All Chapters of The Devil She Knows: Chapter 91 - Chapter 97
97 Chapters
CamilleI roll my head to the side and groan. Someone strokes my cheek, and I open my eyes.At first, my vision is hazy, but when everything comes into focus, I find myself staring at a gray concrete wall. The light around me reminds me of the kind you'd use for a storage room.My cheek is stroked again, and I turn my head to find Dad hovering over me. He has a long beard, blood-shot eyes, and his face looks like someone did a number on him.We're on the floor, and my head is nestled in his lap. It takes me a moment for my brain to connect and remember. Remember all he did and what he took from me. My family and my life.The instant I remember, I scream and jump out of his hold."Get away from me!" The panic in my voice is mixed with rage and fear."Camille, please."I back away into a wall, crashing hard against the surface. Then I notice the real problem we've found ourselves in.We're in some sort of cell, and while I am free, there are chains attached to Dad's ankles, keeping him
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CamilleA chill rushes over me. "What do you mean? What did she do to me?""Even though she wasn't ethically allowed to be your therapist, she gave you medication to stop you from remembering."I cover my mouth, holding in the wave of shock that's ripping me apart. I can't believe what I'm hearing. Only God knows how hard I tried to remember, but I was never going to be able to because Mira was suppressing my memories with medication. I was such a fool to believe she was the person she portrayed to be. She was never the fucking motherly figure. All along, she was my enemy."You allowed her to do that to me.""I had no choice. She did everything she could to control our lives and make sure you didn't remember what happened. But the nightmares were always a worry even when they went away.""She told me it was my brain's way of trying to remember.""It was, and we feared you'd see something to trigger those memories. Or you'd just remember everything by some miracle. The whole thing torm
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AlessioEverything is gray.I'm not sure if I'm alive or dead, or in a dream.My mind searches around the gray nothingness and the vast expanse of the void before me.I feel nothing at first, then something warm caresses my cheek. My name is spoken, soft and sweet, and I wonder if it's her.Camille. Did I make it? Did I find her? Did I save her?My wife.My eyes flutter open, but the grayness that looks like thick smoke prevents me from seeing anything. Then a light that's far too bright shines down on me, and I blink rapidly.At first, the ceiling of my living room comes into focus, then a man's face hovers before me.It's Leif's on-call doctor, Dr. O'Brien.Leif...Camille...At the thought of their names, reality crashes into my mind and I bolt up."Easy, there," Dr. O'Brien says, laying a heavy hand on my chest and pushing me back down. I'm on the sofa, and a quick glance at the bandage wrapped around my body suggests I took a hit in the blast.Gytha moves toward me, with worry in
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CamilleMy heart has been smashed into so many pieces it's impossible to count them all. It's no different to all the grains of sand in this world.My mind and body are disconnected, and my soul weeps for losing the love of my life. All that is left of me is an empty shell with nothing but a void inside.The only thing I can feel is the spark of life created with love in my belly, calling to me to stay alive. But I've already failed as a mother because there's nothing I can do.In my terror and grief, I'm here sitting on the floor of the bedroom I was taken to after Mira killed Dad, feeling sorry for myself.I don't know what this place is. It seems like Mira conducts something medical here. Apart from the armed guards, on my way up I saw offices and labs with clinical staff. I also saw other storage rooms and bedrooms like this.We're on the third floor, so quite high up with no possible way of escape. If I were to even try, I'm sure this shitty tunic Mira forced me to wear would get
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CamilleI look around frantically, not knowing what the hell to do but thinking this is an opening. A possible chance to escape, just like the one Dad told me to find. I just have to summon courage and look for my chance.We tear down the road off the building site, and then we're on a country road with the woods on either side.The sound of a motorcycle rips through the air. A sound I will never forget.The lazy day I remember at Raventhorn fills my head with the image of me sitting next to Lorelai by the tree, watching the motorcyclist rebel drive onto the campus.He's here again.I look behind me and see Alessio on his motorcycle tearing down the road. He's fought death to come and save me. I also spot Malik's car not far behind.Alessio shoots the wheels of the car. The tires blow, making Richard lose control of the vehicle.We run off the road, fly through the air for a few seconds, then land with a heavy thud on the ground. The car still has a lot of speed on it though, so it ke
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CamilleThe next two days are awful, but Alessio is still with us.I've been sitting next to his bedside watching him fight for his life and hoping he'll come back to me.I pay attention to every sound on his monitors and watch for signs of anything and everything when the nurses and doctors check his vitals.I continue praying as the next day passes with the same results.His words keep ringing through my mind.We're not done yet, we're not done yet, we're not done yet.I just hope he knows I'm with him. Wherever he is, that's where I am, too.Heart, body, mind, and soul. He always had me long before I knew I'd given myself to him.Two weeks slip by and Alessio is still the same. I feel like I'm dancing on the edge of insanity.The doctors have kindly arranged for me to sleep next to him when I can, so I stay all night.Everyone is hoping he'll pull through and wake up soon, so everything has been put on hold, including Leif and Evgeni's funerals.On Friday night, I fall asleep next
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Camille"It's going to be so strange coming back after the summer and not seeing you," Lorelai says, sitting straighter."I know. I was thinking that the other day."We're under the tree on Raventhorn's campus. I'm waiting for Alessio to pick me up, and she's waiting for Dmitri. This is the first of many dates her father has arranged with him, and I know she's not happy about it.Although she's smiling, I also know she's still putting on a brave face because of Zakh. By now, everyone knows what he did and that he's basically being hunted.Lorelai and I haven't spoken about it much, but I know she's hurting deeply."You know you'll still see me, right?" I smile. "I just won't be at college for a year." Today, I did my deferment for next year. I'm due in January, but I have no plans to walk around campus in my pregnant state. We have another month of classes before the summer. By the time I get back, I'll be just over five months pregnant. I plan to resume my course the year after next
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