All Chapters of Beauty and The Beta: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
111 Chapters
Chapter 71 - Miles
I felt the pain of impact as my fist went through the drywall, and it shattered under the pressure of my fist, as I punched the wall hard in anger. I was sick of this place. Why my own family had felt the need to actually send me to a different pack to gain treatment for my anger I did not know. Being away from my own pack was not what I needed right now. And being in this “secure environment” as they called it, was more like being kept in a fucking prison.Therapy and anger management were making no difference. There was nothing wrong with me, so there was nothing to treat. So, I do not know what they expected to happen while I was here. Were they expecting some sort of miracle and expecting some sort of angel to emerge from the wreckage that I had apparently become? They would be seriously disappointeted if that was the case.“Miles, please calm down.” Ben, one of the therapists, urged me. “All we ask is you come and do a small amount of the session with us.”“I already fucking told
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Chapter 72 - Asher
The way Alli had dismissed me had made me feel like my presence had been unnecessary. Made me feel like a fool, despite the fact Eden had asked me to go there on her behalf. I could not shake the thought now that perhaps Bailey was wondering why I had turned up to see her before she began her new job. Would she think I didn’t think she was capable? I truly hope that wasn’t the case, or else I would owe her another apology. I seemed to be racking up a list of apologies I owed the poor girl…‘Why do you care so much?’ Zion piped up as I stepped back into the packhouse.‘What?’ I questioned.‘Why do you care so much what the new girl thinks?’ he asks gleefully.‘I don’t care. I just don’t want her thinking badly of me when she has just arrived.’ I huffed.‘So you don’t care what she thinks. But you do care if she thinks badly of you when she has just arrived?’ Zion chuckled to himself. ‘Go figure. But it is okay, I assume if, after a few months, she realizes you are a total jackass and t
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Chapter 73 - Bailey
I waved off my final pupil of the day, having had the best day ever! I loved my new class, every single child was the sweetest little thing. All such characters, and I could see myself having such fun teaching them all. I would likely say it at every school I went on to teach at, but I think it was the place I was meant to be. I felt fulfilled being here, and it made every late night finishing assignments worth it. Finally, I was able to call myself a teacher. And, I knew I had made the right choice.I was just tidying my classroom up, when the classroom door opened, making me jump a little, and I turned, wondering if it was one of the parents having forgotten something, or perhaps one of the other two teachers coming to see how my day had gone, so I was more than a little surprised to see Beta Asher standing there. He was the last person I expected to see here in all honesty after the way he had been this morning, and how awkwardly he had left, but he was here all the same… and his g
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Chapter 74 - Asher
What is it about that woman that messes with my mind? Puts me on edge and makes me question my own sanity? Not to mention the fact my wolf seems to have gone missing in action ever since I caught him all but gazing adoringly at her. None of this made sense. She was no connection to me, nor would she be. And the way Alli was suddenly dropping these bizarre comments made me feel uneasy.I rushed from the classroom, down the now empty corridor toward the school door. “Ah here again, Beta Asher?” Gabby the other teacher, greeted me with a cheeky wink. “Anyone would think you were checking up on us.”Oh, wonderful, just what I needed, another teacher making comments implying things too. I should just have stayed in my office. It was safer there. There were no other people...“No, Miss Waterdale. Here simply, as Luna Eden asked of me, checking in on the new member of staff to check she had settled in okay.” I said curtly, beginning to get irritated at their implication that I was here becau
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Chapter 75 - Miles
Therapy was as horrendous as I expected. Talk about this, Miles. Talk about that, Miles. How does this make you feel, Miles? How does that make you feel, Miles? I was ready to tear their heads off by the end of it. But, I had to prove to this Kaia that I was more than capable of doing this treatment. I would not allow her to belittle me and compare me to a tantrum-throwing toddler. She seemed to think she was above me, but I would find a way to show her otherwise.“Well, I think that is enough for now.” Ben told me with a small smile, yet the fear within his eyes betrayed him. This fool was absolutely terrified of me. Exactly the way I liked it to be as well. He wouldn’t argue with me then. He knew his place.“Too right it is.” I said coldly.“But, I or one of the other staff members will come and find you in a little while for your next session.” He said, and the tremble in his voice told me he was anxious about telling me that.“More?” I demanded. They had to be kidding. I had given
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Chapter 76 - Bailey
I had headed to the dining hall for my dinner, looking forward to going back to my room and relaxing for the evening. So, I was more than a little surprised to have seen Marc, the warrior who had saved me from getting lost as I queued up. He had waved as he came into the hall with some other warriors, and came across to see me, a big smile upon his face.“Well hello, hello.” He winked. “You didn’t get lost on your way here then?” he teased, gaining some curious gazes from the men with him.I shook my head and gave him a disparaging look. “Ooooh, funny. You left your sense of humor out there then?” I asked, and he grinned.“So, come on then Miss Bailey, how did your first day go, I have been thinking of you all day…” he paused momentarily. “That sounded bad didn’t it?”One of the other warriors with him looked at him with a grin and nodded. “Was that why Wes could bring you down?”Marc gave him a sarcastic grin. “Funny. Bailey knew what I meant, she is working with my Mum. Mum has been
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Chapter 77 - Asher
I had been on my way back to my office to do some additional work, just the usual for me of an evening. I hadn’t been paying attention to where I was going as I was reading an article on my phone, and it was only when I felt the impact to my chest that I realized Bailey was there. The second I realized she was falling, I quickly went into action, and leaped forward, grabbing her and pulling her to me, my heart pounding in desperate fear filling me that she was going to fall all the way down the stairs.But, thankfully, I had her in my arms, as I lowered myself onto the top step, Bailey still in my arms, both of us trembling. Her eyes had been clenched shut, but she slowly pried them open, looking at me with what could only be described as a look of horror and embarrassment.She jumped back, as if my touch was repulsive to her. And I had to say I was a little hurt by that, but tried hard to ignore it. “Are you okay?” I asked her, trying to check her over. As she quickly moved herself
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Chapter 78 - Bailey
I looked across at Asher, and saw a sadness upon his face and I realized I had said far too much. I am not the only one who has had their own struggles. I should stop being selfish, and stop focusing on my own worries. I had been given a fresh start here in this pack, I didn’t want to mess that up. Beta Asher had been through so much more than me, and here I was feeling sorry for myself to him, he must think of me as a silly little girl…I began to stand, thinking it better to give him some space, and again he placed his hand upon mine. “Are you going to be okay?” he asked softly, so far from the ruthless and callous Beta I had met on that first night it was unreal. In many ways it was like he was a completely different guy…‘Hell, he almost seems human… well, not human, werewolf… but kind. Caring.. decent. A good guy. Who would of thunk it?’ Akira chuckled, but for once, I didn’t find her little digs at Asher all that funny. He genuinely did seem like a decent guy, even if some of i
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Chapter 79 - Asher
Listening to Bailey giggle as she stood in the kitchen of my Beta suite, made my heart pound harder than I think it had done in a long time, but I tried my hardest to ignore it. She looked up at me, through her long dark lashes. “Wow, my hero.” She said with a sarcastic smile, and, despite myself, I smiled right back at her. There is something about her that makes me smile. Something about the way she jokes with me. Her carefree character. Her humor and way she teases me with no thought…“You want to watch that sarcasm, missy, or else my offer of sharing my chocolate may be withdrawn.” I said with a smirk, and Bailey looked at me open-mouthed, feigning shock, and once again she had me smiling. This girl has had me smiling more since she arrived than I had done in months…“Oh! How rude! You know that you can’t promise a girl chocolate and then take it back, right? You do that, and, I would just have to let the pack know that their big strong Beta gains his super-strength from chocolat
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Chapter 80 - Bailey
I could see Asher struggling and I feel so bad for even asking now. For even encouraging this sort of talk. This was all my fault. I didn't like seeing him hurting. I know I had said some choice things about him when I had arrived, but I truly hated seeing him struggle like this. He didn't deserve to be in pain, I was sure of that...I slid myself along the sofa, noticing his eyes were closed as he breathed heavily like he was trying to compose himself. Maybe I should leave? Give him some space? He seemed like the sort of guy who needed his space... Yet, instinct had me reaching for his hand instead.The touch seemed to make him jump, as he instantly opened his eyes to look at me in shock. His big green eyes were looking at me with confusion. “Sorry.” I muttered, going to move my hand, but instead his fingers gripped mine, as his eyes fell upon our hands. “Maybe I shouldn’t have asked.” I whispered.“No, I understand.” He said, exhaling deeply. “I don’t talk much about it all. It is
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