All Chapters of Blood Moon Reckoning: Chapter 21 - Chapter 25
25 Chapters
Chapter 20
Devon ran through the forest with all the speed his small legs could muster, his heart pounding in his chest. The shadows stretched long and dark as the sun began to dip below the horizon. As he neared the village, his mind raced with the events that had just transpired. He burst through the door of Estella’s shop with a loud slam, startling her from her work.“Devon!” Estella exclaimed, rushing toward him. The sight of her son, pale and sweating, his usually bright eyes now clouded with fear, sent a jolt of panic through her. She knelt at his level, her hands on his shoulders. “What happened? Where is Aris?”Devon’s breath came in quick, shallow gasps. He took a moment to gather himself, then recounted the events in the forest. “There is a group of people… intruders in the forest,” he said, his voice trembling but clear. “They’re not ordinary people. They are very strong and they wear blue-colored uniforms. Aris said that they might be from a strong pack, and he stayed behind to dela
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Chapter 21
The forest was cloaked in darkness, the canopy above blocking out the light of the moon. Ariston stood alone, his red eyes piercing through the night. The soft rustling of leaves and distant calls of nocturnal creatures were the only sounds, until a series of footsteps approached. Ariston’s senses sharpened, and his lips curled into a vicious smirk.A group of men emerged from the shadows, their uniforms unmistakable in the faint light. The Vesper Pack, just as Ariston had guessed earlier. Their leader, a tall man with a stern face and cold eyes, halted abruptly. His expression shifted from confidence to disbelief as he took in the sight of Ariston standing before him, emanating a murderous aura.The leader’s voice trembled slightly as he spoke. “Who are you?”Ariston’s smirk widened. “That’s a question I could ask you. What business do you have here?”The leader straightened, trying to regain his composure. “We don’t have time for your games. If you value your life, step aside now.”
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Chapter 22
When Brandon and the men arrived back at the village, Estella was already waiting, her heart pounding with worry. She had been anxiously pacing the small space of her shop, Devon by her side.As soon as she saw them carrying Aris, her eyes widened in shock. “Chief, what happened?” she asked, rushing forward. Her voice was strained, barely concealing her panic.Brandong’s face was grave. “We found him in the forest,” he explained. “There was a huge fire, and after we managed to put it out, we found Aris unconscious on the ground. We didn’t see any intruders, only the flames.”Estella’s mind raced. “Bring him inside, quickly,” she ordered, leading them into her shop where the light of lanterns cast a warm glow over the wooden shelves lined with jars and herbs.The men carefully laid Aris on the table Estella had cleared. His body was covered in cuts and bruises, his breathing was shallow and labored. Estella’s heart ached at the sight, but she forced herself to remain calm.“Devon, fetc
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Chapter 23
Brett’s eyes fluttered open, only to be met with the dim light of an unfamiliar room. Panic surged through him, his heart pounding as he tried to piece together what had happened. The last thing he remembered was returning to his dorm room after delivering medicine to one of his comrades. He had been looking forward to filing a leave to visit his village and gather more supplies. His medicine, sought after among the lower-ranked soldiers, had almost sold out.But before he could make any more plans, someone had struck him from behind, and darkness had claimed him. Now, as he lay on this soft bed, he strained to recall details that might explain his current predicament.Sitting up slowly, Brett glanced around the room. The walls were decorated lavishly and a floor-to-ceiling window was to his left. The air was warm and comforting, carrying the scent of flowers. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed, wincing as a slight pain shot through his head where he had been struck.“Where am
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Chapter 24
It had been a week since the villagers relocated to a safer location, following the sudden ambush by the Vesper Pack. The village chief had not let his guard down for a moment. He swiftly organized patrol groups to monitor the forests surrounding their new settlement, ensuring that no intruder would catch them off guard again.Estella, meanwhile, was far from idle. Her mind was set on the promise she made to Brandon: she would bring back Brett alive. As she methodically packed the items she needed for her journey, her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of her son Devon’s laughter, echoing from the courtyard.Estella stood at the threshold of her small cottage, her heart swelling with a rare and profound happiness. The scene before her was one she never thought she’d witness: Devon was sitting on Aris’s lap. Aris was guiding Devon’s tiny hand as they painted together on a canvas.Devon giggled, his sweet laughter filling the air, a sta
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