All Chapters of The Mafia Boss's ex convict wife : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
54 Chapters
Chapter 41
(Third person POV) She got to her workplace in the evening, Ava handed her the clothes she brought from home for her to change into, Olivia had her bath in the dressing room and changed into her hostess clothes.Olivia and Ava with the other workers in the bar were serving the men that were trooping in, soon they closed and balanced their accounts for the day and took their tips homeIn the morning Olivia rushed to work as she had to teach Tristan's class in the second period of the day, when she got to the class she didn't see Tristan in the class but the bitch girl from yesterday was in class constantly casting disdainful looks at Olivia, Olivia told herself that the girl didn't like her and she was not going to impress her either.She just did her job and as soon as school was over she left. She had a complacent feeling that Tristan was truant because of her, but she didn't know what to expect in his return.THE NEXT DAY Tristan came to school before Olivia, he was sitting with hi
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Chapter 42
(Third person POV)“You cannot be a Grade twelve student and you're telling me you don't like reading, it doesn't sound ideal, how are you going to cope in college or university, whichever one your parents take you?” Olivia asked.“It's never too late, you can start now, so take and read,” she shoved the book in front of him again.Tristan groaned lazily and she thought of another method, “You know what? Read aloud to my hearing like you're telling me a story,” Olivia said and Tristan’s eyes elated, she didn't know the motive behind it and she didn't bother to ask, she deduced from his reaction that that was a better suggestion.“That’s better right?” Olivia creased her eyebrow.“Yeah, we can try,” Tristan said, opening the book.He started reading to her and soon the break period was over, but he noticed that Olivia's tummy was growling while he was reading he wondered if she had eaten any food.“Okay, we will read the rest tomorrow during your detention,” Olivia said, packing up to t
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Chapter 43
Violet's POV “You know when Lisa was born, she was so small, her father was always afraid of crushing her, because she was too small and he was always holding her wrongly,” Mrs Maria demonstrated as she explained her husband's behavior when she gave birth to lisa.I laughed really hard, also Lisa who sat in between us, Mrs Maria kept me company in the mansion, she was the only one I could confide in, her daughter Lisa was back from school just like her Mom said and both of them kept me company, but i didn't feel too relaxed, because I knew I had to leave this place.“He always used to say stuff like ‘Does she have bones in her body? Bellissimo, do you think she will grow? Her body is too soft and her nose is small,” Mrs Maria remarked, she was happy sharing her funny moments with her husband when he was alive.I and Lisa kept laughing, Mrs Maria's demonstrations were so funny, “You know what's the worst?” She creased her eyebrow, “he didn't use to hold her neck whenever he carried her
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Chapter 44
Violet's POV Immediately I heard his voice. I quickly stood up, not because I was afraid of him like his men, but because I was told to behave this way by Mrs. Maria so they wouldn't have eyes on me all the time, Incase if an opportunity came for me to escape it wouldn't be difficult for me to escape.“We were just talking,” I replied, not fearfully but respectfully and politely.“I see,” he remarks and shifts his gaze from me to Mrs. Maria, “My uncle and his son will be here in an hour, I think you should prepare something for dinner,” Vincenzo ordered Mrs. Maria, I noticed he has some level of respect for her because he talks to her like she were his mother, and she didn't take it for granted either she knew her place in the household and she never crossed her boundaries.“Okay, I'll gather my girls and we will get to work right now,” Mrs Maria said.Vincenzo nodded and walked away.“Let's go,” Mrs Maria said. Her daughter and I followed behind her.But I was curious, did Vincenzo h
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Chapter 45
Violet's POV The household was filled with men, men from different races, dignified men who exhumed arrogance, wealth, and authority.Mrs. Maria told me yesterday that men from the other outfits were going to be here today, including businessmen and associates of the Dante family.The burial was held in this house because they had a cemetery at the back of the house, and it was said that Vincenzo's father requested to be buried there. I hear there's a secret behind it but there are consequences that follow if you hear what you are not supposed to hear in this house.It was 6 p.m. and everywhere was filled with cars of different brands owned by billionaires and dignified men, they were inside, some left after Vincenzo's father was placed in his grave.With Mrs. Maria's illustration, I was able to identify the Mafia men that came here, blackcoats, black hats, well-polished shoes, and one additional thing I noticed, they always have something at hand that they were smoking, I see why the
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Chapter 46
Violet's POV“Who's that?” Vincenzo's hard voice came through, he must have wondered what was going on at the door.“It's Violet, she said she has a migraine,” he explained.I walked inside the room, my feet felt heavy but I managed to control myself, and not provoke the men to rage.I raised my head sluggishly but I made sure I looked around as quickly as possible to see if I could recognize anyone, the only familiar face there was Uncle Erico’s, the rest were just evil men with chilling expressions of cruelty and bloodthirst.I dropped the fruits I was given on the table and stood at the side.“You say you had what?” Vincenzo asked, furrowing his eyebrow in concern as if he wasn't planning to kill me just now, I won't be deceived by that facade either, I had already underestimated him and it was about to cost me my life and that of my family, I just knew I had to act smarter.“I have a migraine, and it hurts so much. I have not been used to doing hard work. Please can I take a rest f
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Chapter 47
Violet's POV“Who..wait.. Violet what are you saying, your father won't hurt anyone, are you telling me that ....” I knew my mother wouldn't believe me, but I just had to tell her that people were after her so she could run when she could because it was not going to be funny if Vincenzo set his eyes on her.“Mother, have I ever pranked you? Have I ever told you something like this? I don't want you to take it for granted, the guys looking for you are dangerous and deadly the only reason they haven't gotten hold of you is because they don't have your location, stay safe, and take care of Anna, I'll see you in a few days I'm trying to come out of hiding, Don't call this number back for any reason,” I say switching off the phone because I know my mother may be tempted to call me back.After dropping the call the next move was what to wear. I looked inside Mrs Maria's closet and took one of her leggings. I didn't need to dress too much. I just took her hoodie. I wore the leggings and rolle
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Chapter 48
Violet's POV He looks up in the rear mirror and realizes. I'm the one, “Violet!? I thought you said you're sick?” he asks, battering his lashes in disbelief.“It's none of your business,” I replied sharply.He still reaches for his gun and points it at me, “If you pull the trigger I'm unlocking the spring-loaded striker and we will both die, you know how this works,” I say, shoving the bomb in his face.“I know you don't value your life, but at least value that of your wife and unborn baby,” I spill and he narrows his eyes at me, he must be wondering how I managed to find out about it.Two days ago I overheard his wife tell him that she was 6 weeks pregnant. He lived with his wife on the soldier's estate and she went for a pregnancy test and discovered she was pregnant. From the way she narrated it, it seemed like she had been trying to get pregnant for a while.“How did you know about that,” his shock was evident in his voice as he spoke.“It doesn't matter,” I want to use the inform
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Chapter 49
Vincenzo's POVWhile I was being initiated as the Head of the Dante family and the New king of the underworld of New York after my father, one of my trusted men was absent and we later discovered he was shot. I'm in the hospital and it's so hard to be calm, Riccardo was loyal to me.I stood at the see-through door where they were operating him, I knew if he survived it was a miracle because he had lost way too much blood before we saw him, he was lying on the ground, a street away from the Dante province, I knew I had too many enemies but I had to do my investigation.We promised everyone that lived in the Dante household that they would be protected, but if Riccardo dies that promise won't be only broken but fear and doubt will be introduced in the minds of the famiglia, even if they wouldn't be able to speak up I know they'll be hurt.I'm trying my best to see what I can do, coupled with the fact that my father was betrayed it would look like someone on the inside is an enemy.Becau
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Chapter 50
Vincenzo's POV I looked at Gio and he had the same deadpan, emotionless look I had.I didn't say another word, I went in and a few soldiers followed me inside, “Get me the CCTV iPad,” I ordered Gio, while the other men stood put.Gio brought the iPad, and I opened it, “The last time I saw her yesterday was around I think Seven or past seven,” I said out loud, Gio was at my back observing the camera.I checked the footage of the entrance to the inner room, around the time she came in, “That's her!” Gio yelled pointing at her immediately he saw her on the footage.I stopped there and played the footage, I saw her coming with the fruits in her hands and when she got to the door she placed her ear on the door as though she was trying to hear what was going on inside.At the same time, she was eavesdropping. I tried to remember what we were discussing inside, but when I realized we were discussing her father my heart skipped a beat. Could it be that she overheard our conversation and she r
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