Lahat ng Kabanata ng Beauty and The Beta: Kabanata 91 - Kabanata 100
104 Kabanata
Chapter 91 - Asher
Seeing Bailey crying in the distance as I walked through the packhouse tears at my heartstrings, and I found myself rushing to her as she walked into the lounge. Any awkwardness that had been between us is irrelevant now, as I pull her close to me, her tears quickly dampening my shirt. “Bailey, what has happened?” I whispered, holding her tight against my chest. So desperate to soothe her. My heart racing with her so close to me.But she says no words, yet I feel her heart racing too as she continues to sob against my chest. I led her to the sofa so we could sit down. I want to be there for her, let her know she isn’t alone. I hate that this sweet girl is suffering, and maybe Zion has been right, pushing her away may result in her leaving the pack…I pulled her back from me slightly, so I was able to see her face, and gently stroke back the mane of dark curls from her face. Her natural hair only adds to her natural beauty, in my opinion, why she feels she should hide it I do not know
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Chapter 92 - Miles
I had been called to the main meeting room, and I had no clue why. This would likely not be good. Kaia had been avoiding me since the awkward interaction with her father, and I had no idea why. So, I had done all I could to get as many therapy sessions done each day to keep myself busy. I was not used to rejection, and needless to say, I did not like it. Once I was done here, and in my role of Alpha, I would come back here, and I would show her what she had missed out on. She would come to regret her choice, I would ensure of that.No woman turned me down. I paced the floor of the room for the tenth time since arriving. I hated being kept waiting, yet these fuckers here seemed to like doing exactly that. I was sick of the familiar walls here now. Sick of the people and the fact that they had become accustomed to me. Though, the fact I had allowed my anger to become hidden meant they did not fear me the same, so I did not gain the same thrill from them all. So, I gained little enjoyme
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Chapter 93 - Asher
I flung back my office door, my head still a mess from my alteration to my dreams… I was used to vivid dreams. Of course I was. My nights had been plagued with visions of losing Isla ever since she had gone. Causing me to relive the moment time and time again. Feeling the pain as the bond snapped. Feeling her slip away from me, and the pain as my heart felt like it shattered into a million pieces, as Zion crumbled inside of me. Never to be the same again…But, now, this was something else. This was a dream to betray my fated mate. Betray the woman I had been blessed by the moon goddess. I had awoken wanting Bailey. I had woken thinking I was about to take things further with her, and the thing that terrifies me most, is that thought in that moment, that was exactly what I had wanted. I had been incredibly turned on. I had wanted her. Wanted her touch. Needed her touch. I was disappointed and terrified all in one go...I had dropped back onto the bed, with tears leaking from my eyes a
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Chapter 94 - Miles
Being back in my pack felt so good. The place I was meant to be. The place I belonged. And the place I planned to make my own. Despite not being away too long, it had been too long. This pack was mine. My home and the place I needed to be. This place needed me as much as I needed it. I would be the Alpha here. I was certain of that. Of that there was no doubt. But, for some reason, my Dad seemed determined to want to have me out of here before I had a chance to get settled again. Off on this search for the chosen mate they seemed to be craving for me.I did not need a mate to make me strong. I was strong enough on my own. Or I would be when I brought Bailey home. I needed her close to gain my full strength that the fated mate brought. That was what legend told us. And that was what I needed. I needed my full strength. She needed to be back home. She should never have been allowed to leave. And I needed to find a way in which to do that. Yet, I had not found a way in which to do that
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Chapter 95 - Morgan
I walked through the pack, having left my friends, heading home ready to relax and settle down for the night, when I was shocked to feel my phone vibrating in my back pocket. Not many people actually called me. Everybody used the mindlink in the pack, and as of yet, I didn’t particularly know anybody outside of the pack. Unless, of course, you count Bailey, but me and her didn’t exactly part on the best of terms after she and I argued…I slipped the phone from my pocket, and was shocked to see Miles was calling. I had heard he was back. But, I had done my best so far to avoid him. The things I had heard of him had me torn. That did not sound like the guy I had been getting close to. The guy who had promised the world. He had told me stories of me being his Luna. Running the pack by his side. I was ready to give up everything to him. Never did I realize he had been fated for my older sister. Though his cold words before he left hurt me too.
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Chapter 96 - Bailey
I sat inside my room, unable to sleep and found myself thinking of laying out on the sofa in the lounge to watch a film could be good. My small TV in my room had been playing up, and it wasn’t like anyone ever came and used the lounge TV. I snuck from my room, knowing there would be nobody about. Other than the occasional awkward avoidance of Beta Asher, I rarely saw anyone in the packhouse at night. If anything, there may be the occasional guard. I had begun to recognize them now, and them me, and had begun to chat with them, as a way to keep me occupied of a nighttime.Most of them were nearer my Dad’s age, but I still enjoyed their company, and talked of sport the same way my Dad would, so it wasn’t like I was clueless. But, tonight the hallways were empty, as I slipped into the lounge, and picked up the remote control, and laid myself out on the large black leather sofa that was in front of the big screen TV mounted on the wall. I scrolled through the fi
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Chapter 97 - Miles
I am awoken early by my father banging off my door. Ordering me to get up and get dressed. I have little choice. This is my life now for the next few weeks at least. I must go touring the country, go and meet countless she-wolves I had no interest in. I would rather be here, in pack, setting things up for when I take over.I know Ellis is due back any day now, and his mate is due home from her visit back home. She had decided to return home whilst he was away, already missing her family, and without her mate here to distract her she had apparently felt even more homesick. And they wanted her to be a Luna?! What a fucking joke… she may be a pretty little thing, but she clearly didn’t have the strength needed to be a Luna. She was weak as fuck if she was already homesick for her family and former pack after a few days here. Truly pathetic. Ellis had his work cut out with that for a mate. The only thing going for her was her looks, it seemed.But, I would rather be in the pack when Elli
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Chapter 98 - Miles
We pulled into the parking area outside the packhouse of the Silver River Pack, and I have to say I was already greatly disappointed. The pack was pathetic. Small and evidently worth very little. I could see why they were trying to marry off one of their own to an Alpha like me. Thinking it could bring something good for them. Well, I had news for them, it would not happen.“This is a shit hole Dad.” I muttered. “Why would we even acknowledge their offer?”“Miles, we are willing to do what it takes. You need to be willing to meet them all. You may meet the one you didn’t realize was for you.” he told me, with a knowing look. “So come on.”I watched as my Dad stepped from the car, looking more than confident. Seemed to me that my Dad was willing to marry me off to anyone. Just to have me find a mate. Thing was, I was not about to do that. He had a plan, I knew that. But my plan was so much different to his own. And I knew that with the two combined it would spell disaster. Yet, I follo
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Chapter 99 - Asher
I had planned to try and get an earlier night, knowing we had an early pack run tomorrow, but knew chances were my sleep would be as challenging for me as ever. I had to do my nightly surveillance of the packhouse before going to my room, or that would make sleep even less likely. Despite the fact I knew the guards had come and checked the packhouse earlier in the evening. I paced the darkened corridors, like I would night after night.It was only as I approached the library that Zion became a little unsettled. Though I was sure as I walked closer I could smell the vague scent of Bailey. Surely she would not still be up this late at night? Or I should say early hours… Maybe she had been here earlier? Could that explain the scent?‘No. She is here, scent is too strong for it to be earlier. Go and check if she is okay.’ Zion’s voice was almost ordering me. ‘What if she has fallen again?’ he adds.And at those words my heart was pounding in my chest. He was right. What if she had been in
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Chapter 100 - Asher
Zion had pushed forward enough to take control of my body, to make me stumble forward toward Bailey, with his words fresh in my mind. Yes, giving her a kiss would likely shut her up, but it would likely result in me getting a black eye too! She looked angry.‘Be bold, Asher’” Zion’s voice urged.“Asher!” Bailey said, as I stopped myself knocking into her.I smiled down at her. Shit… it is a long time since I have tried being flirty with a woman. Do I really want to be flirty with her? I don’t even think I could... I’m not sure that I know how anymore.“What are you doing?” she snapped.I looked down to her again, my heart pounding within my chest. Hell, she could likely hear that… most of the pack could likely hear that… her beautiful brown eyes were glaring at me. I’d like to say gazing, but right now, it was definitely more an angry glare than an affectionate gaze. I gently raised my hand to softly run it along the skin of her cheek, and I heard her gasp the moment my fingers touch
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