All Chapters of Beauty and The Beta: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
104 Chapters
Chapter 21 - Miles
Today was not going well. Hearing my former fated mate had disobeyed what she had been ordered by going to another pack for an interview infuriates me. Her brother needs to get her under better control. Well, both her brother and her father. But, this is what happens when a she-wolf is allowed too much freedom, too much access to education. She learns too much. She thinks she is above all others. Well, not in my pack she wasn’t, nor would she ever be.I would not permit her to work for another Alpha. That girl would forever belong to this pack. So she knew her place. I may have rejected her, but she was the mate the moon goddess had blessed me with, and I did not know if her going somewhere else would make me weaker. When she was away at university, I did not feel the same. I felt less strong. Though, at that time, I had not rejected her and my wolf pined for her, the pathetic fucker.He would whimper and whine for his mate. Beg for me to bring her home. Why he would want that patheti
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Chapter 22 - Bailey
I strolled through the rest of the pack while trying not to think of Miles. He was nothing if not persistent. I could think of no reason why he kept me here, other than the fact he gained some sick pleasure from seeing me suffer. And, the way he has changed in recent years, I would not be surprised if he had turned into some sort of masochist.I hated that things between Harley and I were likely now ruined. The way he had looked at me had hurt. He had believed the words coming from his upcoming Alpha. But, then who wouldn’t? He was the next Alpha. Most, if not all, would believe him. Why would they doubt him? He was the golden child of the pack. Ha. Little did they know the only thing golden about him was the reflection of his glowing satanic eyes.I knew I had been naïve to think there could be anything between Harley and I. Harley had a fated mate out there. He would have believed I did too. Obviously I knew better. But, I have been enjoying our time together. He made me feel good.
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Chapter 23 - Bailey
I approached the house with a content feeling in my chest. Harley could be my savior. Yes, I was disappointed about this teaching role, but perhaps I could look for one closer to his Mum’s former pack he planned to move us to. Wow. A chosen mate. A handsome warrior too. One that actually liked the fact I had gained my degree.‘Taking him as a chosen mate is okay, isn’t it?’ I asked Akira.‘Fated mate not want us. He reject us. This mate does want us.’ Akira almost purrs as she replies. I think it is safe to say she was just as content. I had felt her becoming fond of Harley as we spent time together. She had always previously been against building close bonds with other male wolves in the hope Miles would want us back, but once he rejected us, it had hurt her massively. The pain it caused her nearly tore her down. But, we have got there in the end. Hopefully, Harley can be the thing that fixes us. A savior in so many ways.‘A fresh start Akira!’ I told her excitedly.‘If he lets us g
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Chapter 24 - Jordan
I hear my sister footsteps pounding up the stairs. Evidently she does not want to talk. And quite honestly, I have not got the energy to chase her. I wasn’t expecting to see her home. I was here to gather some things together so I could travel over to my fated mate’s pack, spend some time with her while she gathered her things together to come and move here with me. My fated mate. Seriously, meeting her for the first time today was like the ground had slipped out from under me. Like time had stopped.You hear tales of what meeting your fated mate was meant to be like, but meeting Gia was everything they described and more. Her eyes sparkled like precious gems, and damn, I thought my heart would beat right out of my chest! Don’t even get me started on the sparks from her touch…My wolf, Rory, was going crazy the moment we caught her scent. He was ready to scoop her up and take her home. Mark her and mate her there and then! We had been waiting for our fated mate for what seemed like et
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Chapter 25 - Bailey
I was taken aback by my brother. That was not how he normally acted. Could him meeting his mate have changed him? As happy as I am for him that he has met his fated mate, his sympathy and kind thoughts all feel a little too late. He had been acting like I was some sort of social pariah for years. Like I was something to avoid, like the plague, all because I preferred to read rather than hang out by the football field cheering for them. All because I preferred something different.I never intended to embarrass my brother, or my family by being the way I was. I just wanted to do well in life. I wasn’t aware that it was such a crime, yet the way my brother and sister had spoken over the years, you would think it was first degree murder I had committed. But, I guess I should be grateful now he was showing some remorse. Maybe it was a sign he was growing up? The worrying thing was, what would happen when he confronted Miles? Because that was bound to happen. And, I doubted t
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Chapter 26 - Miles
My mind had been distracted all of the day. After seeing Bailey, I had gone to the gym, and took my anger out on the punch bags. But, it had not done what I had needed, not like it usually did. My wolf, Jet, enraged at the sense of distrust from one of his own pack needed to be allowed out. He needed the freedom of space and time to run. He enjoyed the thrill of hunting and taking his anger out on some innocent small prey. Making them suffer because of his wrath.And today was worse than normal. This warrior boy had truly gotten under both of our skin. I was the next leader. Yet that fool was questioning me and my words. He was questioning the things I was saying. Bailey was a nobody. She had always been, yet some small-time warrior was taking her word over the words of his next Alpha? The moment I had left the gym I had headed for the treeline, and stripped myself of my clothes. Placing them into some broken bark, ready to retrieve them when my anger had subsided enough. Though I dou
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Chapter 27 - Bailey
I rushed through the hospital doors, my heart racing, my mind full of worry for the man I had begun to grow some sort of affection for. My eyes settled on one of the pack doctors, and I smiled politely, hoping they could help me. “Hi, is Harley here?” I asked.“The warrior that was brought in?” he asked me, and I nodded, fearful he was about to tell me the worst. “Second floor, though I think he is still in the theater, but his parents are there.”“Is he okay?” I asked.“I can’t share any information, I am afraid, but I am sure if you speak with his parents they may be able to update you.” the doctor nodded toward me, before walking further along the corridor. I assumed in doing so, he was telling me he was done talking to me. So, I turned around and made my way to the stairs and tried to gather some composure to talk to Harley’s parents. I don’t even think I know them. I mean, yes, we are all from the same pack, but it doesn’t mean I pay attention to every family here. At social eve
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Chapter 28 - Asher
Office work was becoming repetitive for me today. But, I had already done the pack training and been out for a run, so I had delayed my paperwork for as long as I think I possibly could. Poor Eden was suffering terribly now with the later stages of pregnancy, so Caleb was having to tend to her a little more than we would have expected at this stage. So, additional duties have fallen to me. Not that I minded particularly much as it kept my mind busy. And, I have to admit, I found it somewhat amusing watching Eden give her mate holy hell for the slightest thing, because it seemed him making her pregnant meant he was somehow to blame now for every little thing that inconvenienced her, or simply irritated her. And watching Caleb trying to steer his way around the ticking timebomb that was his mate and wife was like a comedy show in itself...But additional paperwork was such a drag. After so long, numbers began to blend into one another. And I am sure they began to move about the page too
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Chapter 29 - Bailey
I stepped through the doors of the packhouse. Harley had not left my mind since I left the hospital, but I knew I must focus my mind, ready to speak to my Dad. I walked down the empty corridors my stomach already churning at the conversation I knew lay ahead. I turned down the corridor to my left which leads to where the offices are. Strangely, despite the time of day, there are very few people within the packhouse.Just as I am walking down the corridor, my phone rings, and I quickly take it out of my pocket. “Hello?” I answer quickly, not recognizing the number and suddenly panicking, thinking it could be something to do with Harley, despite the fact that, logically, I know anyone linked to Harley is within pack and would mindlink me if they needed to contact me.“Bailey?” the voice greeted me, and I realized immediately it sounded an awful lot like Luna Eden.“Yes.” I replied, beginning to wonder if it was in fact the Luna calling for a response on the job role. I thought they may
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Chapter 30 - Bailey
I watched my Dad as his fist flew toward the wall of his office as he raged in anger. I had literally just told him a portion of the things that had happened. The main thing being that Miles had rejected me. “Dad, please calm down!” I begged him, knowing I could not risk my Uncle, the Alpha, hearing and coming in. I did not want all of this to get out, not yet anyway.We needed to decide what should be done. We needed to decide what was the safest thing to do. I think the safer thing for Harley, as hard as it is for me to admit, is for him to stay away from me. I hate that he got hurt because of me, but the more I think about it, the more I know that that is what happened. Once I had finished speaking to my Dad, and before I went back to the hospital to see how Harley was, I planned to mindlink Miles to demand answers.“Bailey, he rejected his mate!” my Dad snapped. “That is not allowed for an Alpha! He hurt you, Bailey. My little girl!” he growls angrily, and again the irony hits me
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