All Chapters of The Alpha’s Barren Pup: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
53 Chapters
Unexpected Allies
LyraKira's words kept swirling through my mind - that soon Gabriel himself would come see me, the mother carrying his heirs. Just the thought made my heart pound with a mix of fear and awe.Even though she said all the stories about him are mostly false.This was the prime alpha, the most powerful werewolf to ever exist. Born from an ancient bloodline, he was said to be unstoppable, a living force of primal dominance. And I harbored the unborn vessels for continuing his legendary lineage.Part of me still recoiled at the thought of being so close to him. Gabriel was my enemy - the alpha of the Blackmoon pack that my own Silvermoon clan had battled for centuries. I was raised on tales of his ruthlessness, his brutal strength.But another part of me felt...calm, at the idea of him near. Like some deeper instinct recognized the impossible truth - he was the father of the pups I carried. On some cosmic level, he meant me and our unborn offspring no harm.The sound of the door opening mad
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Chapter 22 – Bitter Revelation
GabrielAfter seeing Lyra is in good condition, I went to discuss the matter in hand with Talon and Kira. My most trusted allies in The pack.I paced the stone floors of my office, a whirlwind of anger and disbelief swirling through me. Damien was alive and working with that wretched Elias against me? And Elias had taken my sperm for some nefarious purpose? The betrayals cut deep."We cannot let this insurrection fester any longer," the gruff voice of Fury rumbled in my mind. "Elias and that traitorous whelp of Damien's must be made to answer for their treacheries."I growled low in my throat, claws scoring the walls. As much as the primal beast inside me hungered for retribution, I knew a measured response was required. For all his transgressions, Elias still commanded significant loyalty among the pack - more than I did, in truth.The chamber door swung open, admitting Kira and Talon. The old healer's eyes were grave, while my beta's hackles were raised, muscles coiled like an apex
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Chapter 23 – The Alpha's Decree
GabrielI watched with grim satisfaction as Elias stalked away, tail tucked in humiliated defeat. His followers scattered like startled prey, no longer emboldened by their ringleader's bravado now that his treacheries had been exposed. Once the last of the disgraced elder's cohorts had slunk away, I turned back to Talon and Kira. The old shaman watched me with a measured gaze, while my beta's hackles were still raised, muscles coiled like an apex predator ready to strike if need be."Well, that insurrection was quashed with surprising ease," I rumbled, unable to resist a small smirk. "Though I suspect Elias' bitterness will continue festering unless I deal with him decisively."Talon gave a curt nod of agreement. "The old fool won't take this lying down. He'll lick his wounds and no doubt begin plotting anew to undermine you at every turn.""Then we must be vigilant and cut off any further vipers' nests before they can take root," I said, which features hardening. "But that is a conc
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Chapter 24 - The Inevitable Choice
GabrielThe silence that followed my declaration to Kira and Talon seemed to stretch into an eternity. The Black Moon Pack has been long without a Luna because u didn't have a mate.So, I could see the shock and concern written on their faces as they processed my intention to take Lyra - daughter of our sworn enemies - as my Luna. The bearer of the heirs that would solidify my bloodline's continuity.Kira found her voice first. "Gabriel...I must deny your idea in this matter. But this..." She shook her aged head slowly. "To anoint an outsider, a Silvermoon child no less, as your Luna of the next generation of Blackmoon alphas? It's unprecedented...unthinkable, even.""Which is precisely why it must be done," I stated with finality. "The old ways and stagnant traditions you cling to would merely obstruct the destiny's of my pups."I turned to face them both fully, shoulders squared in grim determination."You were both there. You witnessed firsthand the incalculable power I wielded t
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Chapter 25 – The PROPOSAL
Gabriel "No, Lyra must embrace her new role and destiny willingly, with an open heart and mind."Only then can she fully embody the sanctity required to birth my progeny into their rightful ascendant glory across all planes of existence.A frown creased my muzzle as I considered the enormity of the task before me. Convincing the daughter of my ancient foes - one who'd no doubt been raised on vitriolic tales of the Blackmoon's innate malevolence - to not only accept me as her mate, but the sacred role of mothering my dynastic would require carefully navigating a minefield of ingrained prejudices and instinctive resistance."You seem...pensive, my lord," Talon ventured, ever the astute observer of his alpha's shifts in mood and temperament. "What troubles you about...swaying this Lyra to our cause and role you've foreseen for her?"I considered the Query for a moment before answering."Lyra comes from a proud lineage steeped in our ancestral conflict just as we are," I rumb
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Chapter 26 – An Explosive Offer
LyraIt's been days since I've come to the Blackmoon pack."How are you feeling today, child?" Kira's aged but gentle voice roused me from my half-dozing state. I blinked slowly, taking in the familiar healer's den where I'd been recovering. "A bit stronger," I replied, managing a small smile for the old she-wolf. "The herbs and tonics you've given me have helped a lot."Kira nodded, returning the smile as she settled beside the plush bedding piled around me. "Good, good. It's vital we keep your strength up for the pups' sake as well as your own."Her eyes drifted to the swell of my belly, and I followed her gaze, cradling the firm rounded curve protectively. Despite everything, I felt a fierce devotion to these impossible lives blossoming within me. Gabriel's heirs, tied to me by inseparable bonds of blood and spirit. "They seem to be developing well," Kira noted, pulling me from my reverie. "Judging by the growth rate and enhanced heartbeats, they'll likely have strong lycanthropi
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Chapter 27 – The Luna's Acceptance
GabrielI studied Lyra intently as the weight of my proposal settled over her - to formally take her as my Luna, the mother of my heirs and matriarch of the new dynastic line I was determined to usher into cosmic supremacy.A full-body shudder ripped through her lithe frame. Whether from instinctive revulsion at the idea of being tied to her people's ancient adversary or simply the overwhelming greatness of the situation, I couldn't say. But the tangy scent of trepidation flooded her pheromones in pungent waves.Time to assuage her fears and make this inevitability feel like the harmonious certainty it truly was."You have nothing to fear from me, Lyra," I said in low, soothing rumbles that seemed to ease some of the tension leaching from her posture. "Do my words and manner strike you as those of a brutish tyrant out to subjugate you against your will?"She swallowed hard, giving a small shake of her head. Good - she understood on some level the care and deliberate philosophy behin
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Chapter 28 – My Worst Enemy
LyraI felt my heart pounding in my chest as Gabriel moved closer, his piercing emerald eyes locking onto me with an intensity that made me shiver. Despite my lingering misgivings about this whole situation, I couldn't deny the visceral pull his commanding presence had on my instincts."Do not be afraid, Lyra," he rumbled in that deep, authoritative tone that seemed to resonate in my very bones. "I want only to protect you and the pups you carry - my long-awaited heirs."A tremor of awe and trepidation rippled through me at his words. The idea that I, a once-scorned omega from a rival pack, now carried the precious seed that would continue this legendary alpha's was almost too much for my mind to fully grasp."I...I'm not afraid, exactly," I managed, struggling to find the right words. "It's just, you must understand how strange this all feels for me. Your pack and mine have been sworn enemies for generations. And now I'm to be the mother of your pups?"Gabriel regarded
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Chapter 29 – The contract
Lyra"Elias!" The name escaped my lips in an astonished gasp, recognizing my former alpha's unmistakable form despite his disheveled, near-feral appearance. I remembered him after what he did.... amongst the Blackmoon pack.Elias is the worst person I know....Elias' crazed gaze found me instantly, flickering briefly to the curve of my belly in disgust."Put an end to this stupidity before it goes any further," he growled in a low, threatening tone that made hackles rise protectively. "You were cast out by even your father, which made you think you'll be The Blackmoon Luna!"Before I could even begin to process Elias' vicious words, Gabriel was on his feet in a blur of motion. One massive arm swept protectively in front of me as the prime alpha inserted himself between my former alpha and I in an unmistakable stance of guardianship."You will mind your tongue in my den, wretch," Gabriel's deep rumble carried a lethal undercurrent that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on
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Chapter 30 - Elias' Denial
GabrielAs I exited the den leaving Lyra to rest, I could feel the thundering cosmic forces we had unleashed with the consecration ceremony. The very foundations of existence seemed to shudder around me as I strode through the corridors, my alpha aura blazing like a supernova. "You did what needed to be done, my Lord," Talon's gruff baritone rumbled at my side as we entered my personal chambers. "Binding that omega to you permanently is the first step in your lineage's rebirth across the celestial planes."I gave a curt nod, but remained silent as I moved towards the heavy oak desk dominating one side of the room. My inner wolf, Fury, stirred within my consciousness."She has accepted her sacred role...for now," Fury growled. "But you know there will be further resistance to overcome before her womb's bounty is made manifest.""Resistance I will obliterate if needed," I responded in a low rumble as I took my seat. "Now that Lyra has sworn her covenant, any who raise a voice against
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