All Chapters of The Alpha’s Barren Pup: Chapter 51 - Chapter 53
53 Chapters
Chapter 51 – Luna's Resolve
LyraThe next day I woke up to the rays shining on my face, my stomach clenched like a rough sea. Today was supposed to bring my next trial, but uncertainty gnawed at me. What new challenge awaited? Would I be strong enough to face it?Selene, my wolf, stirred inside. “We've come this far,” she reminded me. “We will not back down now.I nodded, drawing strength from her words as I got dressed. The soft fabric of my new dress felt foreign to my skin, a reminder of how much it had changed. A knock on the door made me jump. “Come on,” I called, trying to keep the tremors in my voice.To my surprise, it was Gabriel who entered, his imposing frame filling the doorway. My heart skipped a beat looking at him.“Lyra,” he said, his deep voice sending a chill down my spine. "We need to talk."I swallowed hard. "About the next trial?"He shook his head, his emerald eyes intense. "There will be no more trials. Not for you."My jaw dropped. "What? But… why?"Gabriel stepped closer, his presence o
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Chapter 52 – The Healer's Trial
LyraI left the room with butterflies in my tummy. The effects Gabriel left after our conversation, I feel relaxed, accepted doe ones.But meeting Lila, the main healer of the pack. I took a deep breath and tried to calm my nerves."We got it," Selene, my wolf, reassured me. But even she sounded a little uncertain.I carefully dressed in a simple dress and leggings, not wanting it to look like I was putting on airs. As I was leaving my room, I almost bumped into Zara, one of my new maids."Oh! Good morning, Luna," she said, bowing slightly. "Are you ready for your appointment with healer Lila?"I forced myself to smile. "As ready as I'll ever be. Any advice?"Zara hesitated. "Well… Lila can be a little… intense. Be yourself, Luna."Great. That was really helpful. I made my way across the field, feeling eyes on me with every step. The whispers followed me like shadows."Here is...""The outsider...""How long do you think she can last?"I raised my chin and refused to let them see how
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Chapter 53: Healer's Heart
LyraI walked out of the healer's den, my head from all the information Lila dumped on me.The sun was setting, painting the sky in shades of orange and pink. But its beauty was lost on me as I replayed the events of the day."Useless Luna!""You can't even make regular tea!""Go back to your fancy castle, princess!"The taunts of the other healers echoed in my mind, each one a dagger to my confidence. I bit my lip and fought back tears. "Don't let them see you cry," Selene growled at me. “We are stronger than this.I nodded and took a deep breath. But before I could compose myself, a sharp voice cut through the air."What on earth is going on here?"I turned to see Kira, Alpha's advisor, walking towards us. Her eyes burned with rage as she took in the scene—me, looking defeated, surrounded by mocking healers."Is this how we treat our Luna?" Kira asked in a voice as cold as ice. "Mocking and belittling her as she tries to learn our ways?"The healers shuffled uncomfortably, avoiding
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