Semua Bab Beauty and The Beta: Bab 11 - Bab 20
104 Bab
Chapter 11 - Asher
The night of our former Alpha’s party was here, and the pack was in good spirits. I was wishing I could be any place but surrounded by so many cheerful pack members, but I was putting on my happy face, and being the ever gracious host.“You have done a good job bro!” Caleb called over to me, as he walked across the dancefloor set up on the training field, his hand holding that of his heavily pregnant mate, and our pack Luna, Eden.“Thanks.” I nodded at him.“Asher, you look fed up, love.” Eden walked across to me, resting her head of long, dark braids upon my shoulders.“Just tired Eden, not sleeping too good.” I explained. “And hoping tonight goes okay.”“You worry too much, you know that once everyone has a few drinks down them, they won’t care how much planning went into the party.” Eden says with a light-hearted giggle, and I can’t help but smile at her words, because I know she is right. Once the drinks begin to flow, then the majority of the pack will be having far too much fun
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Chapter 12 - Bailey
I adjust my skirt as I look out across the party wishing I could be anywhere but here. My Dad had requested us all attend with him. Represent him as a family. Goddess knows why, but that is what was asked of us. The party of a former Alpha of a pack on the edge of our region. Yet all we had done so far was follow my Dad around looking like weirdos. I was sure of it.“Heard you been causing shit with Miles again.” Jordan said quietly as my Mum and Dad stood together chatting having a drink together.I gave my brother a dark glare. I had managed to avoid him since the incident in the Alpha office, so he hadn’t had a chance to say anything about it, but I could only imagine his best friend would have had something to say to him about it. “Not going there, Jordan.”“Oh, I can imagine.” Jordan shakes his head while looking ahead. ‘You know you are pushing your luck with Miles. His Dad will only protect you for so long.’ He changed the conversation to mindlink, I assume, so nobody else coul
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Chapter 13 - Bailey
The rest of the party had been nothing more than a drag. My brother and sister had done what they do best and chose to throw insults at me, before wandering off and leaving me alone. So, I had chosen to go and find a quiet seated area, while my parents were circulating. I could only assume my Dad knew many of the people here. Though as a pack Beta, it was not uncommon for him to have to socialize or to work alongside other packs. Personally, I can think of nothing worse. The thought of having to make polite conversation with people I either don’t really know or I don’t really like is my idea of hell.Thankfully, I was considered unimportant, so I was able to fade into the background. I don’t even think my own family had noticed I had disappeared. Much like they rarely did at our own social events in our pack. I would stay for a minimal amount of time before making my excuses and leaving. Usually I would just sneak out, and this was rarely noticed. Unfortunately, here was not our pack,
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Chapter 14 - Bailey
The drive home was proving to be an awkward one. Morgan, thankfully, had not been sick again but had done nothing but moan loudly the whole time we had been in the car, and I had to listen to my Mum talking to her like she was a little baby. Reassuring her she would be okay, because Morgan was truly acting like she was dying. Jeez, it was self-inflicted, and it isn’t like most people don’t experience it at some point in their life. She had drunk too much. That was all. Yet here she was acting like she was at death's door, facing her demise.Goddess help her tomorrow morning when she wakes up with a raging headache if she thinks this feeling is bad! The way she will feel with a hangover will feel like death itself… I will have to make sure I am out of her way, because I don’t think I could tolerate that. I am trained to deal with kids, but a poorly Morgan, sheesh, she is on a whole other level. A true nightmare.But my Mum coddling my sister was almost bearable when compared to the atm
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Chapter 15 - Asher
I looked at the computer displaying the security cameras. This was becoming too much. How can one pack be expected to hold back so many rogues? Wolves from all directions. Rabid wolves… I was sure of it… Where were they all coming from? This random attack had come so unexpectedly, all the wolves had been called to fight. Sending our entire pack into turmoil. We trained for this, yet when it came to it, nobody seemed to remember a thing about the training. ‘Ash, stay back, we cannot risk you or Caleb’ my Dad mindlinked. My Dad was the current Beta of the pack, and I know he was right, but it was an instinct to want to fight. To protect our pack. But I know why he was saying what he was. Caleb would be the next Alpha, they did not want him risking, and me, as the next Beta, was viewed in much the same way. But, that did not stop me wanting to be out there. We had to protect our people!
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Chapter 16 - Asher
After tossing and turning, for goddess knows how many more hours after my recurring nightmare, I had given up all hope of sleep finding me again. Though in some ways I think sleep was something I dreaded because it brought that vision over and over. It meant I had to lose Isla again and again. The pain had been the worst pain I could ever imagine. I, like so many others, had heard of wolves losing their mate and the damage it could do to them, but never thought much of it. Though, I suppose, as a young and carefree boy, enjoying my life and having fun, why would you?But, at the age of seventeen, fate had decided that was what fate would be dealt to me. I was to discover exactly what the pain could be. Discover the agonizing sensation as agony rippled through my body as the matebond was torn from me. Experience exactly how torturous the loss would feel, and despite being surrounded by a pack, just how lonely you could feel when the one person destined to be by your side was n
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Chapter 17 - Bailey
I got myself ready to leave the house, dressed smartly in a pair of high-waisted, wide-legged, black trousers. With a simple white tank top. My long dark hair I chose to tame, so the curls were manageable, and I clipped the sides back from my face. I slipped on a pair of simple black heels to finish my outfit, along with simple but stylish make-up too. I needed to make a good impression. I needed a job. There had still been no responses despite all the applications I had sent out.“You ready to go Bai?” My Dad called up the stairs, and I smiled. He was not wasting the opportunity to go and see his friend, former Alpha Isaak, again. After we had called the pack and requested an appointment to discuss the role of teacher in the pack, my Dad had messaged Alpha Isaak to let him know, and instantly he was invited to come along too. Personally, I think it was just my Dad’s way of coming along to keep an eye on me. Ever the protective father.I have since learned the two of them had played
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Chapter 18 - Asher
The silence within the office was palpable. Awkward. I tried to keep myself occupied with some of the paperwork that lay upon my desk, but I found myself persistently checking the time. This appointment was due anytime now, and I truly did not want to be dealing with some randomer from out of pack.Yes, it had been my choice to bring her here to interview her, but I am certain that the interview did not need three of us. The coffee in the mug upon my desk had not done what I needed in waking me up, nor making me feel better. Being polite and friendly was most certainly not within my rhetoric today because of the amount of sleep I had managed…“Does she have much experience?” Caleb suddenly interrupted the deafening silence.I turn to look at my friend and shrug. “This is all your Dad’s suggestion,” I said, slightly too snappily, and I saw both Caleb and Eden glance at one another. That knowing look upon their faces. The look I tire of. One of sympathy. Pity. Concern. Like I was such
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Chapter 19 - Bailey
Well, the interview went well, despite the awkward start of nearly being plowed over by the Beta escaping the room like he had a rocket up his ass. I could see his friendly demeanor had improved massively since the party. He was clearly a joy to work with. Radiating sunshine that one.However, Alpha Caleb and Luna Eden, who had done the interview, both seemed lovely, and Luna Eden, bless her, looked ready to pop in the latter stages of pregnancy. Though she did seem to be glowing with it too. I never understood how that worked when I had heard people describe pregnant women in that way, but to see Luna Eden she generally looked to be shimmering with happiness and health. The affectionate smiles down to her swollen belly as she stroked it told me she likely already adored the little one growing there.I was proud considering this was my first official interview. We had practiced ones many times during our studies, but they were not the same as the tutors always guided us. This had bee
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Chapter 20 - Bailey
After a lovely hour sitting in the beautiful gardens with Luna Eden, enjoying the most delicious of cake and coffee, my Dad had come to find me, and see if I was ready to come home. He seemed excited to hear that Luna Eden was keen to have me come and work for her. So, when he told her she would be hearing from us very soon, I did not have the heart to disagree. Because, yes, they likely would be hearing from me, but it may not be in the way they were expecting.My Dad had tried talking to me on the way home, wanting to know all the details of the interview, but in all honesty, I had lost all interest in conversation. I felt deflated. My mood low. I had been building up to this moment since the day I began my degree. Excited about the day I would gain a job offer. And now the seemingly impossible had happened, I was likely going to have to turn them down. All because of an over-bearing and controlling Alpha and ex-mate who seemed to think he still had some say in what I did with my li
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