All Chapters of The Mafia Boss's ex convict wife : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
54 Chapters
Chapter 21
Chapter 21Violet's POVThe door opened again and the men entered the room, my heart raced violently against my rib cage. I could only imagine the inevitable.The boss walked into the place accompanied by his men, but there was something shocking I noticed this time, they came inside with two ladies, two masculine ladies.I don't know if calling them masculine ladies was the proper word, because their features were exactly like that of men and honestly I've never seen this kind of women before.They looked fearless, bold and ruthless. These kinds of women could go toe to toe with men and come out victorious. Now the part I'm yet to understand is why they are here? Because the last time I checked I've never seen these faces a day in my life.“Hello dear friend,” the Boss said, sarcastically, I rolled my eyes at him, I didn't say a word to him, and he continued, “miss me?”I don't say a word either. I keep quiet, what I'm yet to understand is why the ladies were standing close to me, I c
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Chapter 22
Violet's POV He slapped me so hard across the face, that the force shifted my head to the side, I shut my eyes, calming myself, this was less than anything I'd received today, but why did it hurt so much? I felt my cheek burning from the impact of the slap.“I've been patient with you enough, if only you knew the influence of the man before you, your approach would be better, as much as I like to see my victims in pain this is not funny you are wasting my time, You're getting on my nerves you won't like the outcome,” he said calmly, but I knew he was pained and displeased.“Let me go, I do not want to know who you are, I do not want to have any business with a murderer, release me!” I still protested.He stood in front of me looking at me for a brief moment before he said, “Untie her!” He growled in a low voice, and I flinched, not knowing what he was thinking I refused to be untied.But the women overpowered me and before I knew it the women had me standing, one held one of my hands
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Chapter 23
Violet's POV “Where are you taking me?” I yelled at the men who had me in their hands.But there was no response from them, as all they did was frown their faces looked like hideous monstrosities, was I even expecting them to answer me?I was grateful I wasn't raped by that maniac monster, but I didn't know what to expect tomorrow as his threatening words about tomorrow replayed in my head.“Today's punishment was too easy, let's see how you cope Tomorrow,” I sighed, shaking my head as my knees scratched the ground as they drew me like a bag of potatoes.The next thing I noticed they opened an iron gate and threw me inside, not minding if I broke a leg, why do I even want their care when they specialized in taking people's lives, I chuckled bitterly.I tried to get up on my own, but my body hurt like hell, my stomach was hurting badly from too much torture and I was having uncontrollable migraines, I felt so cold and I needed treatment for my injuries, but considering that I was going
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Chapter 24
Violet's POV The aroma of the food kept interrupting my whirlwind of thoughts and I decided to stop thinking and have some food, I drew the food close to my bed and used the water to wash my hands when I remembered I had a neighbor, “I don't know why you don't want to talk to me, but it's alright, you can come and eat if you want,” I said shrugging.And for the first time she spoke to me, “Thank you,” and my eyes sparkled in surprise because I wasn't expecting an answer but then she had a sweet voice like my sister, then I remembered my family and my heart raced again.I sucked in a sharp breath and let it out almost immediately, I dug the spoon into the food and dished some portion as I was about to put it in my mouth the thought of the food being poison crossed my mind and I lifted the food and smelled the plate, if the food was poisoned it won't be sneaked, I thought to myself and ate, thankful to God that at the end of the day, I got something to put in my stomach to prepare for t
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Chapter 25
Violet’s POV “Riccardo I think, I heard the boss call him that, he stabbed my brother countless times,” her tone was soft and weak.I shut my eyes tightly as she described how her brother was killed. I don't know how she said it with ease but her heart must be full of pain and regret.“They killed my Best friend too, they shot her in the head, she just got engaged recently, I wish we hadn't gone to the club in the first place, now they are after my family, they want me to give them my family's location, but I'm not giving them,” I spoke with determination.“They'll kill you,” she countered my opinion.“What difference does it make, either way, they want me dead, so it better I sacrifice myself for my family,” I reasoned.“I like your spirit, I hope you make it out here alive, these men have great connections with men in potential offices, they can get any information they want, it just takes more money for them, as for you going to club wasn't the reason you were caught, they may have
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Chapter 26
Violet's POV“I don't know,” I yelled at the top of my voice, my tone was sharp and rude.“Seems you didn't learn enough from yesterday's torture, that brings us to torture adventure, or are you going to change your mind?” he cocked his brow at me.“I have not changed my mind, you'll kill me instead,” I stood my ground.He gave his men a sign and the same masculine ladies from yesterday came inside the room again, they handed them thorn canes, the thorn canes were long and their sprouts were sharp, my heart thew a backflip at the sight of it but I was not going to back down.While my gaze was still on the women, when two men came and untied me, they brought a table and tied me to it.“You have one last chance, I don't know why I'm soft with you, but you're taking it for granted,” “Go to hell!” I gritted amidst the pain I was feeling.He gave the ladies a sign and they started whipping me with the thorn canes, with each whip the thorns stuck into my body, and it was so painful, that I
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Chapter 27
Chapter 27 Vincenzo's POVAfter dealing with the two idiots who ran off with my drugs, I was coming out of the torture room and I passed Violet's cell, only to find her standing by the gate.“I do not belong here, you are depriving me of my freedom, let me go, please,” she pleaded with tear-filled eyes.I didn't know what made me stop to listen to her, honestly, the sound of that was pleasant to my ears, but everything about her fascinates me, even if I don't tell myself the truth, she's quite amusing, and hearing her say ‘please’ gives me butterflies.I scoffed and walked away. As a way to maintain my hard rock demeanor, I went straight to my room to have a shower. Recently she has been occupying my mind. Even when I try to shove the thought of her away, it keeps coming, making me restless.I stepped out of the toilet, still thinking about her, and tied my towel around my waist, wandering inside my room.I can't understand why an ordinary girl who doesn't belong to any outfits or gan
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Chapter 28
Violet's POVToday is my fourth day in this goddamn place, I'm usually carried by the men into the torture room before this time, but today I'm wondering if God killed them overnight, and if he did, they deserved it.In these four days, after all I went through, I know I'm a leader, with a resilient spirit, if someone told me I'd be able to handle it, I would not believe it, but I went through all the torture and came out alive, I know there's more ahead, I'm ready to endure whatever it may take to save family, I know they are still alive, I know they'll be looking for me.My whole body was in serious pain, I couldn't stand or bend properly, and the excruciating pain didn't let me change position in peace, I summoned all my strength and stood up, I wanted to see the sun, I yearned to feel the heat on my skin, I stood by my cell gate looking at the sun, I took my arm that didn't hurt so much and passed It through the gate to see if I would feel the heat of the sun.As I was engrossed in
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Chapter 29
Chapter 29Violet's POV “Ma'am, do you know my name?” I asked.“Yes, my dear, your name is Violet,” she replied boldly. I could perceive the enthusiasm in her voice as she spoke.That confirmed she was the woman but why was she bringing me food? I didn't know her, but it seems she knew me more.“Let's treat your wounds,” she said, taking out a stool, she sat in front of me.She helped me remove my clothes, and I didn't feel ashamed to be naked in front of her, the boss had already seen me naked, so there was nothing to be ashamed of, I lost my pride in that aspect, I decided not to give it too much thought, I needed serenity, at least for the moment.She started caring for my wounds, she opened her first aid box and brought out an antiseptic solution and cotton wool, she made sure every speck of dirt in my wound was removed, she cleaned my skin with care and my real color was coming to light.“Let me get something,” she said hurriedly getting up, I expected her to be back quickly but
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Chapter 30
Violet's POV “I did it because I wanted you to survive, your father was a good man, even if he was caged in this dark world, he always told me about his family, he told me about you, he told me about how he kept his Mafia affairs a secret from you and the rest of your family, he killed the Underboss’s father, and ran away, leaving Don's body in the Car, that's why they kidnapped you,” Mrs. Maria explained.“Do you think my father would kill the Don or whatever you call him? What's even a Don? What's the meaning of this Don thing?” I asked.“It's the undisputable king of a particular outfit in the Mafia, he rules over the, the associates, the soldiers everyone under the outfit submits to him,” “Okay, so why do you think my father will kill him?” I nodded, cocking my head for her to continue, my expression solemn.“Keep your voice down, if anyone hears our conversation we are in trouble, I don't know if your father truly did it, because he ran away,” I felt heartbroken at those words s
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