All Chapters of Beauty and The Beta: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
111 Chapters
Chapter 101 - Bailey
My heart was pounding, and my head was swimming with thoughts. Not to mention spinning. Asher had kissed me… fuck… I had kissed him back… Akira was purring loudly in my mind telling me she was more than happy with the situation, while my head was battered…I had pulled away from him breathless… terrified. Uncertain. I gently rested my head upon his forehead, my hands still resting within his soft hair. “Asher?” I whispered breathlessly, feeling incredibly anxious right now. What had we just done? Surely we had overstepped a mark that we could not undo? One that we shouldn’t have crossed…‘Didn’t feel wrong though.’ Akira said bluntly.And as much as I hate to admit my wolf is right, she is right. It had shocked me the way he looked at me as I had gone to give him a kiss upon his cheek to say thank you. His eyes were filled with so many emotions, but the moment his hand was upon me pulling me close to him, I was lost. Lost in him. And then as his lips found mine, I think I melted… It w
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Chapter 102 - Miles
All visits had been called off for the day, and we had traveled to the motel across state that we had booked into. Leaving earlier than planned, since we left immediately after the incident at Silver River Pack. Anyone would think I had gone in and killed half their pack or something the way my Dad was reacting. I was done with the attitude of my Dad. Was I not entitled to an opinion? This was my life after all. My future and, ultimately, my Dad had known from the moment he had begun discussing all this arranged chosen mate crap, that it was not what I wanted.Yet, he took control, like he always does. Taking his Alpha role. Dictating to one and all, and giving me no choice. No choice in my own life? That I did not agree with, and was not about to back down. And, I had made that clear on many occasions before we left. Told him why I did not want this, yet he had forced me to come, in spite of that. So why he would think this trip would go well, I truly do not know.Now, I had spent h
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Chapter 103 - Bailey
I looked up at Asher, my heart feeling it was going to race right out of my chest, having admitted to him everything that Miles was doing to me, yet, oddly, he didn’t seem angry, he looked concerned. “I wish you had told me this when I asked you that first time, Bailey.” He said softly.I sighed. When he asked me that first time, I knew he had feared for his pack, but realistically, I didn’t think Miles would do anything to his pack, and considering the way Asher had been acting toward me, I was not really willing to open up to him… “I didn’t really know you.” I admitted, and he sighed, his shoulders sagging, like he was bearing the weight of the world upon them.“But, you have been suffering alone, beautiful, and that cannot have been easy.” He said, reaching for my hand, softly stroking his thumb over the palm.“Trust me, I have been coping alone with Miles for a long time, Asher, it is nothing I am not used to.” I said with a shrug.I see his face tighten into a frown. “Why are yo
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Chapter 104 - Asher
A sudden thought filled me with fear. She had said numerous times he had rejected her, but the thought had never even occurred to me that she had accepted his rejection and rejected him too… if she hadn’t, then they would still have been bonded in some way. Was that the draw he still felt towards her? Because something seemed to bring him back to her. Something made him want to continue to keep reaching out to her. Or was that purely a lust for causing her pain? “Wait, he is a former mate, isn’t he? You did accept his rejection, didn’t you?” I could not help but narrow my eyes nor hide the fear that flooded through me. I didn’t care anymore if she could read the feelings I was experiencing. She needed to know. I don’t know why, but she did.I noticed her roll her eyes at me in that ever so sarcastic way she so often has, that initially had driven me crazy, but now I had to say I had grown to love. “Oh no, I was hopeful that he may unexpectedly fall madly in love with me Asher, as you
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Chapter 105 - Asher
I stretched lazily, relishing the warmth of the bed. That had to be the best night's sleep I have had in a long time... When suddenly I was aware of a movement next to me, and before I was able to open my eyes, I felt a hard thud to my chest, like a fist impacting it. Putting me on edge instantly, and causing me to jump suddenly. But, my senses are filled with the scent of Bailey messing with my mind...“Asher!” Bailey snapped, before I had even opened my eyes.Oh, shit… the realization hit me as memories of last night flooded my mind.‘Oh who has been a naughty boy!’ Zion sniggered.‘Not helpful!’ I warned him.I pried my eyes open, trying to adjust my eyes to the brightness of the sunshine glaring into the room, which meant it was more than likely already well past the time I was due to be starting the pack run. Caleb was going to be annoyed with me! Feigning sickness may be my only option…As my eyes adjusted, I saw a very angry-looking Bailey glaring back at me. “Why are you in m
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Chapter 106 - Kaia
I adjusted my hair, looking at my reflection in the mirror. I liked the new pink tone to my hair. A new me. I think it looked good. I needed a fresh start. Jacob had decided I was not the one for him, and had discarded me for some other she-wolf in the pack, so I was done. Hurting, but I needed to focus. I was stronger than a feeble, pathetic she-wolf who crumbled at the cheating scum of a boyfriend telling you that he was ending things to be with the bit on the side he had been seeing behind your back for months.There was a heavy knock at my door. “Kaia, darling, your Dad is still waiting downstairs, don’t be keeping him waiting too long.” My Mum called, and I rolled my eyes at her. Jeez, they don’t give me five minutes to myself. My Dad had literally called half an hour ago to request to see me. He seemed to believe I could magically create myself a portal to appear there in front of him the moment he demanded me there. Fully dressed and ready to see him. I had no clue what this wa
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Chapter 107 - Kaia
I take in their words. They want me to be with Miles? A man I do not know. A man I have met a handful of times and even that was purely on a professional level… I looked at them all in confusion, my mind a swirling mess. They knew I had been a part of this man’s treatment when he was in our pack, therefore they know that I am aware of all the issues he has, right? They have to know that offering him to me as a chosen mate is risky…He was far from a catch. Yes, he was handsome. Ruggedly handsome. Hot. I know he was flirty because he had tried many times while in treatment. But, he had a dark side. A very dark side. And that was threatening. Why would they want to put any she-wolf at risk like that and ask her to be with him? There was no real guarantee his treatment would be successful. While he had been in treatment, I had questioned if he would even complete it at times...But, at the same time, a Luna? ME?! The thought seemed so far-fetched, it was crazy! Yes, I was an Alpha’s dau
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Chapter 108 - Bailey
I am shocked by Asher’s sudden shift in personality. I am ready to send a search party out for the dark, mean and moody Beta I had so often encountered as he playfully teased me, taking my hands away from my face as I tried to hide my embarrassment at my own words. I had spoken without thinking, but I had noticed that seemed to be happening more and more lately when I was around him…Though this time I had truly embarrassed myself… and was desperate for him not to be looking at me. Hearing him laughing was bad enough. He had my hands almost pinned either side of my head, and my whole body felt alive to his touch right now as he looked down at me. “Oh no, I don’t think we will. I think I quite like the naughty side of you.” he murmured, taking me by surprise, as his lips moved toward mine.He was so gentle as his lips caressed mine, careful too, that his body was not pressing onto mine, but this suddenly felt an awful lot more intim
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Chapter 109 - Morgan
I rushed out of the house, already running late for my hair appointment. I dashed down the steps of the porch when I heard a car door slam shut at the house next door and instinctively, my eyes flicked to their driveway, only to see the familiar black jeep of Miles. My heart dropped. He had avoided me since that night by the lake. Never giving me an explanation as to why he had done what he did. Other than a one-lined message.-------------------Sorry. But, you were never meant for me. We know that. I am going on tour to find a chosen mate. Time for us to move on.-------------------My heart had felt like it had broken at the sight of the message. I had clung to the hope he would come around to the idea of being with me. Wondering if what he had said in his message was just words to hurt me. It was a tactic Miles often used. He seemed to gain pleasure in seeing others suffer; and he had a vicious tongue at times. I knew he was far from
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Chapter 110 - Bailey
The weather had been glorious today, meaning I had enjoyed my early morning training session outside rather than at the gym, and if the sunshine continued, I would be going for a run after work, allowing Akira to have the run she craved. The sunshine had put everybody in a cheerful mood, and the children, like so many of us, were desperate to spend their time in the sunshine, so I taught my class in our outdoor area of the classroom toward the end of the day. The children all happily took part in the activities I had provided for them, while they sang the songs we had been practicing for their upcoming concert for their parents. A movement caught my eyes as I glanced up, only to catch sight of Asher. I had not been expecting him here today, but I was sure he was watching me…Akira chuckled. ‘Aww. I think he has it bad.’‘Don’t even go there.’ I wanred her. I knew she was only teasing me, but I was not willing to sit and analyze ever
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