All Chapters of The Devil She Knows: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
97 Chapters
CamilleI feel like a slut.I can't shake the feeling no matter what I tell myself or how I paint things in my mind.Sluts don't normally have the clash of emotions I'm experiencing.Usually, they don't care. I've encountered enough of them to know. There were tons of sluts in high school and even more in college.They didn't care as they went from one guy to the other. And they certainly wouldn't have a problem with being with a guy's older brother.Not like me. The girl who's committed her soul to its own shitty apartment in purgatory.Here I am again, sitting on the sofa in the sun room, trying to study but failing miserably because I can't get my guilt-riddled mind to think of anything else besides Alessio Scarfoni.I've been back at college for a few days now. When I get home, I either study in here or by the pool.Studying has been the only thing to distract me from the guilt I feel over the nightly punishments which send me deeper down the river of shame.I just can't do it tod
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CamilleRichard's name continues to flash across my phone screen, like the blaring red and blue lights of a police car.A gamut of emotions assails me and my heart doubles over in a triple beat.There's trepidation and fear, happiness and hope, and shame.Shame for the scandalous way I've been with Alessio.Shame for the secret parts of me that feel pleasure during those forbidden moments when I come undone in his arms like a slut.Or a cheater.I feel like I'm cheating on Richard now even just thinking about Alessio.I stare at the phone, wanting to answer, but the consequences of doing so stop me. I'm supposed to see Richard sometime in the next two weeks. Talking to him now might jeopardize that.The phone rings on and on and on, quivering in my hands.Or is that me?I don't know. What I do know is, if I know what's good for me, I mustn't answer the phone.I need to let it ring out and tell Richard I'm sorry when I get to see him.That's what I need to do but I don't want to becaus
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Camille"Oh God..." My voice hits every wall in the room and the vicious wave of my orgasm grabs my insides. It builds and rises like hot lava ready to erupt and burn everything in its way.My brain snaps back into reality when the pirate man stops his wild suckle, giving me a moment of respite.But just a moment. Rising to his feet, he holds the leg that was on his shoulder up with one hand. With the other, he cups my sex and shoves two thick fingers back into my passage.And... Jesus. It's too much.He finger fucks me and my back arches to take his thrust. The overload makes me grab on to his jacket.He goes to my ear and licks over the lobe sending a shiver of delight through my brain. A nip at my neck spreads it over my body."Ahhhh...." I moan, but that shouldn't have felt so damn good."Good girl." Alessio's voice is spitefully loud. And loud enough so anyone nearby can hear him. I'm sure they'll hear me too. "Clearly Richard didn't fuck you properly. But I can."The mention of
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AlessioZakh steeples his fingers on his desk and I sit in the leather chair in front of him, relieved that we're finally meeting.Today is another crazy busy day. I also fly out to L.A. tonight with Leif for what should hopefully be a ten-day business trip, but seeing Zakh couldn't wait any longer.He got back from Russia last night, and by the time I get back from L.A. we'll be days away from the inauguration.I can't remember the last time I was this keen to see anybody and I never thought I would feel this way about one of my brothers.Zakh's office isn't that different from mine but his has less décor. There is only one painting on the wall behind him, depicting the battle of Heaven and Hell.When he smiles and sits back, I imagine him right at home in the infernal underworld. Probably sitting next to me."I assume you found the information okay?" A mischievous grin lights up his face, making him appear more lighthearted than when I last saw him."I did. My assistant says she had
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Alessio"How the hell did you find out about the vineyard?"He gives me a confident smile and I realize I'm right."I have a special penchant for getting information. I might be on a par with your lady friend there, or slightly better. She left a trace here and there but I cleaned it up."I raise my brows. "You can hack?" Or maybe it's a little more than that if he can detect Gytha's traces. She's not messy in the least."It's my thing but I don't announce it. Sometimes it's better when people don't know everything about you. That way you can keep more things to yourself.""Do the others know?""Malik. Not Richard."I could have guessed that. Zakh seems closer to Malik than to Richard. It was just something I picked up on when we were at the wedding."Leif knows too," he adds."I guess that's why he wants me to get to know you guys.""I suppose so. He wants us to get to know you too.""What's your take on that?" I've never cared one way or the other about being a part of them. I alway
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AlessioI rest my hands on the windowpane, gazing at the beautiful, platinum-haired Valkyrie sitting by the poolside.I'm standing by the floor-to-ceiling windows on the second floor and she's completely unaware of my presence.I'm home in the breath of a break to see Camille for two reasons.The first is my dick misses her mouth. The second is to give her my engagement ring. Jayce is on his way with it now.I've used the ring as the perfect excuse to come home and kill two birds with one clever idea. As I'm heading out to L.A. within the hour, I needed to get my fill.Camille is reading what looks like a boring-as-fuck textbook. The sight of its thick pages turn my stomach, but the woman holding it makes the whole studious bookworm look sexy. Especially while wearing those black-rimmed fuck-me-I'm-a-hot-librarian glasses.A blue skater dress clings to her body, lifting her tits and showing off smooth thighs. The only thing I don't like is that bun on top of her head.She wears her ha
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Alessio"Need I remind you that everything is mine?"Her eyes blaze and I can see she wants to tell me to go fuck myself, but by Odin is she holding back."What do you want, Alessio?""You know what I want." I give her a shit-eating grin that makes her cheeks flush and her ice-blue eyes darken with desire."This is ridiculous.""Bad girls deserve to be punished, don't you think?""You never said how long this stupid punishment would last.""No. I didn't." I give her a measured stare. "I figured we have so much fun, why stop now?""You're such an asshole.""Yes, I am. Anyway, before we get down to business, we have another matter to tend to."She swallows hard. "What is it?""Come here to me."She thinks for a moment, then moves, her steps hesitant.I swivel my chair to face her and retrieve the ring box from my pocket. Her eyes round when she looks at it, then her gaze drifts up to meet mine."What is that?"I flick the box open, revealing the ring inside.Surprise washes over her fac
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CamilleI'm at Raventhorn University, sitting under the oak tree near the quad with Lorelai and our friends Willow and Eilish, who we met at the start of our freshman year.We've just finished our classes for the day and are hanging out like we usually do until it's time to leave.With the radiant afternoon sun beaming down on us, this could be the perfect day.Three weeks ago, I would have done anything for this oh-so-normal opportunity, with normal conversations like the latest campus gossip Lorelai is filling us in on. But I have so much going on in my life, my head could implode.Everything has come at me in a vicious circle—Alessio, Dad, the crest, Richard, and the wedding, which is now eleven days away.In the sea of so much chaos, I've been thinking about Alessio more than anything. And I can't get him out of my head.He's been gone now for twelve days. His trip ran over, and he's expected to return in a few days' time.Instead of the break I thought I was going to get from him
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CamilleOur conversation is interrupted by the loud roar of a motorcycle engine ripping through the air. The sound commands the attention of everyone around us, and we give it because motorcycles aren't allowed on this section of the campus.There's a massive sign saying so right at the entrance of the driveway.Despite that, the biker dressed in full black continues up the path, not caring who he's upsetting or which rule he's breaking.Lorelai smirks when he guns the engine louder and tears up the hill like he's riding out of a Mission Impossible film."Someone's asking for trouble." She laughs."I think it's more the case of begging for it." There are a ton of badass guys who come here, but they know that the kind of trouble they'd get in with the dean or even the Pakhan isn't worth it.This guy clearly doesn't care.When he gets closer and I take note of his familiar muscular build, my nerves spike.The bike stops at the edge of the hill, a little over twenty feet away from us.My
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CamilleAt the sight of Richard, my throat goes dry and panic rattles my brain.Although Gytha is standing next to him, I don't really see her.All I see is him.Him dressed in his usual attire which, minus the leather, isn't that much different to Alessio's style. Like Alessio, Richard wears dark clothes, but he looks like my Richard.The same one I loved all my life and counted down the days to marrying.That familiar air of authority and desire to protect me emanates from his presence, and he still looks at me with the same adoration."What the hell are you doing here?" Alessio's angry voice rips into my daze and I shudder from deep within. The playfulness we shared moments ago is gone and the ruthless devil is back once again.He drops my hand like a steel weight and when he marches up to Richard, I instantly realize this is my fault. My one and only text weeks ago resulted in this visit. This is around about the time Richard said he would drop by. I just never had a date or hour,
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