teasing them. I loved playing with them, feeling their warmth and how they reacted to my touch. Before long they were hard, and jutted out prof
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BELLABlue wasn't kidding about not joining us. He watched us all night, with a pained expression on his face, but he didn't step towards the bed. Not unless there was something to help Fred with. Otherwise, he kept to his side of the room, watching us like he wasn't part of it. I wanted him to join so badly that I reached out to him, but he shook his head, denying my requests. It wasn't until Fred explained why he did that, that I understood what he was aiming to do. Even though he was punishing himself by doing that, he just wished to teach his wolf a lesson. “Is that all you need, Ma'am?” Scarlett, the maid that always appears out of nowhere, asked. You could say I had gotten used to her, that I don't mind anymore. It had been two days since I summoned her, so I was getting used to her appearing when I needed her and disappearing when I didn't. I didn't ask where she went to each time, realizing it was reasonable not to know. This way, any strange thoughts wouldn't plague me. It
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The surprise
There was a lengthy silence after that. I tried to turn to be certain he was still with me when I felt his hand wrap around my neck. He pinned me down before I knew what was happening, and leaned down to whisper, “You are fucking going nowhere, Bunny. You are stuck with us forever.” He growled out. Shivers ran down my spine at his words. I should have been terrified because of how tight he was pressing on my neck, but I wasn't. It aroused me instead of scared me. Instead of crying for help, I moaned as I rocked my arse on his cock.“You seem to like this, don't you?” He pressed harder. “Yes.” I rasped, barely breathing well. “Then you will also go for this.” Without warning, he thrust into me. “Fuck!” The scream that left my throat was one of pain and pleasure. The force he used made it seem like he wanted to tear me in two. The shock was blinding, but so was the satisfaction. “You love it rough, don't you?” He rasped as he slapped my arse, thrusting into me hard with a clap that
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Dating the bosses
By letting me return to work, they meant they were following me to the office. I should have known that was the case because there was no way clingy men like them would willingly let me return alone. Though I had stopped fearing them, I knew they still thought I would run from them, hence their decision. “Girl!” Chris ran into my office, not bothering to knock on it. “Where the hell have you been?” She yelled accusingly as she walked over to me. “Do you know how worried I was? I went to your house thrice, but you weren't home. I even tried your cell phone!”“I apologize for that. It's just… Well, I had some matters to take care of,” I smiled, responding with the only believable lie I could think of. “Some things to take care of? And you couldn't be bothered to tell your best friend about it?” She stood in front of my desk, with her hands placed on her waist and a dark glare at me. “I doubt we are even best friends, Bella. Seems like I'm the only one who values this friendship.”He
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I need to get rid of her
IMELDAMy heart twisted with fury as I watched Bella. That damned bitch had everything handed to her on a platter of gold. First, it was landing a job I couldn't even get despite how many times I tried. She wasn't the only one who emailed them, but she was the only fucking one they replied to! She got the job and cracked their identity within a fucking month!I was stripped of my position as the best journalist, and they gave the title to her. She didn't have to work for it to get the position. Something I toiled for months to obtain.I can still recall how many fucking sacrifices I made to reach the levels I did, only for her to get it just because of one damned case! How could she be this fucking lucky? But that wasn't all. Not only did she get a new office, but her income increased by 50 per cent. Something I couldn't even boast of. Her salary was almost at the same level as that of the director. Yet, here I was, struggling with mine. However, that wasn't what caused my anger.
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She wants to be friends
BELLASomething strange happened two days ago, one that made me backtrack, wondering if I had imagined it. Imelda, who has never spoken gently with me, the lady who hated my guts for no reason, stopped me on my way to lunch. I expected her to start her normal talks, to accuse me of what I didn't do, but she did none of that. The shocking thing was, she asked to be friends. Yup. Imelda, the bitch with a capital B, asked me to be friends with her. If that wasn't stunning enough, she bought lunch for me yesterday. Though I didn't eat it. Chris believed she had something up her sleeve, same with Blue. Fred only ordered me to be careful. None of them trusted her reversal of character, and neither did I. It was unusual for someone who had always been on my neck, to change. It was almost as if she had an ulterior motive. I was called back to the present by a ding from my phone. Frowning, I raised it, blushing when I read the message. The heat started from my neck and spread over my face.
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