All Chapters of She's Mine To Claim: Chapter 1 - Chapter 9
9 Chapters
Chapter 1: Hello Rose
"You deserve to die bitch!" Aurora sucked in a deep breath seconds before her tormentor plunged her head into the river. The freezing water knocked the breath out of her lungs and she struggled with the hand that held her, trying to pull her head up. Her tormentor, Estella, held her firmly under the flowing river. The three other she-wolves behind her laughed at Aurora's feeble attempt to escape, but did nothing to try and save her. After a while, Estella pulled Aurora out of the river and smacked her across the face. Aurora fell back, her chest heaving as she tried to draw in deep breaths. Her face and hair were wet and she shivered from the cold. Estella moved closer to her and gripped her hair in a tight fist, making Aurora cry out. "This is just the beginning Rose. If you don't reject Alpha Bishop, I will do more than drown you. I'll kill you, and no one would ever find out." Aurora said nothing in response. She merely gritted her teeth against the pain of Estella's gr
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Chapter 2: I never wanted a mate
Aurora slowly looked around the room Bishop showed her, her lips parted in surprise. His home was enormous on the outside, but she never thought the interior would be equally large. The room was larger than her aunt's tiny cottage. A huge bed occupied the middle of the room, thick duvets and pillows thrown carefully on it. On one side of the room, the wall was covered fully with mirrors. On the other side, two windows overlooked the forest that surrounded Silver Dawn Pack. It was simply exquisite. She turned around shyly, only to see Bishop staring at her strangely. "Thank you, for earlier." She murmured, referring to his interference when her aunt almost hit her. "You don't have to thank me Rose." He brushed her gratitude aside. "It's my job to protect you." Aurora gulped softly. He was acting so stiff and formal towards her. She had hoped he would be more open to her, but Bishop was acting like he was being forced to be with her. "I hope you like your room."
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Chapter 3: I won't mark you
Sunlight filtering into the room the next morning roused Aurora from her deep slumber. Her entire body ached badly, and the throbbing between her thighs was unbearable. Groaning softly, she sat up on the bed and stared at the stained sheets on the floor. After crying her heart out the previous night, she had washed herself in the bathroom and removed the soiled sheets. She was still dressed in her Jean and blouse of the previous day. Memories of what occurred between her and Bishop the previous night came back to her and she remembered the words he told her. Not wanting it to spoil her mood, she blocked out the thought. It was another day. Maybe she would be able to get closer to Bishop and make him realize that the mate bond was a beautiful thing. He didn't have to be a slave to it. A knock on the door made her jerk and she sat up further on the bed, hoping it was Bishop. "Come in." She called out softly. The door opened and two maids walked in. One held a bucket
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Chapter 4: I reject you
Slap! The harsh sound of a slap echoed round the room and Aurora's head snapped back with the force of it. "HOW DARE YOU?" Bishop roared, his eyes black and furious. "HOW DARE YOU LAY YOUR FILTHY HANDS ON AMELIA?" Another slap landed on her face and her lip split. She collapsed to the floor, blinded momentarily. Tears burned behind her closed eyelids and she wished the ground would open up and swallow her. She didn't deserve what she was getting. From where she stood, Amelia grinned maliciously. Her plans had worked perfectly well. All that was left was for Bishop to reject Aurora. But Bishop didn't do anything of the sort. Instead, he called for his guards, his voice loud and powerful. Two of the warriors rushed into the room and bowed before him. "Lock her up in the dungeon. And starve her!" Bishop ordered, his eyes glaring at Aurora. "If she is to remain in my home, she must learn from her mistakes." The guards dragged an almost unconscious Aurora away towards
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Chapter 5: Release her
"ENOUGH!" A powerful voice thundered suddenly, instilling fear in the crowd. The entire shifters fell into a deathly silence the moment Alpha King Henry stepped out from the mansion.Aurora raised her head weakly and her gaze connected with intense golden eyes, the same eyes she had seen the night she was almost attacked by that lycan.She couldn't be mistaken. Although she hadn't seen his face that night, but his eyes... she knew she couldn't be wrong. Bishop spoke of an important guest earlier. Could it be that this man with the hypnotic eyes was the Alpha King? She watched him walk towards her. The crowd moved back, fear and respect visible in their eyes. Even Bishop stepped aside, his head bowed slightly. Henry stopped before the guards holding Aurora, his gaze dark and terrifying. "Release her." His voice sounded calm, too calm, but everyone knew it was the calm before the storm. The guards promptly let go of Aurora, and she collapsed to the ground. "Alpha Henry," Bishop v
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Chapter 6: Don't touch her
The carriage arrived at Ashidore two days later, on a cool afternoon. The guards stationed outside the large golden gates noticed the fancy carriage being pulled by six vicious wolves, and they knew immediately that the Alpha King was back. One gave an order and the majestic gates were pulled open. The wolves pulled the carriage through the gates and as quickly as it had been opened, the gates were shut tight again. Ashidore, the Lycan Kingdom, was magnificent and grand. A large castle stood in the middle of the kingdom, shimmering like jewels in the late afternoon sun. All around the castle were smaller houses and cottages, where the people of Ashidore lived. Right before the castle was a large water fountain, with water sprouting out of the statue of a howling wolf. The kingdom was bustling with activities and as the carriage drove past, some of the shifters bowed respectfully. The wolves slowed to a stop, bringing the carriage to stop in front of the castle.Henry turned and
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Chapter 7: Why did he save me?
Aurora was still unconscious when Henry barged into the room like his life depended on it. She was trashing on the bed while Kaleb tried to hold her down. Her fists gripped the bedsheets tightly and she threw her head about, struggling against the hands that held her. Tyler and David hurried into the room after him and the three men stood helplessly, at a loss of what to do. "Why don't we wake her up?" Tyler suggested. He had never encountered anyone who had a panic attack while still unconscious. "That won't be a good idea, beta Tyler." Kaleb disagreed, his voice unstable as he tried to calm Aurora. "She is clearly terrified of something in her subconscious. If we try to wake her up without calming her first, it could affect her psychologically.""Well, we have to do something." Tyler raised his voice in worry as Aurora screams became louder. He turned to Henry and grabbed the latter's arm. "Alpha, if her screams get any louder than this, people will hear and wonder."However, Hen
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Chapter 8: You don't have to go
The moment Henry's gaze met Aurora's, she felt an electrifying tingle go through her body. Had he always been this handsome? His hair, as dark as midnight, curled tightly over his perfect arched brows. His eyes, those golden orbs, darkened when he assessed her from her face to her feet, and back again. His lips were set in a straight line, giving him that badboy look. When his eyes met hers again, butterflies erupted in her tummy unexpectedly. Averting her eyes, she cursed herself silently for feeling that way. What Bishop did to her should teach her a lesson that men were beasts. The silence that suddenly descended on the room after Henry's arrival became heavy. Aurora kept her eyes averted, afraid to look up at him. What was she supposed to say? Thank him for saving her? She almost jumped when Henry walked further into the room and addressed her. "You're awake." He said softly. It wasn't a question, but Aurora found herself nodding. Understanding that she was nervous, Henry t
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Chapter 9: You don't have to thank me
Henry's entire body froze the moment he felt Aurora hug him tightly. His hands were slightly raised, his brows knitted in confusion. One couldn't blame him for reacting that way. He had never received a hug from anyone. It felt so bizarre. Slowly, his arms lowered until it rested on Aurora's shoulder. Only then did he relax and let out the breath he was holding. Who would have thought a ruthless Alpha King like him would feel uneasy because of a woman's hug? The thought amused him and he smiled, shaking his head unbelievably. Aurora finally pulled back and clasped her hands before her shyly. "Thank you Alpha." She mumbled. "I'm sorry if I startled you, but no one has ever been this kind to me. It's not something I am used to."Henry could still feel the warmth of her body against his, and he felt empty when she pulled away. What was happening to him? Why was he suddenly so soft towards her?The smile disappeared from his face and he stepped away from Aurora. "You don't have to tha
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