All Chapters of Our Last Chance: Chapter 1 - Chapter 5
5 Chapters
"Charlie freak!"As soon as I opened my locker various paints splashed on my face. As I expected."Good morning Charlie!" The girls said while laughing as they passed by me.I sighed and watched their back as they leave, I wish I can pull their hair until they pulled out. I removed my glasses and wiped them up before wearing them again, then I looked at my clothes soaked with paints.My oversized grey shirt and black baggy pants are now covered with green, yellow, and red paint. I took off my headphone with my right hand and my bag from my left hand and looked at myself."Howdy-dang! What happened to you?!" Jax asked."Well. Paints this time" I answered with another sigh.He took my headphone and bag from me as he surveyed me."This is absurd, it's getting more and more wilder. I'll hold this, go and change""I don't think I have more available shirts here, it's all wet and soaked," I said while searching my locker."I have one in mine, I can lend it. Let's go so you could fix yoursel
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"So you've been admiring me for a long time huh" Enzo teased with a smirk.I sighed and shook my head."No, you're getting it wrong—""It's pretty obvious here babe, come on" He chuckled. "You don't have to hide and act like one of those mysterious ladies who's sending me letters and gifts. I'm here just in front of you, you can tell it to me directly babe"I'm starting to feel irritated with his actions and words, he was so full of himself."Enzo, you're getting it wrong. The diary wasn't mine" I tried to defend myself but I haven't noticed that he was slowly cornering me to one side of the room."Really babe?" He smirked.My blood started to boil in anger, he was moving his face closer to mine while just smirking. Pervert!I was about to push him away when someone already pulled him harshly causing him to fall on the floor."Jax!" I screamed and immediately held him to stop him when he was about to attack Enzo.Dave and Hayes immediately interfere. They were also ready to attack Jax
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"Aria stop, you're too noisy! You're getting everyone's attention" I scolded her."Oh my god! Oh my god! I can't believe this! He noticed my diary!" He shrieked again."Stop Aria, he doesn't know it was you. He thought it was my diary, what's good about that? They'll be playing more tricks over me" I sighed getting tired of every prank they pull on me."I know! Isn't it great? You know you have to change! You need to slowly put effort into yourself and feel more confident, I know you're way better on that Valerie, you just have to get your confidence—""What are you trying to imply here Aria?" I asked looking at her with judgment in my eyes.She then giggled while staring at me. "You two would probably look good as a couple" She grinned."Gosh, no Aria" I hissed as I stood up and stomped my feet in irritation.She laughed. "Why are you reacting like that?""You know I have no interest to be in any commitment and besides, duh?" I make a face and shook my head. "As if there's someone wh
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I did my best for the following days to avoid Enzo and his circle, I don't want to be in any connections with him but they just kept following me everywhere and the bullying just got more worst than ever.I've never been in detention but because of them, I was sent to the detention two times already. I managed to handle them but I don't think I'll make it this time."Where was it!" I whispered to myself angrily.I kept on searching for the bracelet my parents gave me when they were still alive, I've searched it from my locker and even went to the places I've been just to see it but I think I have lost it, I tried searching my bag for the nth time but after many minutes, still unfound."Where did I put it?!" I hissed, I badly want to throw my bag already and cry, I can't lose it, that bracelet is just too important than anything.I'd rather lose my phone but not and never that bracelet. That's too sentimental for me."Maybe you have left it in your home, in bed? Before going to campus—
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ARIAI haven't seen Charlie since Enzo took her, I saw them comeback but without Charlie, I tried to find her around but there's no sense, I also tried to call her on her phone but I found out she left her phone on her bag.I was getting worried, I don't want to ask Enzo or any of his friends but they are the only person I could ask since they are the last person who's been with Charlie.I saw them on their usual spot on the cafeteria, nervous but I'm much nervous for what might could have happen to Charlie."Enzo" I called, all of their eyes turned to me."Yes?" Enzo answered."I just need to ask this, Charlie haven't been back since she came with you and earlier. You came back without her"Enzo frowned a bit. "She's not back yet?" He asked back, that made me more nervous.I shook my head, I'm already trembling.He stood up the same time my phone rang, I looked at it to see it was Jax. I nearly forgot about him. I immediately answered his call to ask for help."Hello, Jax I need your
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