All Chapters of The Devil She Knows: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
97 Chapters
AlessioI'm at Raventhorn Hall, the headquarters of the Knights. It is situated on the grounds of Raventhorn University.This is the place where the Ritual of Initiation is conducted. Here you take the oath, pledging your life to the Knights to live and die by the vows you make.I walk into the ritual hall making my way down the path where Aleksander Ivanov stands at the head.When I gave him my report last night his one request was for me to do this—take the oath again in front of him and the Knights' council.That report included the truth about my father. As I am going to be Aleksander's second in command, Leif thought it wise to tell him and I agreed. I need this man to trust me, so I will tell him all the things I feel he needs to know about me.Aleksander is standing between the stone statue of Raventhorn and the Fountain ofPromises, symbolic of the river the Viking Knights used centuries ago for rituals like this.Around Aleksander are the twenty four members of the Knights' co
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AlessioThe silver moon shines over the automatic garage doors as they open for me.I drive my Mustang inside and the door lowers once I'm inside.When I bought this house, the garage was like the ordinary type you'd find on a house this old. I modernized it to what it is now and extended the space to accommodate my cars and my bike.Although I haven't been here much over the years, I always feel privileged to have this home. It's been mine for the last five years. The house was being maintained by Pavel Butyrskaya's great aunt whom I approached when I wanted to buy it.Apart from my work on the garage and improving the surveillance, I kept everything pretty much the same and either sold or stored away what I didn't need. The house was big enough that I didn't need to hire a separate storage unit.It may seem odd that I kept their things but I did it because they meant a lot to my mother. She grew up with them here after her mother died. When I came along, they took care of me too.Th
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CamilleI stare at the rustic red brick wall before me, tapping the bricks with my fingertips to that song in my head.Run and catch, the meadow's calling you home...I tap one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.On the eighth count I blink, then I'm running through the meadow. A bird flies high in the sky, and the sun is bright and warm on my skin, tempting me to chase it. I run toward the sun but it disappears, and blackness swallows me whole.It's so dark, I dare not breathe. I'm too scared that I'll disappear. But I walk on the unseen path before me, terror ravaging my soul.Darkness fills my mind like a thick fog of smoke, suffocating me with theominous feeling of imminent doom.Patches of light flicker in the darkness, and I see it—the crest with the wolf and the moon engraved into it.I try to get closer, but shadow monsters rush out of the darkness, howling and gnashing their teeth like evil souls trapped in the pits of hell.Faceless faces push out of the darkness an
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CamilleLorelai is aware of the intense awkwardness I've experienced with my father since my mom's death. I've told her how he became more overprotective and secretive. But this disaster has driven a wedge in my heart."I feel betrayed and disappointed." My voice is so fragile a gentle breeze could shatter it."I'm so sorry. This is truly awful.""I know." I take another gulp of air, hoping it will ease my mind. "I hate feeling so trapped and knowing there's nothing anyone can do.""Richard tried to get you back," she offers with an encouraging smile.My heart flutters on hearing that. "Did he?""Yes. He even came to my father for help, but everything they thought of turned out to be a bust." Her father has connections that can be useful sometimes. It's unfortunate he couldn't help me."Thank you for telling me. It means a lot.""I thought it might. I don't have the best opinion of Richard most of the time, but I thought it was sweet he tried to get you back.""It was. Please thank yo
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Camille"Since the crest is real, I've been thinking I could be right about the rest of the dream." I sigh. "The parts where the shadow monsters kill me. Of course, I'm not dead and I know the monsters weren't monsters, but if I had a bad experience, I want to know what happened."Worry washes over her face. "Do you think you should? I mean maybe that's why your parents didn't want to talk about it when you brought it up."I nod slowly, feeling a little defeated. "I guess, but I just wanted to know.""Camille, I think you need to take each day as it comes and one problem at a time." She reaches out and covers my hands with hers. "Things are already intense enough with Alessio. You've been thrust into this new life where you're not with Richard and you can't speak to your father. Don't take on anything that's going to add to that stress.""You're right." Playing Nancy Drew is not what I should be doing now with everything else going on."At the same time, I'm not saying you shouldn't d
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Alessio"This is the last thing to do." Leif beams with a radiant smile, tapping the company ownership documents on my desk. The lawyer just dropped them off. "Everything officially belongs to you now. All you have to do is sign the documents.""Thank you, Uncle." I shake his outstretched hand, savoring the surge of victory. My new reality became real for me the moment I stepped inside Scarfoni Inc. earlier this morning.We're in my new office, on the fifteenth floor at the very top of the building.It used to belong to Leif. He felt I'd be more comfortable here than in my father's office. He was right.At the moment, my father's office is closed. No one is using it out of respect. Everyone knows he's not expected to make a return to the world of the living, but they won't do anything with it until after he's gone.I'm only honoring that because I want to make a good impression and I've already caused enough upheaval.All eyes were on me when I arrived earlier, and as Leif gave me the
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Alessio"Enjoying your new position?" Richard's tone is infused with sarcasm."Yes, thank you for asking."He shakes his head at me. "You're loving this, aren't you?""What do you want?" I don't have time for this shit. I have things to do and he's the last person I want to speak to."I want to talk to you about Camille.""Why?" A spark of annoyance pulls at my insides but I tamp it down."Really?" His eyes blaze. "Are you serious? It's obvious I'd ask about her.""What do you want to know?" I don't give a fuck how riled up he is, or about his attempt to point out the obvious. He can't do shit, so if he wants an answer from me, he needs to answer the fucking question I'm asking him."I want my girl back."His girl.Hearing him call her that shouldn't create any response in me other than the pleasure I already feel for cutting him down. But something akin to rage stirs in me."Keeping her is ridiculous, and so is marrying her," he sneers. "You have Scarfoni Inc. and I'm sure you can fi
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Camille"Do you need anything else, dear?" Ehlga asks, closing the wardrobe doors.She has that heartfelt expression again, a sign she still feels bad about today.Not just for the horrid encounter with Gytha, but also for the barbaric experience at the clinic."No, I'm just going to turn in for the night." It's a lie. There's no way I'm going to sleep. My head is a damn mess."Okay. I'm going to do the same. It's been a long day."She forgot to say it was fucked up too, but I don't think Ehlga uses words like fuck."Any news on when Alessio will be back?" It's just after ten. If he's coming back tonight, I want to be prepared."No. But I'm sure he'll be here in the morning if you need to speak to him.""Alright." I do need to speak to him, but maybe it's best I don't tonight. I'm too worked up and I'll only get myself in trouble."See you in the morning.""Good night."As soon as she leaves, I sulk down onto the bed, resting my head in my hands. I allow all the tension to drain from
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CamilleThe overhead lights come on as we walk into Alessio's office.I take in the antique-looking furniture made of black walnut wood and the glass-paned bookcase to the left that takes up the entire wall.The desk in the center commands most of the space, and rows of shelves filled with books line the wall behind the padded leather chair.This office doesn't seem to suit Alessio. It would be more fitting to someone older. Like Leif. Or Jules Verne, judging from the volumes of classic literature on the shelf about adventures to the center of the earth, the moon, and the sea. There's also an ancient-looking pair of golden binoculars sitting on a tripod by the window.It's all interesting, but I can see that I would have been quite disappointed if I'd succeeded in breaking in.Alessio places his hand to the small of my back. The contact twists my stomach into more knots, and I wonder what the hell I'm going to do.This is bad. Very bad. I don't know what to expect or what more to say
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Camille"Doesn't quite seem like you to keep quiet, baby girl."Baby girl and Valkyrie. I just realized something. He seems to call me baby girl when he thinks I'm weak and Valkyrie when I show some defiance.Both endearments feel like he's mocking me because I don't want to be anything to him."You don't know me.""I know you were trying to get in here to find something." The lightheartedness fades from his expression and it's like he slips on the evil mask again. "Now, enough talk about Gytha and your lame attempts to change the subject. Tell me what you were looking for."Damn it. We're back to that again, and I never got to really bitch at him about the doctor. The whole Gytha thing didn't bother me nearly as much as the doctor did.Now what should I say?What excuse can I find for breaking in?I think for a moment while he stares at me for what feels like eons.Maybe the truth is the only option. All I'm asking about is a crest."When Ehlga was showing me around, I saw a crest on
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