All Chapters of The Alpha’s Barren Pup: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
53 Chapters
Chapter 31 – Preparations.
GabrielI sat cross-legged in the center of my private office, the green glow of the computer screens filling the space with an eerie light. I breathed in deeply, letting my mind reach out until I could feel the electric tingle of destiny surrounding me like a force field.Deep anger stirred within me. "You feel it getting stronger, don't you?" my inner wolf growled. "Elias is getting the pack to fall apart by denial of Lyra as their Luna!""Yes..." I rumbled, feeling waves of savage joy flow through me. "But, they should do whatever they want. My decision is final. Lyra would be my Luna and in the next coming full moon, Lyra will give birth to my pups and the blaze of unstoppable power. Our rise to dominance is no longer just a possibility, but an immutable certainty that bends all other packs to our will."A wild grin split my face, my fangs gleaming like polished blades ready to rend our enemies. I could already feel rival wolves, lesser creatures, and packs that didn't even exist
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Chapter 32: The Luna's Accession
LyraI smoothed the sleek fabric of my designer gown, the lavish ivory garment whispering against my trembling fingers. My heart thundered in my chest like a caged bird desperately beating its wings, trying to escape the snare of doubt and dread enveloping me. Would it be fine? To crown the Enemy as Luna?This grand ballroom of the Blackmoon Estate should have inspired awe, yet all I felt was an icy grip of fear. The polished marble floors and towering crystal chandeliers gazed down with silent condemnation as I paced the anteroom, awaiting the call to begin my coronation."You look positively radiant, Lyra dear," Kira's gentle voice murmured. The graceful woman glided across the plush carpets, her kind eyes warmly appraising me. As Gabriel's most trusted adviser, and aged healer she had become like a nurturing mother to me. "An absolute vision befitting this new dawn you're ushering in."I managed a tremulous smile for the elegant older woman who had been my sole ally in these stra
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Chapter 33 – Uncovering The Traitor
GabrielI tightened my grip on Lyra's arm, pulling her closer as I shielded her from the hostile pack's suspicious glares and mocking whispers.This was meant to be her night - the crowning of her as my Luna and pup's mother. Yet even now, there were treacherous forces undermining us from the shadows.Catching Kira's concerned gaze over Lyra's trembling shoulder, I gave the barest of nods. The aging woman may have been Lyra's sole friend here, but she was still first and foremost my trusted adviser. With a look, I entrusted the scared young woman into Kira's motherly care."Stay with her," I murmured under my breath, just loud enough for their preternatural hearing to pick up. "Keep her safe while I root out these snakes slithering in the shadows."Kira inclined her head fractionally in understanding as I released Lyra, giving her shoulder one final reassuring squeeze before turning away. "I'll be right back." I uttered.Although unshed tears glistened in her luminous eyes, the girl
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Chapter 34 – Trap
GabrielYou're playing a dangerous game, Elias," I replied in a deceptively mild tone that somehow proved even more unsettling. "One that could cost you more than just your pathetic attempts at vengeance."Elais mocked "really?" With that he snarled deep in his throat, beads of sweat glistening on his brow despite the alcove's shadows. Yet even as he bared his fangs in an attempt at bravado, I could scent the acrid undercurrents of fear clinging to him.The coward knew he stood not a whisper of a chance against the full force of my fury if roused."Such arrogant dismissal," he growled, desperation creeping into his tone no matter how much bluster he tried to muster. "You think exiling me once cowed my spirit forever?"I said nothing, merely letting the words hang heavily for several tense beats. Then, reaching out with my supernatural senses, I detected the barest hints of movement in the shadows.The unmistakable brushing of cloth and displaced air that could only mean more hidden p
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Chapter 35 – Skin Walker
Gabriel"But I never left the halls you see." He mocked. As ever the old bitch has it figured out. "The former beta was but a simple decoy, Alpha - a fragile illusion to scatter your focus while the true play began here."My head whipped around at that, cold realization lancing through me like a blade between the ribs.Of course... It all made sense now in a horrific, inescapable way.This means one thing!A shifter!A true skin-walker capable of transcending their physical formOne of the most feared, powerful classes of our kind. And here, in the center of my heart, I feel pain.When did it escape me?How did this vile creature walk unnoticed amidst my pack, sowing its seeds?"Talon!" I barked over my shoulder, barely keeping my fury leashed as the pieces fell into place. "Initiate a full security lockdown and have your hunters brought in! We are dealing with a shifter - a skinwalker of immense power bent on-"My words cut off as I spun back to confront the shifting tide of mali
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Chapter 36 – My Crown Luna
Gabriel"Well, I'll leave you good-for-nothings to do more of your pitiful research. Just know that existence itself will soon be torn down before the revelation I've set in unstoppable motion. Rejoice in your false supremacy while you still can, Alpha - your short days as Prime Alpha are NUMBERED."With those taunting final syllables, the shapeshifter disappeared...gone. No grand finale or culminating confrontation, just an absence of corruption amidst the unsettled ballroom and the faint tingle of dormant malice awaiting its resurgence. My mouth opened and closed wordlessly for several moments as the gravity of that departure sank in. Turning back towards Kira and Talon, I saw my own stunned confusion mirrored in their expressions.This was meant to be the dawning of a new era for my bloodline. A night of consecration celebrating my lineage's preeminence over the old orders and a clear path towards dominance in the soon-to-be-birthed age from Lyra's womb. Yet now, everything had
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Chapter 37 – New Maids
Lyra The ceremonial words still seemed to linger in the air like the residual charge after a lightning strike. I stood there, Gabriel's possessive grasp on my arm the only thing keeping me tethered as the world spun dizzyingly around me."Let them talk all they want, you have now crowned Lyra as your Luna!" He let a small smile at me, soothing my worries."Congratulations, my Luna." Kira was the first to break through the crackle of that numinous silence, gliding forward with her ageless elegance. Her warm smile brimmed with genuine affection as she reached up to caress my flushed cheek. "You've embraced your sacred destiny as the Blackmoons Luna.""Indeed," Talon's granite rumble followed like a rolling thunder-peal. The towering Beta dropped to one knee before me in an unmistakable gesture of fealty. "The crown Luna of our pack. My claws are yours to command, Luna Lyra."I felt the weight of this pivotal transition like an almost physical burden settling across my shoulders.Weeks
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Chapter 38 – Luck
LyraI smiled weakly as Zara and Kim chatted about how lucky I was to be Gabriel's chosen Luna. Little did they know that "luck" was hardly the right word to describe the roller coaster my life had become. I saw my own boyfriend Damien cheating before we could become true mates. Then the artificial insemination process to have his child was a sham - the Alpha's sperm used to impregnate me instead. When my father discovered I carried Gabriel's litter in my womb, he banished me - his own daughter was cast out like a filthy half-breed. I would have surely perished at the hands of vengeful rogues if not for Gabriel protecting me time and again."You must be so overjoyed, my lady!" Kim gushed, her youthful features alight with girlish wonder. "To be chosen as the goddess as the new Blackmoon heirs - it's a dream greater than any I could've imagined!""Indeed," Zara chimed in with a sage nod. The older maid's dark eyes sparkled with a hint of envy. "With the Alpha's favor and a new litter
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Chapter 39 – Trials of the Luna
LyraThe next day, I was in the garden with Kim and Zara when Kira's gentle voice pulled me from my reverie. "My dear Lyra, may I have a word?" I turned to find the old advisor regarding me with maternal concern. "You seem preoccupied this morning. Is everything alright after your ascension as our new Luna?"A faint smile tugged at my lips as my palm drifted over the small baby bump of Gabriel's heirs growing within me. So much had happened so quickly since that fateful ceremony."I'm simply...adjusting to the profound shift my life has taken, Kira," I replied honestly. "One moment an outcast omega scorned by all, the next raised as the sacred vessel ushering in the Blackmoons' new heirs. You can understand my lingering sense of vertigo, I'm sure."The older woman's features softened with sympathy as she nodded. "Indeed, the path uplifted before you is a daunting responsibility, made more arduous by...certain skeptical voices."My brow furrowed at her meaningful undertone. Before I
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Chapter 40 – Council of Denial
LyraAs I stepped through the arched entrance, a hush fell over the cavernous ceremonial chamber. My gaze swept across the assembled Council of elite females - seven pairs of eyes boring into me with a mixture of skepticism, curiosity, and outright disdain.Kira offered me an encouraging smile before taking her place at the circular assembly. The wizened advisor was the sole figure exuding any warmth or acceptance towards me in that moment."Thank you all for attending this official review into Lyra's fitness as our new Luna," she addressed the stern-faced women in a measured tone. "I trust we can conduct these proceedings with objectivity and an open mind towards the Mother's ineffable wisdom in her choosing."The introduction was met with a series of noncommittal grunts and murmurings. One by one, the Council members rose to introduce themselves in clipped, formal cadences."Akira, Elder and Pack Historian." The first to stand was an imposingly tall woman with iron-gray hair bound
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