All Chapters of The Mafia Boss's ex convict wife : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
54 Chapters
Chapter 31
Violet's POV“I need your help to leave this place,” I dropped the bombshell.She shook her head frantically as though she didn't agree with my opinion.“Please, I know it won't be easy, but you know these people better than I do, please help me, I need to see my family, my cousin, Ava I was supposed to see her three days ago she stays here in New York she'll be worried sick about me, everyone will be looking for me, I can't let the boss know about anyone related to me, he'll kill them for fun, please help me,” I kept pleading and convincing her.“Look, I cannot help you sneak out of this province, we have CCTV cameras all over the house, and this house is so big, before you even get to the gate you're already caught and if they discover I'm your cohort I and my daughter will get killed,” she cried out.I let out a deep breath of frustration.“ I can't be here…..,” my eyes refilled with tears, “I need to leave, I need to see my family,” I say, twisting my fingers that rested on my lap.
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Chapter 32
(Third person POV)"It's here" the Uber driver informed Olivia as they got to the location she ordered."Okay," she quickly alighted from the car and walked to the entrance of the building before her.She reached the doorstep and breathed in and out as she reached for the door and knocked. She knocked and waited but it seemed like she didn't knock well enough, this wasn't the first time she was doing this but this was going to be her last.She closed her eyes and raised her hands to knock when the door opened. She quickly opened her eyes to see a handsome man with a nice body built with a towel wrapped around his waist. Standing before her, she gave him a quick once over and looked down."Umm….Good evening," Olivia stuttered.He smirked, "Come in," he said as he opened the door for her to enter and she entered. He looked outside to see if anyone was with her and he closed the door."You're…." He was about to confirm that what he received was what he ordered, but Olivia cut his speech
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Chapter 33
(Third person POV)Olivia lived a lonely and simple life, with not many friends, and no boyfriend, she was in her own world, and she didn't bother people with her problems, her mother made her feel she was bad luck and at some point, she believed it because nothing worked the way she wanted.Her mother always blamed her for her misfortune, she lacked the feeling of love in her life, and she was getting accustomed to not being loved, as the people she gave chances of love like her mother and first-ever boyfriend didn't return it, but she never gave up in trying to make her mother love her, because she yearned for her love and she was the only family she knew and had.She had never seen her father, she didn't know what he looked like, his name, or his occupation, her mother never disclosed any information about her father to her telling her she didn't deserve to know.After crying so hard, Olivia had some sleep for the night, it's not the first time, but it always hurts.THE NEXT DAYOli
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Chapter 34
(Third person POV)“No Ma'am, no one harassed me, I just don't want to render escort services anymore,” she said politely, but her Madam was seeing it the wrong way.She believed Olivia was making plans to leave her bar and she didn't want that at all costs, one thing she didn't know was that Olivia couldn't even leave the job because she had school loans that were yielding interests, she had not even gotten into her mother's debts that one was even at the top of the table, she had other debts too to pay that her earning didn't even contribute much to.“I think I even made a mistake changing your shift to night, Olivia please go I'm not granting that wish,” she said shooing Olivia, but her mind was made up she didn't leave.“Ma'am, please I have not requested anything like this from you, I appreciate all you've done for me honestly, I know you think I want to leave, but I promise you I'm not leaving, I give you my word, I'll keep on working here,” Olivia kept pleading, she knew behind
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Chapter 35
(Third person POV)Everyone in Ava's family was invested in the movie they were watching, while she went to her room to ease herself.BOOM! Their door opened, and they aggressively turned to see who would be crazy to do that, but their expression resolved when they saw five men on black with guns barge into their house.“If anyone here moves, I'll shoot,” one of the men warned them as they tried to run away on seeing them.They were all shuddering in fear, sweat began to form on their foreheads, they were terrified and scared, really scared.Ava on the other hand was peeping through the toilet's keyhole, she was also scared, so she stayed quiet in the bathroom where she was.“Where is the phone?” One of the men asked pointing the gun at Ava's mother.“Here,” she said, handing them the phone, she was in possession of the phone at the time when they entered.“How dare you steal from me?” One of the men gritted through clenched teeth, Ava's sister, Serena was shaking violently, she had n
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Chapter 36
(Third person POV)As the men left, Ava came out of the toilet, she was still trembling in fear.Her chest was heaving up and down and she placed her hand on her chest to calm herself, but it wasn't helpful because when she saw the bodies lying on the floor she broke down and started crying. She looked at her sister's body, her heart became heavy with pain and regret.She caused her sister's death, if she had known she would have stayed clear of that phone when she saw it, now they think she stole it when she was only trying to help find their lost phone.She was not aware that the phone had a tracker.She touched her sister's lifeless body, words were enough to explain how sorry she was but the worst part was her sister was already dead, the deed had been done.She looked at her father's body as it lay on the floor and a thought crossed her mind, she might be able to save her father from dying.She decided to take him to the hospital after quickly changing into new clothes, maybe he c
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Chapter 37
(Third person POV)She rushed home, too many thoughts were swirling in Ava's mind. She wasn't thinking straight, her mind was unstable, she was shaking nervously, she didn't know if what she was about to do was the right thing to do but that was the best option for her at the moment.The doctor's report had raised her hopes that her father might live, she didn't know if her mother was safe or not, and she couldn't risk telling the police, the odds were against her, once the men find out that the police are on them they'll come after and kill her when the chance is in her hands to save her father, they had already lost one person in family, why risk the others?It was very late at night but Ava didn't mind her mind was fixed on more important things to even remember what she was doing was dangerous.Ava had cried so hard that her eyes couldn't refill tears, she tightened her grip on the steering wheel regretting why she picked up that phone.She got to the house, went into her room, she
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Chapter 38
(Third person POV)“Trouble? Why didn't you call me?” Olivia asked.“I forgot my phone in my house, and my house is not safe at the moment,” Ava explained.“What do you mean your house is not safe? I thought you said you were going home. Where are you outside all this while?” Olivia arched her eyebrows in concern.“No, while on my way home, I saw a phone on the floor, I thought the owner had misplaced it, so I picked it up with hopes that they would call and I would give it back to them, I didn't know the phone belonged to some bad guys,” Ava said sniffing, her voice heavy with pain and regret as fresh tears formed in her eyes.“Oh my God,” Olivia's hand clamped her mouth, “What did they do? Are they at your house? We should call the police,” Olivia said, rushing to get her phone.“Don't!” Ava protested, “Don't call the police!” Ava insisted, seeing that Olivia was still trying to call the police.“Why don't you want me to call the police? they may hurt your family,” Olivia reasoned wi
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Chapter 39
(Third person POV)“My workplace? You know different calibers of men come there every day and with your situation I don't think you should be seen outside too much, you know,” Olivia protested Ava's idea.“I don't have much choice, Ava, I didn't report to the police so technically, I'm not in their bad book, I don't even know if they will find me or not, but I have to save my father I'm doing it for him, if my father dies there's no use of my existence,” Ava poured out her heart.“Hey, it hasn't gotten to that, I don't know what to do in this kind of situation, but let's not be pessimistic, in the morning I'll take you to Madam Margaret myself, she'll give you a job, but what if she wants you to render escort services?” Olivia asked, not wanting to make her friend do something that was against her will.“I don't know, isn't there any other job to do?” Ava asked.“They are many, but Madam Margaret may ask you to render escort service, you're young and beautiful just the way she likes he
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Chapter 40
(Third person POV)“Umm, escort?” Ava spoke out, as she was contemplating what to do in her mind.“Yes, escort, we pay very well, how you treat your clients will determine how far you go,” Madam Margaret elaborated.“Okay, but I wanted to work as a hostess,” Ava said, she wanted to be placed where she'd be working with Olivia.The both jobs are similar but in Margaret's bar, it has to be clear what your job is.“You can still do that, Olivia did it too, Margaret's enterprise is a land of opportunities, so since you're already in, just sign these,” Madam Margaret said, shoving a file in front of her.Ava looked at Olivia and she gave her a concealing nod and she went on to sign the papers.“Olivia, take her her to Queen so she can orient her about the job, then she should also take nice and sexy photos of her and send them to me, so they can make a profile for her,” she averted her gaze from Olivia to the Ava, “When do you want to start working?” Madam Margaret asked Ava.“Today,” she s
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