All Chapters of Beauty and The Beta: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
104 Chapters
Chapter 51 - Asher
This girl in front of me looks on edge, and it makes me feel uncomfortable. Well, in truth, being around her in general has made me feel uncomfortable. I do not like being around people I do not know… no, scratch that, I do not particularly like being around any people anymore. But, I was doing my best at the induction, and she seemed to be enjoying herself.The way her face lit up at the different things I showed her within the school made me want to show her more, so I found more things to show her, so the tour of the school took longer than it probably needed to, but she would now know where everything was.But, this conversation has since made me uneasy. She had implied things that didn’t sit right with me. Was she here because she wasn’t welcome in her own pack? She had been the Beta’s daughter for fuck’s sake… they were stereotypically popular… and it wasn’t like she wasn’t beautiful, she was stunning… she was clearly a character too. I could see that with the cheeky interaction
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Chapter 52 - Jordan
I pulled up the car onto the driveway of the family house, despite the fact Gia and I now had a home of our own allocated within pack, but I did not intend to leave my Dad here alone to deal with Miles. Especially not with that look upon his face. He looked set for a fucking rampage.‘How much do you think he knows?’ My Dad mindlinked as I switched the engine off.‘Not a clue, but don’t give anything away. Especially not our plan.’ I told him. ‘We need to speak with Uncle Marshall. Admit we allowed Bailey to go for a new job, but say that was because you did not want her degree to go to waste, and we have agreed she returns the moment we have a vacancy for her, right?’‘Good thinking.’ Dad agreed, as he opened his car door, like he did not care that Miles looked ready to kill someone.“Right baby, go straight into the house, my Mum should be in, or maybe Morgan. Once we have spoken to Miles we will head to our home, okay?” I said softly to Gia, and she smiled that gorgeous smile of he
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Chapter 53 - Asher
We walked through the forest in what I could only call a comfortable silence, which was unexpected. Bailey was happily looking around, enjoying the scenery, while I was fighting hard not to ask questions and also fighting Zion, who was pushing hard to push through and shift. He was desperate to come out and go for a run. But, I knew we were here for Bailey right now, and I didn’t think my wolf out on one of his rampages was what she needed to see…“Thanks for not asking too much.” Bailey suddenly said as we approached the treeline, heading back toward the pack. “When I didn’t want to talk.”“It is fine.” I said with a small smile. “I realized that somethings are difficult to talk about. I know that better than anyone.”“Yeah?” she looked at me curiously. I could tell from the expression on her face she wanted to know more. Well, she would be disappointed. I did not share my thoughts nor my worries with anyone. The things within my mind were mine. Nobody else needed plaguing with them.
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Chapter 54 - Jordan
My first night in our new home with Gia was truly amazing. If this was going to be life with a mate, then I could most certainly get used to it. Waking up next to her in her pack for those first days had been incredible, but here in a house that I knew would be our forever home, well, it was on another level. Seeing her as I opened my eyes, brought a contentment to me and my wolf I could not describe. This was what I had needed, yet I had just not realized it.I snaked my arm around her waist, pulling her close to me, loving the contact of her skin against mine. “Again?” she giggled.“Can I help it if I find my mate irresistible?” I purred into her ear, causing her to giggle once more, making me smile.‘Jordan need you in my office asap.’ My Dad suddenly mindlinked, and my heart dropped. Wow. Nothing like cock-blocking your own son was there?!‘Are you sure I am needed?’ I tried, desperately hoping he would get the message and would realize I wanted some time with my mate.‘You have a
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Chapter 55 - Ellis
I saw the look upon my Dad’s face at my Uncle’s words and I think it was safe to say he wasn’t happy. I had known my Dad long enough to know he hated to have his authority questioned. The thing is, my Uncle knew that, even more than me, he had been his Beta longer than I had been alive, and they had been friends even longer than that. But, I can’t say I disagree with a word my Uncle has said. I know my Dad would expect me to take the side of my family, but on this, I couldn’t. My Uncle was right. We had to look out for the safety of our pack, and with Miles in the current state he was in, he was a serious risk to the pack.My Dad needed to deal with him. The thing was, I didn’t know how was best to do that. He had almost killed a man. Yes, we are werewolves. Yes, we kill, but that is when it was deemed necessary. We generally do not go around needlessly killing. That is not how we were brought up. And, Miles was to be the next Alpha, his reputation mattered massively. There was being
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Chapter 56 - Bailey
I lay on my bed after a quiet second day in the pack. Luna Eden was still in hospital, apparently on bedrest now, until she had the baby, which from what Beta Asher had told me had gone down like a lead balloon. So seeing her would likely wait until I was given the green light to visit her, or she had the baby. Other than a brief visit to my bedroom door to notify me of that information early in the morning, I had not seen anymore of Beta Asher either.I had wandered around the pack on my own, seeing if I could remember where things were, and I think I was doing okay. A few more days of exploring and I think I will know my way around. Thankfully, as bad as my sense of direction could be at times, I could just rely on the sense of direction of Akira, and she generally put me on the right path.I had spent the rest of the day sitting in my room creating name badges for all of my new class members with supplies I had brought with me. I was a sucker for arts and crafts and always had supp
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Chapter 57 - Asher
Another usual night of me working late. So much additional work to do with Caleb on Daddy duties while Eden was on bed rest. Though listening to his tales of his mate being restricted to bed, she was far from an ideal patient, I definitely think I had it easier with additional work! Poor Caleb sounded knackered and ready to pull his hair out. I think it is safe to say both Caleb and Eden were ready for this little bundle of joy to arrive, and soon!Sitting at my desk in my office, I knew I would be there for a few more hours, so I had wanted a coffee, though I had run out of coffee in my office. So, a much needed wander to the kitchen had been needed. Stretch my legs too. However, one person i did not expect to see was Bailey wandering the corridors too... (well no, that is a lie, I would not expect to see anybody because nobody was in the packhouse at this hour, but that is beside the point). I had expected her to be tucked up safely in her room by now. But, her room had minimal faci
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Chapter 58 - Miles
I have no clue what day it actually is now. I do the things in pack expected of me the best I can, avoiding most people as much as possible. But I escaped as soon as I could to have a drink. Quite simply, drinking has become a normal part of my routine, and I did not know what I would do without it now. But, the thing with being a werewolf was alcohol had little effect in small amounts. So, I had to drink larger amounts. And the more I drank, and my body adjusted to it, the more I had to drink to gain the same effect. This pack felt like nothing but a constant pressure upon my life I did not want.Yet the power that came with it was too good to walk away from. That was the only thing stopping me from handing over my title to Ellis. He would likely make a better Alpha than me. He was more sensible. More kind and caring. More logical. And, of course, now he had the perfect fucking fated mate too. Me, on the other hand, had none of those things. And never would either.I am sure Jordan
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Chapter 59 - Asher
My heart would not stop racing the moment I left Bailey. The thought of Isla was fresh within my mind. It tore at my very core. All my efforts at pushing thoughts of Isla back were failing so miserably. I did not know what to do. All I had known was that I needed to get away from Bailey before she saw me fall apart. She was new to the pack… I was to be her Beta, and I was expected to be strong and composed. Her father was a Beta, she knew what was expected of a Beta and I did not need her to see any weakness in me.There would be no hope of sleep finding me tonight. No. Perhaps it was more a case of there was no way I wanted sleep to find me tonight. I knew that dreams of Isla would be too overpowering. Too painful. All from a conversation about finding your fated mate. Maybe avoiding the new girl was a better idea.I returned to my office without the coffee I needed so badly and continued with the work that I needed to do. Processing all the files that Caleb had given me to do on hi
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Chapter 60 - Bailey
I strolled through the pack enjoying the late afternoon sunshine, wasting the last of my days before my start at school. I could not wait now. I was so excited about starting my new role. I was getting good at finding my way around the pack now too, with Akira’s assistance, albeit, but I was getting there slowly. I had decided to escape my room for a few hours and walk around the whole pack, while most people were likely enjoying a lazy Sunday with their families.My mind had been on home the last few days, but I had barely heard from home. When I did reach out, my Dad just kept telling me things were in hand and not to worry about anything. Which, I cannot lie, kind of made me worry all the more. This made me feel like he was likely hiding things from me. Were things happening, and he didn’t want me to know? I had blocked Miles’s mobile number, so even if he wanted to get hold of me there would be no possibility, or at least not from his own phone.Sunday back home was definitely a fa
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