All Chapters of Beauty and The Beta: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
104 Chapters
Chapter 41 - Bailey
After what had felt like the longest drive in history, though perhaps that was something to do with the fact my Dad had done nothing but rant the whole time since the moment I had mentioned the whole Miles and Morgan situation, we had arrived safely at the gates of Autumn Valley Pack heading toward 2am. I felt terrible arriving at that time, wishing we had found a hotel nearby to stay, rather than turning up at the pack now, but my Dad was adamant somebody would be up. Not to mention Luna Eden had said anytime would be fine…The guard at the gate had greeted us cheerfully considering the ungodly hour, and he had said he had been expecting me, so at least Luna Eden hadn’t forgotten about my arrival. He allowed me through the gate with no issues, giving me directions to the packhouse, telling me that someone would meet me there. So, I assumed Luna Eden would find me there. She did say she would be giving me a room in the packhouse for the first few weeks possibly, until a home was arran
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Chapter 42 - Asher
I keep finding my eyes falling on the girl that has suddenly appeared within our pack. Damn was she irritating. Keeping me waiting until a ridiculous time at night to allow her into the pack, to allow her in, and then bringing her Daddy with her to argue for her. But, there is something different about her…Gone was the shy girl I recall from the party that my Uncle had introduced me to. Not that I was paying a huge amount of attention to her back then either. I was in more of a rush to get away, much as I am now to be fair… but, she seems different now, I am sure of it. This young thing seems to be giving as good as she gets.And, even more strange, is that Zion seems to like the cheekiness that occasionally comes out within her occasional sarcasm, it makes him chuckle. He doesn’t do that very often anymore. Though, in truth, she should be showing me respect considering the fact I am to be her new Beta. One of her new bosses. But, I would allow her a little leeway considering the la
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Chapter 43 - Bailey
The happy Beta left me in what was to be my new room to get settled and wandered off with my Dad at his heels giving him a hard time it sounded like. I am sure by the time he had allocated him a room he would be ready to throw my Dad from the stairway, because he truly seemed to be enjoying riling the Beta up. Though, his miserable face did seem to have forgotten what a smile actually was, so my Dad likely saw that as a challenge.I threw my bags down in the corner of the room with the intention of sorting through them tomorrow, as my eyes were already beginning to droop. The late drive had been far from ideal, but I was finally here now. My fresh start could begin. I just dreaded what the outcome would be when Miles discovered I was gone, but I planned to speak to Luna Eden tomorrow and explain my predicament, asking that they give me some form of protection at least. If not, at least I would have given them a heads-up of any potential trouble from Miles if he decided to come here t
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Chapter 44 - Jordan
My stay with my mate had been shorter than I had intended, and my mind had not been as on her as much I would have liked. As terrible as it may sound, my mind has been on my sister for a great portion of the time. The conversation we had had before I left had been replaying within my mind. The things I had learned tortured me. How can we not have known the pain she was in? All of us had failed Bailey as a family, yet she never once complained…Not only that, I had put my friend first far too many times. Like so many others in the pack did, as the upcoming Alpha, it was an easy mistake to make. He knew the control he had. I should have known better, but I had looked up to my best friend. Saw him as quite the lad. The womanizer. Never realizing that in the things he was doing he was hurting my sister. They seemed such an unlikely pairing.Tales of matebonds always seem to suggest that matebonds of fated mates are with couples that are well-matched. Perfect couples. But, with Miles and B
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Chapter 45 - Asher
I stood waiting for the new girl for quite some time. As time was passing, my irritation was beginning to build. I mean, how long does it take to get ready?! I paced the landing... I stood waiting... I got bored... all until she emerged from her room looking somewhat more alive than she had when she opened her door to me earlier. She looked a whole lot different in fact...Her long dark hair was now neatly twisted back into a long braid down her back, with a few loose strands curled by the sides of her face. A face that I was almost certain had make-up on now too. Her big brown eyes were framed by long lashes, and those big brown eyes were glaring at me something chronic right now. Hmm, I think I may have not made the best of impressions on this one…“All sorted?” I said with a smile as she approached me.“Well do I look like I am still in my PJs?” she smirks back, and straight away I am ready to turn around and walk back to my office. I was not ready to deal with someone who was goin
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Chapter 46 - Asher
I sat and waited in my office for the new girl, while she waved her father off. I could not be bothered dealing with tears, nor with her irritating father, in all honesty. My Uncle had mentioned that the upcoming Beta from their pack was coming to collect his father, so there was no way in hell I planned to hang around in case the young guy was anything like his Dad. Spending time with his Dad had been taxing enough, I did not need to be forced to spend time with two of them, the older version and the younger version. Fuck that!So, I had told the new girl how to find my office, and to come and find me when she was done. Give her some privacy to say her goodbyes, and then I would continue this induction before leaving her to her own devices. The sooner, the better, in my opinion, for I had things to do, and having to act as a friendly host was hurting my head.‘Friendly host?’ Zion chuckled, like he found my thoughts highly amusing. ‘Did I blink and miss that bit?’‘Piss off.’ I warne
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Chapter 47 - Bailey
Oh goddess, the happy one’s face at the things his Uncle and former Alpha had suggested looked like he had suggested he allowed me to go and shit on his bed or something. Beta Asher was not exactly doing much to hide his displeasure at the suggestion. Though I am quickly learning this man does not have many friendly facial expressions anyway, but the one currently upon his face looked like he wanted to go and attack his Uncle. Who, incidentally, had wandered out of the room happily humming to himself like he was extremely pleased with himself. Something told me he enjoyed irritating the Beta…Not that it did me any favors, as it now left me alone with the big bundle of happiness, unsure what to do or what to say, and now the room was in a very awkward silence. In all honesty, I didn’t particularly want to be spending that much time with the Beta, so the things the former Alpha had suggested sounded horrendous, but I remained with a neutral expression upon my face to be polite. Eviden
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Chapter 48 - Jordan
Saying our goodbyes to Bailey had been difficult, but leaving her there at Autumn Valley Pack had felt right. I knew she would be better there than she ever would be in our pack, and she seemed so positive about this new teaching role. This is what she had worked so hard for, for so long. She deserved it, and I hoped she would thrive now she had the job of her dreams. We just needed to do our part now and deal with the shit back in our pack. Ensure Miles got everything he deserved.The drive back across to pack had been long, and we were all ready to get some food, but had been determined not to stop and make the drive home as quickly as we could. There was far too much to deal with when we got home, and the thoughts of any delays in getting there were not ideal, so we had agreed it would be a direct journey. My Dad seemed full of positivity about the things we had to do, so I could only hope his plans were possible. He immediately took to Gia, which made me happy. That is all I want
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Chapter 49 - Miles
I had managed to evade my father for most of the day. Hunting down the warrior who pissed me off has not gone my way, so I have a few people asking around for him. The hospital staff said he was discharged, which implies to me, he recovered awfully quickly, so evidently I didn’t do enough damage after all. So, I think I may need to find him again.Someone to take my anger out on, because quite frankly that is what is rippling through my body the majority of the time right now. Seeing Ellis in this sickly loved-up state with his new mate is beyond sickening. Yes, his new mate is hot. A former cheerleader. Fucking whoopee doo for Ellis. Once again, I don’t get how that worked, he got this curvy, vivacious little lady, who cannot do enough for him, giggling sweetly at everything he says, and I got fucking Bailey West with her out of control mane of curls and her over the top brain power and intelligence.Ellis had been different in recent days since he caught me attacking the warrior. I
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Chapter 50 - Bailey
Well, I had my detailed tour of the new school I would be working at, and who knew a tour could be quite so detailed… it seems Beta Asher is a sucker for the finer details… maybe a little OCD lingering under that mean and moody exterior… but, still, I now knew every inch of the school, in great detail, and I loved it! Now the two of us were walking through the packlands, while the happy one did his best at showing me around.Bless him, it was so obvious to me that he was not comfortable in the company of others, or maybe it was just in the company of me… but he looked so uneasy I felt bad for him.“Do you want me to go back to my room?” I asked, looking up at him with a polite smile.“What? Why would I want to go to your room?” he almost choked on hs words, and I had to try to stop myself laughing at him. Is that what he actually thought I was suggesting?‘What in all holy hell does he think we are proposing?’ Akira almost squealed within my mind, sounding truly horrified, and to be h
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