All Chapters of The Devil She Knows: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
97 Chapters
CamilleI can't hide my disappointment when I see there's nothing in here that does anything for me."Am I right?" he prods.I look around once more, just to be sure, but nothing comes. "What else do you have stored?""Furniture.""Do you know if they had any other homes or business places?""People like them would have had lots of places all over the world. I've only been to a handful and they all had giant crests like what you saw on the cliff and inside the house."That definitely doesn't help me. "Can you tell me anything more about them? They must have meant a lot to you for you to keep their things.""They did mean a lot to me, but all I can tell you is that Pavel and his wife were good people who took care of my mother and me. My mother knew them all her life so we were hardly different from family. We had a good life here. When we went to live in Russia, we lost contact with them."Wow, he actually told me something about himself. And I'm surprised at my eagerness to know more
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CamilleA wave of fire slides over my skin and my body tightens with the numbness crawling through my nerves.I want to slap him for talking to me like that, but my head is spinning and I'm shockingly conflicted.My mind attempts to right itself but the undeniable throb of arousal in my core is unashamedly curious to explore either of those options—let him fuck me against the wall or suck his cock.Scandalous images come to my mind, doubling my heartbeat, and the tendril of desire dancing in my veins pushes me toward the dark side.What would it feel like if I gave my body to this devil?I think he'd take me ruthlessly and ruin me.But would I like that?Camille, no. What the actual hell are you thinking?Stop right there. You cannot be turned on by this vile pirate of a man.Just no.The jolt of reality snaps me out of the sinful reverie and I straighten, standing a little taller."You fucking asshole. I'm not doing either," I tell him, but all he does is turn his smile up a notch.H
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Camille"Suck. Hard." He groans, the sound showing he likes what I'm doing to him.It induces my mind back into that haze, and I start sucking.Another primal groan pours out of him, making my nipples tighten. Then, using my hair, he grips tighter and deep throats me.I feel like I'm going to choke on his cock, but I adjust my mouth to take him, getting control of my gag reflex.Everything in my mind vanishes when he starts fucking my face. The force at which he hammers into my mouth sets my body on fire, and every nerve sizzles. Lust overrides the blood in my veins, pushing straight to my pussy and suddenly I'm soaked.Soaked in a way that I've never been before and I can no longer deny the need making my clit throb.I know I'm treading in dangerous waters when this no longer feels like a punishment and I want him to touch me.Touch me and take me.Alessio lifts my face and stares down at me, our gazes locked. Him watching me sucking him and me watching the pleasure on his face.We m
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AlessioI gaze out the floor-to-ceiling window of my office at Scarfoni Inc. watching the morning sun kiss the Boston skyline. The view almost has the same ambiance as when I'm at sea watching night turn to day, but this is different.I still feel like an angry god trapped in the wrong dimension.I'm certainly not acting like myself, and I know it's because of her.Camille Galitze.My dear little Valkyrie.I pull her panties from my pocket and sniff them. The scent still holds whispers of last night.I can still taste her sweet nectar on my lips. Her pussy was as exquisite as fine wine, with the perfect provocative blend of arousal to give you that mind-fucked feeling you get when you're stoned on the good stuff.Still, she managed to maintain the sweetness that comes with innocence. Even after I tried to pick her apart and tap into her inner crazy.Now her essence lingers on my black soul.I don't know if that's what made me overreact when I paid Dr. Marchant a visit at the crack of
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AlessioThe sound of somebody clearing their throat in an exaggerated manner pulls me from my thoughts. When I turn around, I find myself facing Gytha, who is staring at the panties in my hand.The fury and hurt on her face tone down the professional look she has going with the business dress she's wearing.I hope I didn't look like that when I found her that night with some motherfucker balls deep inside her ass. I would hate to give anyone such control over my emotions.I also hope that getup she's wearing isn't for me. After what Camille told me, it looks like I have to talk to Gytha again and make sure I set her straight. I don't need women problems, or any other right now.One more sniff before I place the panties back in my pocket.Gytha locks the door and comes closer, stopping paces away from my desk."I was wondering when you'd take her," she says, looking like she's doing her best to keep her composure."You shouldn't wonder about such things. It's not good for you. And whil
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CamilleI bolt upright, fleeing from the terror of another nightmare.My heart is pounding hard and I'm breathing like I've just finished swimming in the all state championships.Feeling disorientated, I frantically look around, checking to see where I am.Satin-covered cream walls, long embroidered curtains hanging at the window, and that masculine scent of power clinging to the air gives me the answer I seek.I'm in Alessio's room, sitting on his bed.I'm not in the nightmare anymore and shadow monsters haven't slashed my throat. No one is trying to kill me.It's morning and it's just me in here. Once again caught in the aftermath of another intense nightmare.Damn it.I don't know how much longer I can go through this.Seeing the crest and not having any further information to work with has rattled my brain and put me in a stupor of confusion.That thing has plagued my mind for years, smoldering like a volcano waiting to erupt. And worse of all, my little expedition the other night
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CamilleI watch the water spraying over his body. His perfect, naked body with his cock already erect and massive, bobbing between his legs.And oh God, I looked at it. Again.I look away, but now Alessio is grinning at me because he caught me looking at his dick. My skin has turned several shades of crimson, so I can't even hide my embarrassment."I already told you if it pleases you to look, then look." He lowers his voice purposely, making it sound velvety smooth and sensual."It doesn't please me." He wouldn't know I'm looking because, of course he's hot, but he's the first naked man I've ever seen."Well I much prefer you this way." He leans back in and pulls my hands away from my breasts, then parts my legs so he can look at my pussy properly. "Don't hide yourself from me."The same wild look from the other night comes into his eyes and I'm glad the water is pouring over us because I can feel my arousal gathering between my thighs.Something must be really wrong with me if I can
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CamilleRubbing the gel in small circles until it foams, he works his way back up my stomach, then over my breasts, filling his hands with each globe.My pussy clenches at his touch and I feel like I'll go crazy if he stops.As pleasure coils through me, my thoughts slip from my mind, rendering me useless to resisting him.And he knows it.I can tell from the flicker of triumph pressed into his smile that he knows what he's doing to me.Alessio drops the shower gel and washes away the foam from my body, touching me everywhere. Breathing is all I can do to keep myself from withering away.A deep rumble rattles in his chest like a beast and he lowers to nuzzle his face between my cleavage.Like a savage he sucks my nipple, sending pleasure sizzling through my body. Every nerve quivers with forbidden heat, warning me that I can't fight this. I've already entered his lair and the only thing I can do now is play his game.Alessio continues sucking my breast andshit,it feels so good.I pres
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AlessioHoly. Fucking. Shit.I gaze down at the naked blonde beauty on my bed, lying exactly the way she would in any man's fantasy.Her soft milky skin is flushed with the sheen of desire, her rose-blushed nipples diamond hard, her legs are spread wide and her pussy glistening, begging to be fucked.It's like I'm looking at an angel. An eroticized version of the angel I stole and brought to my unhallowed hell.Hades—God of the Underworld—would have been proud, but dare I say that not even Persephone—the Goddess of Spring—was as enchanting as this being in my bed.I got a mere taste of what it would feel like to be inside her and I pulled out.I actually pulled out.Now I'm torn between slamming back inside her tight wet cunt, or going to see what my father's wife wants.Why the hell is Mira Scarfoni here?Okay I know why. That's a very stupid question.It's more like it would be weird if she didn't come and seek me out to talk in private.She could have spoken to Leif. I don't know a
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AlessioI was sixteen when Leif told me about my parents' affair. That was the gritty part of my past he wanted to leave for last.He told me my father would see my mother every time he had business in Russia.I never saw him, or them together, but I'd had suspicions long before I was twelve. I remember her acting like she did whenever she had a new man in her life.The last time they saw each other was serious.Serious enough for my mother to tell me who I really am and who my father was. She wanted me to meet him.That was mere days before she died. I remember us speaking about it over breakfast that day, then by nightfall we were on the run.Mira continues crying so I reach for the box of tissues at the end of the coffee table. I give her the whole box and when she takes out a wad of tissues, she breaks down."I'm so sorry." She dries her tears and tries to compose herself. "I promised myself I wouldn't fall apart. Especially when I knew in my heart it had to be that. What else wou
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