Semua Bab Blood Moon Reckoning: Bab 11 - Bab 20
25 Bab
Chapter 10
Brett Marrock trudged along the dirt path leading back to the Vesper Pack territory. His vacation was over, and the brief respite from the grueling demands of his life as a low-rank werewolf in the pack had ended.The Vesper Pack territory loomed ahead, a sprawling expanse of fortified barracks and watchtowers. Brett’s position within the pack was far from prestigious; he was a humble soldier, working tirelessly to prove himself worthy in a world that often overlooked him.As he approached the barracks, a familiar figure emerged from the shadows, his presence both comforting and exasperating.“Brett! My friend! Back from your grand vacation?” Lucian Grum’s voice was a warm blend of sarcasm and genuine delight. Lucian was also a low-ranked soldier, but what he lacked in rank, he made up for in his vast knowledge of the pack’s intricate social web.Brett’s face broke into a tired smile. “Lucian, it’s been a while,” he said, his tone light despite the fatigue weighing him down.Lucian ch
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Chapter 11
Estella carefully packed her bag, her skilled hands selecting and arranging various vials, jars, and bundles of tools with precision. As she tightened the straps on her bag, a small figure appeared at the doorway. Devon stood there with a curious gleam in his eyes.“Where are you going, Mama?” Devon asked, his voice sweet and innocent.Estella looked up and smiled at her son. “I’m going to the forest nearby to gather some ingredients.”Devon’s eyes sparkled with interest. “Can I go with you, Mama? Please?”Estella hesitated, her protective instincts flaring. The forest, though beautiful and bountiful, was also filled with hidden dangers. She didn’t want to expose Devon to any risk. “I don’t know, Devon. The forest can be a dangerous place, you see.”Sensing her reluctance, Devon’s expression shifted into an irresistible pout. He widened his big, doe-like eyes and jutted out his lower lip, looking up at her with an expression of pure innocence. “I promise I’ll behave, Mama. Please let
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Chapter 12
The first light of dawn barely filtered through the small window of their shared room when a persistent knock woke Brett and Lucian. Groggy from sleep, Brett rubbed his eyes and stretched, his curiosity piqued by the early visitor. Lucian, always the lighter sleeper and closer to the door, swung his legs out of bed and shuffled to answer it.Opening the door, Lucian was met with an unexpected sight - the soldier they had seen so grievously injured 2 days before stood there, a broad smile on his face. Lucian blinked in disbelief, still groggy with sleep.“Good morning,” the soldier said warmly. “I wanted to thank you for the medicine you gave me. It was incredibly effective. If not for that, I’d still be in bed, unable to move.”Lucian’s confusion deepened. “But two days ago… you could barely open your eyes,” he stammered. “How are you even standing?”The man chuckled, a sound full of genuine relief and gratitude. “I know it seems unbelievable, but whatever was in that bottle worked wo
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Chapter 13
Back in the small house in the village, Estella moved with practiced precision, her hands deftly mixing potions and applying bandages to the wounded stranger they had found in the forest. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, most of them centered on her son, Devon.Devon sat quietly in a corner, his big, innocent eyes watching his mother's work. There was an unsettling depth to his gaze that Estella often chose to ignore. Today, though, it is impossible to dismiss them. The way he had insisted on bringing the stranger back, had been so unlike him.Estella glanced over at her son, her brow furrowing with worry. “Devon, why did you want to help this man so badly?” she asked softly, not expecting a complex answer from someone so young.Devon tilted his head, his expression serene. “He needed help, Mama. I couldn’t leave him there,” he said simply, his voice a mixture of innocence and something more profound.Estella sighed, not entirely convinced but unwilling to push further. She retur
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Chapter 14
Morning’s gentle light filtered through the small window, casting a soft glow across the room. Estella stirred, stretching as she slowly awoke. The previous night's events were still fresh in her mind, and as she opened her eyes, she was startled to find the once-unconscious man sitting upright in the bed, his intense gaze fixed on her.Ariston’s eyes seemed to bore into her very soul. His handsome features were even more pronounced in the daylight, his chiseled jawline and high cheekbones giving him an almost regal appearance. Despite his cold demeanor, there was an undeniable magnetism about him.“Good morning,” Estella greeted, trying to steady her voice despite the flutter of nerves in her stomach. “Are you feeling better?”Ariston remained silent, his eyes never leaving hers. The intensity of his stare made her feel exposed as if he could see through every façade she had ever put up. She cleared her throat, breaking the silence.“I should explain,” she began, choosing her words c
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Chapter 15
Estella moved quietly along the stairs, her footsteps almost imperceptible on the wooden floor. In her hands, she balanced a tray laden with breakfast- a simple but hearty bowl of porridge, its soft aroma wafting up and mingling with the fresh morning air. Reaching the door to his room, she knocked softly then slowly pushed the door open and entered.Ariston sat on the edge of the bed, his gaze fixed on the world outside the window. His profile was sharp against the morning light, his eyes distant and unreadable. Estella cleared her throat gently, a sound that broke the silence and drew his attention.His eyes, cold and piercing, met hers. Estella offered a warm smile, her demeanor gentle yet confident. “I brought you your breakfast,” she said, her voice steady. “I made porridge for you. It would be easy on your stomach since you’re still recovering.”Ariston’s gaze shifted to the tray she carried. The porridge was plain, a stark contrast to the elaborate meals prepared by the top chi
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Chapter 16
The moon hung high over the village, casting its silver glow over the cobblestone streets. Inside Estella’s home, Estella, Devon, and Elena gathered for dinner.Estella scooped a generous portion of meat onto Devon’s plate and asked, “How was your day with Aris, darling?”Devon looked up, his face momentarily illuminated by the firelight. “It was fine, Mama,” he replied. “Mr. Aris is interesting to talk with.”Estella’s eyebrows lifted in surprise. “Interesting, you say?” She exchanged a glance with Elena. “What did you two talk about?”Devon’s eyes gleamed slightly as he chewed thoughtfully. “We talked about drawing,” he answered.Estella blinked, her curiosity piqued. “Drawing? I didn’t know Aris was knowledgeable about the arts.”Devon nodded eagerly, a light of genuine excitement in his eyes. “I showed him some of my drawings, and he commented on them. He even offered to teach me more about it.”Estella’s heart warmed at her son’s enthusiasm. Devon’s interest in drawing had always
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Chapter 17
As the night deepened, the shadows cast by the moonlight danced across Estella’s house. Silent as a whisper, a dark figure slipped from a window and moved swiftly toward the forest. Ariston moved elegantly, his form barely a blur against the inky darkness. He made his way to a secluded glistening lake, its surface reflecting the silver of the moon.Standing at the water’s edge, Ariston’s eyes turned from their deceptive blue to their true, feral red. He threw back his head and let out a howl- a sound both menacing and cold, a call that resonated through the forest, sending a shiver down the spine of any creature that heard it.Within moments, a figure emerged from the shadows of the trees behind him. The man, Hyde, moved with the grace and silence of a predator. He approached Ariston and bowed deeply.“My lord,” Hyde said, his voice filled with relief and reverence. “Finally, you called us. We have been looking for you everywhere since we lost you. Thankfully, you are fine.”Ariston d
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Chapter 18
Hyde laid down on one of the couches in the dimly lit lab, the air thick with the scent of herbs and the faint hum of machines. His mind raced with the information he had gathered about the Vesper Pack, information that he was itching to share with the alpha. Yet, his lord’s strict orders kept him silent, waiting for the call that hadn’t yet come.The door creaked open, and Hugo walked in. He carried a stack of files, his expression a bit of surprised to see his brother’s presence there.“Hyde, what are you doing here?” Hugo asked, settling the files down on a cluttered table. “I thought you were supposed to be at the Vesper Pack.”Hyde glanced at his twin and answered, “I was. I finished the task Lord Ariston ordered me to do. Now I’m just… waiting.”Hugo raised an eyebrow and asked, “Waiting for what?”Hyde threw his hands up in exasperation. “For the alpha to call me, of course! I’ve got the information he wanted, and it’s driving me nuts that I can’t tell him.”Hugo’s eyebrow furr
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Chapter 19
The sunlight filtered through the dense canopy of the forest, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor as Ariston and Devon made their way through the underbush. Ariston carefully watched the young boy who led the way with surprising confidence. Devon moved with the ease of someone far beyond his years, his bright eyes scanning the terrain for the herbs Estella needed.“There it is,” Devon said, pointing to a cluster of plants growing near the base of an old oak tree. “Mama needs those.”Ariston nodded and said, “Good eyes, Devon.”They knelt together, carefully picking the herbs and placing them into the small pouch Estella had provided. Ariston found himself admiring Devon’s precision and knowledge. For one so young, the boy was remarkably adept at identifying the plants and their uses. This might be a trait he inherited from his mother.“You’re quite adept at these things,” Ariston commented, his tone as neutral as ever, though there was a hint of genuine admiration.Devon looke
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