All Chapters of The Devil She Knows: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
97 Chapters
AlessioI can't remember the last time someone pushed me to this level of rage.I'm furious Richard is here. And I heard what he said to Camille.He told her he loved her and sold her a vision of the future any girl would give her soul for. Dreams, children. A life.A nomad like me who came from an unstable home, watched his mother die, and prefers the company of the sea couldn't offer a girl like her anything of the sort.I don't have dreams, and I can't see a future. When I try to, all I see there is darkness and doom.I know, in whatever is left of my heart, that's because his father—our father—took my mother away from me. She was my home.Richard stands and stares at me head on, squaring his shoulders like he's ready for the fight I want to give him, but he doesn't know there's no way back when you fight me."Like to see me try? Really?" His nostrils flare. "Well I already am trying.""She's mine and you're not getting her back." I move forward and Camille shoots up to step in fro
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AlessioCamille's grip tightens on my arm and the feel of her desperation sinking into me is what makes me the loser, and I lower my gun.Richard's unwavering smile becomes triumphant and he straightens, hardening his stare."Get the fuck out of my house." I don't know how I can speak. "And don't contact Camille ever again. Stay the fuck away from her.""As you wish, brother." That's the first time he's called me that and his words were dripping with poison. He looks at Camille and I hate, hate, hate the sparkle that enters his eyes. "Baby, remember what I said. I mean it. I'm still fighting for you."With that, he walks out, and she lets my arm go.The sound of the front door closing moments later pierces the tension and I turn to face Camille, who looks pale and frail like she might pass out.The two of us are filled with so much indignation it's hard to believe we're the same guy and girl who walked into this house not even half an hour ago.Her gaze falls to my gun still hanging l
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CamilleI am the broken-winged angel who flew too close to the sun.I got scorched then fell from the heavens and now I'm here, staring the devil in the eye, wanting him.He knows.Alessio knows the truth now. And that I lied.He knew it the moment he tore through my maidenhead. And now his face looks like that of a ghost.In all the time I've known him, I've never seen him look so stunned. Like he truly realizes I just gave him the one piece of me no one else will ever have.It's gone. My innocence now belongs to him.My whole life, my parents went above and beyond to preserve my virtue and purity. All those times Dad micromanaged my life with the teeth of a fine-toothed comb, and I just gave myself to his enemy.With his cruel cock buried deep inside me like he's ripping me apart, desire slides down my body like sweat.Alessio continues to stare at me, his gaze unwavering, both of us frozen in the moment like we've been preserved in amber.Something leaks from where we're joined.Th
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CamilleAlessio fucks me faster, showing no mercy as he drives me to orgasm while exerting his dominance.He fucks me like he still wants to hate me, and like he wants to break every piece of my body and put it back together again, simply because he can. And I love it.I love it the way an addict loves their favorite drug, and he's my favorite mistake.He fucks me like there is only me and only him, and whatever vendetta exists between him and my father is exactly that.The mad rhythm makes me climax again and as I throw my head back, crying out from the wicked thrill, I remember that I told him I was his, and I feel like he owns me.My body is spent and claimed, but he's not finished with me yet.He pauses his wild thrusts, pulling out of me so he can lift me off the table and bend me over it.I've orgasmed twice, but his cock is still perfectly erect like he was made for fucking.His warm, soft lips meet the shell of my ear and lick over the lobe. "This is how I wanted to take you w
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AlessioI'm sitting naked on the balcony outside my room, stargazing while I smoke a Cuban cigar.The starry sky is perfect for sailing on a long voyage like the sea captains did in the past to unknown lands.I used to be obsessed with the sea.Now I'm obsessed with a woman, and I don't want to stop being obsessed, even if I know the crash will be mightier than the burn if I fall.I take a long drag on my cigar and savor the memory of how Camille gave herself to me.She became mine officially the moment my cock sliced through her maidenhead and her virgin blood coated my length.The feeling that came with knowing I was the first man to have her was euphoric but more than anything, knowing she chose me and not Richard was something else I don't know how to describe.Camille might have loved him first, but she gave her body to me and told me she wanted me.I had her all night. Over and over again. We went from the bed to the hot tub, to the shower, and back to the bed again, where she p
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AlessioI cup the heavy weight of one delicious breast then the nipple of the other between my thumb and forefinger. She moans into my mouth, and I grip her wrist, bringing it to my dick.I've trained her well and she's a quick study, so she knows to stroke me the moment her fingers touch my straining length.She rubs my dick up and down until it's unbearable, and I pull her closer so she can straddle me.Camille gasps as I hold her in place so I can slide into her already wet pussy.She's still tight and I'm sure she's sore, but not once has she stopped me.It's like she's as desperate as I am to stay in the fantasy.I plunge deeper into her, buried to the hilt once more. Her walls squeeze me and I have to fight to control myself.Her lips part in sweet agony as a soft whimper escapes her. My hands caress her smooth thighs and slide up to grip her hips.Her moans become louder when I start to move inside her in a slow grind, working my way deeper. Inch by inch, my balls brushing over
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Alessio"He's still in bed. Can't you come back later?" Uther's butler argues, trying to block my path."It's fucking eight o'clock. He should be up already." And it's Thursday, not even a weekend day. There's no reason for the asshole to be in bed sleeping at this hour.Since I don't give a fuck, I push past the wiry little man and make my way up the steps to Uther's bedroom. The fool, however, follows, clearly afraid of me but more terrified of what his boss will do to him if he allows me to disturb him."Please, just wait," the man continues, but I ignore him.I'm already cringing at the thought of seeing Uther again before the wedding, but I need to do this. I was really hoping Gytha would find something, but I know she would have exhausted all avenues before sending that message.When I reach the landing and draw closer to Uther's bedroom, the distinct sexual sounds of moaning erupt from his room. I realize then why the butler was hell bent on stopping me.When I glance back at h
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Camille"Oh my God, wow." Lorelai gasps when she walks into the hall and sees my wedding dress.She just arrived. As she does work experience at the theater off campus on Thursdays, this is the first chance we've had to see each other. Normally she's at the theater until much later. But after the way I left campus yesterday with Alessio, I knew she'd find a way to maneuver her schedule and see me.My head is still spinning from everything that happened and my body buzzing with sexual heat. I don't even know if I can talk the way she wants me to because I haven't been myself since I hopped on Alessio's motorcycle. It's like we rode into an alternate universe and my head is still stuck in the clouds.Lorelai saunters up to me, gives me a quick hug then we both stare at my dress."That is gorgeous, Camille." She brings her hands to her heart and smiles at me."Thank you. It really is gorgeous." Now I'm grateful I had Ehlga's help when we went to the bridal store. That day I wouldn't have
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Camille"Do you know where your heart lies?" My breath stills while I look at her, hoping she won't find some way to change the subject."Yes," she answers after a long moment, her expression becoming self-conscious and knowing. "But it might be better to be torn between two men who want you, than the situation where you know one wants you and the other just sees you as a thing he has no plans to love, or treat like a human being."Thank God, she's trusting me. A weight lifts from my shoulders and I step into the shoes of the friend I've always wanted to be to her."Is that what it's really like?""Yes."We stare at each other for a few awkward moments of silence while I wait for her to elaborate."You know about Zakh and me, don't you?" She speaks finally in a hushed voice. As if she's scared the trees might hear her."I do. Why didn't you tell me?""I was scared. I'm still scared.""Don't be."The vein at her temple pulses. "I love my parents with all my heart, but no one knows what
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CamilleThe tension drains from my body the moment I pierce through the water.The neon blue lights at the bottom of the pool come on, and I feel like I'm swimming in the sea. In my angst-filled state, I'd probably feel better in the sea, with the crashing waves rippling over me. But at this hour I'd probably get myself in trouble.It's nearly one in the morning.I was awake yesterday at this time too, but I was in the hot tub with Alessio, where we seemed to be two different people who'd lost themselves to lust.Now I'm by myself, faced with the sting of uncertainty. And the sting of Gytha's words, because Alessio didn't come home.Of course, I assumed he was with her, and I couldn't sleep. Then I made the mistake of going through my emails and found one that was sent yesterday morning from the lawyer in Russia who is dealing with the vineyard I inherited from my grandfather.I'd forgotten all about it since I had so many other things on my mind, and I'd already started the process o
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