All Chapters of Blood Moon Reckoning: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
25 Chapters
Estella Erylis stood before the grand mirror, her reflection bathed in the soft glow of morning light streaming through the window. Her heart danced with anticipation as she admired herself in the exquisite wedding gown that hugged her slender frame. The gown was a vision of elegance, crafted from ivory satin with delicate lace detailing that trailed along the hem, accentuating her natural grace and beauty.Her golden locks were swept up into an intricate updo, adorned with shimmering pearls that caught the light with every movement. Her eyes, pools of endless warmth, shone with a radiant joy that seemed to illuminate the room. Estella couldn't contain the happiness that radiated from her, a smile gracing her lips as she marveled at the vision before her.As she stood before the mirror, her hands drifted gently to her stomach, caressing the slight curve that hinted at the new life growing within her. She hadn't told Carlos yet, her beloved mate and the son of the alpha, that she was p
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Chapter 1
Estella carefully arranged the herbs on the table, making sure each one was in its proper place. She checked and double-checked, wanting everything to be just right before she proceeded to process the herbs.Suddenly, a familiar voice called out, "Mama!" Estella's heart skipped a beat as she turned to see Devon, her son, running toward her with open arms.With a bright smile, Estella embraced him tightly, feeling the warmth of his hug enveloping her. "Oh, Devon, my sweet boy! I missed you," she said, her voice filled with love and joy.Devon grinned up at her, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "I missed you too, Mama! I found something really cool in the park today."Estella's smile widened. "Did you? What did you find, darling?""A caterpillar!" Devon exclaimed, bouncing on his toes. "It's so beautiful, Mama!"Estella chuckled softly, tousling his hair affectionately. "I bet it is. Did you have fun today?"Devon leaned in close, his words tumbling out in a rush. "Yes! Grandma Elena
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Chapter 2
As night fell, the cozy warmth of the kitchen enveloped Estella, Elena, and Devon. The clatter of dinner dishes had ceased, and now it was time to tidy up. Estella began clearing the table, gathering plates and utensils with Elena’s help.But Elena gently intervened, “You’ve done enough, my dear. I can handle the rest. You should go upstairs and give Devon his medicine before he goes to bed.”Estella paused, a small frown creasing her brow. “But we can finish earlier if I'll help,” she protested softly.Elena smiled reassuringly. “But Devon spent a lot of energy at the park today, and he’ll likely fall asleep quickly. It’s best to give him his medicine while he’s still awake.Estella nodded, understanding Elena’s reasoning. “Alright,” she agreed with a gentle smile. “I’ll go check on Devon.”She made her way to the living room, where she’d find the medicine she needed for Devon. Opening one of the wooden cabinets, Estella retrieved a small bottle and held it in her hands. Upon reachin
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Chapter 3
Two years had passed since Estella opened her shop in the village. She knew she couldn’t rely on Elena for everything - after all, the kind old woman wasn’t getting any younger, and Estella was determined to support her son by herself.Having lived a life of privilege in a wealthy family, Estella had little experience of ways of earning a living. But she refused to let that hold her back. With her knowledge of medicine and her skill at producing pills and elixirs, she knew she could do something about it to make a living.As she tended to her shop, carefully arranging her potions and herbs, Estella felt a sense of pride swell within her. She may not know a lot of things, but when it came to her ability to create medicine, she was one of the best in the field.As Estella prepared to open her shop for another day, memories of her past brushed against her mind like a bitter gust of wind. These skills of hers were so renowned in the Vesper Pack, which was also the reason why the alpha had
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Chapter 4
As Estella stepped out into the cool night air, her heart pounded with fear and worry about her missing son. Her usually gentle features were now etched with lines of concern, and her hands trembled slightly as she scanned the area for any sign of Devon."Devon!"Every passing moment felt like an eternity as she called out his name, her voice tinged with desperation. Her mind raced with all the worst-case scenarios, imagining all the dangers that could befall Devon in his vulnerable state.With each step she took, Estella’s senses were heightened, her eyes darting from shadow to shadow, searching for any trace of Devon’s presence. She was acutely aware of the fading effects of the medicine, knowing that time was running out to conceal Devon’s true nature. And so, she had to find him before anyone else.***Devon is currently at the depth of the forest. Earlier, he sat quietly in the chair, his eyes scanning the area around him as he waited for Elena to return from the bathroom. The ch
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Chapter 5
In the depths of the night, a sleek black wolf dashed through the forest, its movements swift and silent. As it approached a looming castle nestled amidst the trees, the moonlight glinted off the dark stones, casting an ethereal glow. The castle stood tall and imposing, its architecture ancient and majestic, yet shrouded in an air of mystery.Inside, the halls echoed with a haunting silence, broken only by the sound of the wolf’s footsteps as it transformed into a human form. Now a man of imposing stature, the figure moved with a grace that belied his predatory nature.Stopping before a grand wooden door, the man’s hand gripped the handle, and with a slow, deliberate movement, he pushed it open.Inside the dimly lit room, a figure sat upon a throne-like chair, his presence commanding and imposing. His features were chiseled and handsome, yet there was a coldness to his demeanor that sent shivers down the spine.“I have returned, Lord Ariston,” said the man who entered the room with a
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Chapter 6
As the morning sun filtered through the windows of her quaint little shop, Estella bustled about arranging her shelves, her hands deftly arranging jars and vials of freshly crafted pills.The peaceful rhythm of her work was interrupted by the creak of the door swinging open. Turning to greet the newcomer, Estella’s warm smile faltered slightly as she laid eyes on the unfamiliar man standing before her.Nevertheless, she greeted him kindly, her voice gentle as she welcomed him into her store. The man returned her smile, his demeanor friendly as he introduced himself as Brett Marrock, the village chief's son.Recognition dawned on Estella’s face as she realized who he was, and she greeted him once again.“Welcome to my shop, Mr. Marrock.”Brett’s gaze swept across the shelves of Estella’s store, his eye searching for a particular sight. Not finding what he sought, he turned to Estella with a curious expression. “Where’s your son?” he inquired, his tone casual yet filled with genuine int
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Chapter 7
Deep in the night, Estella tossed and turned, unable to shake off the unsettling news Brett had delivered. The audacity of their actions left her restless. Seeking solace, she slipped out of her bedroom, craving the cool embrace of the outdoor air. The bench outside her house beckoned, offering a sanctuary under the moon’s pale light.Sitting there, Estella sighed heavily. “They have no shame,” she muttered to herself, her mind replaying Brett’s words.How could they betray her like that? Her regret swelled, a bitter taste in her mouth. If only she had destroyed all her research before - perhaps then this wouldn’t have happened.As Elena noticed Estella sitting outside, her concern deepened. Estella’s usually composed demeanor was replaced by a troubled expression, clear evidence that something was amiss. Earlier, when Estella had returned from her shop, Elena had sensed that something was troubling her.Elena briefly went into the kitchen and returned carrying two steaming cups of mi
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Chapter 8
The next morning dawned with a sense of purpose as Estella, accompanied by Devon, made her way to the shop. Elena had other commitments that day, leaving Estella with the responsibility of tending to the shop with Devon following her.As they entered the herbal shop, Estella turned to her son with a tender smile. “Darling, I’ll be at the back processing some herbs. If a customer comes in, just call me, alright?” she instructed, her voice filled with warmth.Devon nodded, his expression was serious yet reassuring. “Don’t worry, Mama. I’ve got it,” he assured her, a hint of pride in his tone.Estella leaned down, pressing a soft kiss on Devon’s forehead. “Thank you, sweetheart,” she murmured.With that, Estella retreated to the back of the shop, her mind focused on the task at hand. She knew that if she was to seek vengeance and confront the Erylis family, meticulous preparation was key.In the secluded work area, surrounded by shelves laden with dried herbs and vials of potent elixirs,
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Chapter 9
The rhythmic clang of the bell chimed as Brett lumbered out of the shop. Estella watched him disappear down the dusty street, a wry smile playing on her lips.Turning, she saw Devon standing in the doorway with his brow furrowed. Unlike most children his age, his expression at this moment wasn’t one of childish curiosity, but something deeper which surprised Estella.“Mama,” he began, his voice surprisingly deep and serious for someone so small, “are you sure about that man, Mr. Marrock? He seems suspicious.”Estella knelt before him, her warm smile a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing within. She knew that Devon was a smart and perceptive child however, she did not realize that it was to this extent.“He’s not the most pleasant fellow, that’s for sure,” she admitted, choosing her words carefully. “But sometimes, Devon, you need to work with… undesirable ingredients to create the perfect pill.”Devon’s expression remained serious. Unlike most children who might have pictured bubblin
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