All Chapters of Beauty and The Beta: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
104 Chapters
Chapter 31 - Ellis
I had been looking for this girl all day. She was like hunting for fucking gold. I thought I had found her when I got told by the doctors she had arrived at the hospital, but by the time I had got away from Miles and reached the hospital, Harley’s parents told me she had left. Telling them she needed some time because she was struggling.Struggling with what exactly I am not sure. I am sure as hell that his parents were struggling a whole lot more. Their son mauled by my older brother to within an inch of his life… not that they knew that part of the story… oh no. I was under strict orders to depict a tale of a rogue attack. Us having been on a run together and finding him. In truth, Miles would not tell me what he was doing there, likely running off his temper like he so often did. His temper was beyond control at the best of times. But, I had been out for my usual training run, and had caught the scent of blood.It wasn’t a small amount either, making me concerned, because neither
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Chapter 32 - Bailey
I eyed Ellis suspiciously. Why was he here? Turning up unannounced, and just walking in the way he had had irritated me. Yet, his appearance made no sense. Why would he need to talk? He had evidently been involved somehow with how Harley had ended up in the hospital. From the things I heard while sitting with his parents, it had been Ellis telling the doctors of the rogue attack. But, at the same time, had it not been for Ellis, Harley would not have got to the hospital, and he would have bled out in the forest somewhere. That is the part that confuses me.“Sit down then son.” My Dad says, acting perfectly normally with Ellis, a boy he considers his nephew. His best friend's son. A boy he has seen grow up from the day he was born. The same as Miles. The benefit of being best friends with the Alpha, I suppose.“Thanks Uncle Donovan.” Ellis drops himself onto one of the chairs. “I am guessing I have disturbed you?” he looks between the two of us, a little uncomfortably, clearly aware of
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Chapter 33 - Bailey
My Dad decided to walk back to the house with me, terrified for my safety after what had happened to Harley earlier, but I had yet to visit Harley at the hospital, so I had to inform my Dad the moment I was done visiting him. So, I walked through the doors of the ICU department, to be greeted by Harley's parents, embraced in one another’s arms outside the room where I was sure I had left them earlier with Harley. Why were they outside his room? Why were they not in there with their son? My head began to pound, as did my heart.My mind spun with the many possibilities. My Dad said he had spoken to the hospital… that everything was okay… even that Harley was in and out of consciousness… so why did this look like something had gone wrong? My heart clenched at the thought of losing Harley…I didn’t know if I should leave them in private. Maybe I should not be here right now… but as I was about to turn and walk away, Harley’s Dad looked up and caught sight of me. “Ah Bailey, you came back!
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Chapter 34 - Bailey
After giving Harley a hug, and fighting tears, I walked from the hospital to find my Dad waiting for me just as he had promised. Leaning against the walls of the pack hospital, taking the moment to enjoy a chance to relax, basking in the late afternoon sunshine. He must have heard me approaching as his head turned to look at me the moment I moved down the steps, and I watched as his eyes darted across mine, taking in my tear-filled eyes, and his face filled with concern. “Is he okay?”I assume he had jumped to the conclusion he had passed away or something along those lines with me battling tears. I simply nodded. Not feeling up to elaborating on everything I had just discussed with Harley. It had been difficult enough the first time. I did not need to go over it again with my Dad, because he would want to analyze it too, and I most definitely did not nhave the energy for that.“We going home?” I asked.“Well, I am walking my little girl home, yes, but I do have to head back to the o
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Chapter 35 - Bailey
I felt my Dad’s hand settle in the center of my back as if to guide me to the house, though I can now also feel the presence of his wolf suddenly. Not to mention his anger rising at the abrupt arrival of Miles. He did not want to be seeing him right now. Not after everything he had just learned. This was not going to be pleasant…“Hi Uncle!” Miles greeted my Dad with such a fakeness, and my Dad raised his brows at me, before looking across toward Miles. Who seemed to believe everything was normal between them, though his fakeness truly got under my skin, especially after everything today. He was acting like he had done nothing wrong...“Good afternoon Miles. You look awfully run down. Have you had a busy day or something?” he asked, and I could sense the sarcasm in his tone, but I didn’t know if Miles had. “You should start taking better care of that wolf of yours, so he can take better care of you. It is all a little give and take, you know? I am sure your Dad has taught you this. B
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Chapter 36 - Bailey
My Dad had left me in my room, with strict orders to begin to pack my things, and also to chase up my position within the Autumn Valley Pack. Which had reminded me I had yet to check if Luna Eden had responded to my earlier message. I had been so distracted with everything else that had been going on, that the message had completely slipped my mind.I dropped to my bed as I pulled my phone from my pocket, only to find a short message from Luna Eden, a simple message of two words - Call me!I could not help but chuckle at her message, but I laid back onto my bed, and did exactly as she had asked, because, as my Dad had pointed out, my position within their pack was not yet secured, and I needed somewhere to go to get away from Miles and the mess he seemed to be creating around me all because of the fucked up mate bond we had been given between us.“Hello you! I wondered when you would call!” Luna Eden greeted me, like a long-lost friend. “Nothing like keeping a girl on edge is there!”
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Chapter 37 - Asher
I looked out through the eyes of my wolf, Zion, as his paws pounded along the undergrowth of the forest. Another report of a rogue gave me another opportunity to take my energy and anger out. Zion, once more deeply focused on hunting down the fucker who thought it was acceptable to overstep onto our lands… I was more than ready to allow him to take them down and punish them, like the ones before. Punish each and every rogue we could get our paws upon.Rogues are the reason I lost my Isla. And each and every rogue after her that crossed our border would be made to pay. This may be seen as irrational, but to me, it made perfect sense. Absolute sense. And that was always going to be my plan.‘No scent of rogues here.’ Zion tells me, sounding more than a little disappointed, and I have to say I am too.‘Try further along, maybe they went deeper into the pack.’ I suggested, getting off the report we had been sent. We needed this chance to burn off energy. Something to allow ourselves to ta
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Chapter 38 - Bailey
Tonight has been hectic. Packing bags, yet trying hard to act like nothing was amiss. Keeping my block up against any mindlinks from Miles had been a priority because I knew he had wanted to say something the moment he had seen me with my Dad. He had been on edge, and my Dad had likely made that worse with the way he had dealt with him. But, I can’t blame my Dad for how he had treated him, he truly needed taking down a peg or two. This was one big mess, and I knew it was only going to come even more out of control when Miles realized that my Dad, Ellis and my brother all planned to go and discuss this with my Uncle, our Alpha.Alpha Marshall could not simply dismiss this like he had dismissed so many of Miles’s other errors. There were too many things he had done this time. They would have to seriously consider his place within the pack, because if this got out, then many of our pack members could seriously question if he was the one they wanted to take over from my father. And, even
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Chapter 39 - Bailey
The drive so far had been long, my Dad had been quiet now the time for me to leave had arrived. I didn’t know if he was beginning to second-guess his decision, but irrelevant of that, I was not changing my mind, nor was I going back on the plan we had made. Morgan was still unaware of the plan we had made. After overhearing the snippet of her conversation with Miles, I had decided saying goodbye was not the best thing to do. She could mention my departure to the one person we did not want to know about my exit from our pack, and the whole plan would be destroyed.My mind was still reeling from the fact that my younger sister was involved with someone like Miles, in whatever way it may be. I did not stick around to listen any further to hear just how serious it had been between them. But, hearing what I had, told me all I needed to know. Morgan had always had a soft spot for our upcoming Alpha, as had so many of the young she-wolves within the pack. Seeing him as somewhat of a heartthro
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Chapter 40 - Asher
Leaving my office for the night, planning on going to the gym, despite it being almost midnight, I heard footsteps up ahead of me, and I couldn't help but wonder who would be in the packhouse at that time of night. The packhouse is always abandoned about an hour after dinner has finished, with everyone returning to their homes for the night. And the place becomes my lonely hideout. A place where I am free to roam in the darkness and silence. Not caring for anyone else.Though, tonight, I worked a little later than usual as there was a backlog of paperwork with Caleb having to stay with Eden and take care of her. She was truly struggling with this pregnancy. I was thinking this baby would not be long until it decided to make its appearance and arrive in our crazy little world. At least then, I suppose, it would stop making its mother suffer… well, then it would just be causing both its mother and father to suffer sleepless nights… ah, the joys of children!I listened carefully for the
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