All Chapters of The Enchanted Curse: The wolf/banshee inside me: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
31 Chapters
Chapter 1
Wow is all I can say…. I guess I should start from the beginning, so you'll know what I’m talking about. Hello, I’m Sky Bloodworth. I am a month away before I turn eighteen and can escape this hellhole. Let me give you a little background about myself. I am the only child of two successful parents. I know...boring…hit the snooze button on to the next story. But I promise if you hold on to the story it will get better. My dad was a doctor for adults and kids. I figured he had to be important because everyone addressed him as Dr. or Sir and never his first name, which is Jason. I thought it was weird to never hear people call him by his first name. What did I know I was twelve at that time. But I know I saw people coming and going from his office when I would come to visit every week to get my allergy shot. Mom was a scientist, which I thought was cool. Her name was Joy. When people call her by her last name, that would aggravate her. She always tells them to call her Joy. Mom was
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Chapter 2
Fast-forward to the present day: It's been five years of living in a nightmare, devoid of love and attention from those who claim to be my family. I figured out that my so-called aunt and uncle were only there for the money. Missing out on a few years of school wasn't a problem because I still did work online. Now, at seventeen and a half, I find myself parentless with no love. Tracy and David abandoned me in my childhood home on my sixteenth birthday. What a gift that was. I'm not angry, but rather somewhat relieved to be free from them and their weird behavior whenever I come around. They treated me like I was some kind of plague they didn't want to catch. Tracy and David occasionally return for the money my parents left me. My parents made it so I could get a stipend every month to take care of everyday lifestyle habits. Here's the twist: remember when I mentioned I'd never been sick a day in my life? Well, things change. After turning sixteen, I began feeling ill and exhausted
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Chapter 3
The following day, I showered again, wrapping my arm again, and lay back down on the bed, feeling inexplicably exhausted. Later, I mustered the energy to visit a doctor I found online. She confirmed that an animal had bitten me, took photographs, and collected samples of my blood and skin near the wound to identify the creature. After administering a shot, she jokingly told me not to get sick and die. When I mentioned that another doctor had said I was already dying, she gave me a peculiar look, laughed, and exited the office, saying she needed that laugh. She wished me a good day and said she'd see me in a week. Four days later, I began to notice changes in my body. While in the second period, I detected a heartbeat. Glancing out the window, I spotted a large dog. When I looked again, it had vanished. The hunger I felt during the third period the next day was overwhelming; the scents were tantalizing, which was strange since my classroom was far from the cafeteria, and I should on
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Chapter 4
After spending three hours on the sofa, longing for my parents' presence, I began to detect that familiar scent once more. Glancing at my hands, I knew I had showered, so the smell shouldn't be there. I dismissed the notion that I was imagining his scent simply because I yearned for him. Deciding to clear my mind, I went for a walk, as I've always cherished the night air under a luminous moon. I hoped it would help me make sense of the items left at my doorstep. Eventually, I found myself back at the beach. As I idly sifted sand through my toes, I unexpectedly felt warm despite the cool, breezy night. Opting to cool off, I waded into the water, clothes and all, given my light dress, and felt a slight relief. Looking up, I spotted that same figure by the shoreline, howling in my direction. Bobbing in the water, I mused over the late-hour presence of a dog. But then, realizing dogs don't howl like wolves, I was taken aback by the thought of a wolf being so near, thinking could that
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Chapter 5
The week was nearing its end when a knock at the front door of the house interrupted the silence. As I went to answer it, I realized it was my aunt standing there. I inquired about her whereabouts, and all she could muster was, "I had to hide for a while." After closing the door, I inquired about my uncle's whereabouts. Her response was a slap so forceful that it sent me to the floor. She sternly warned me never to question her about her mate. The shock of the slap and the unfamiliar term 'mate' left me bewildered. Concerned by her haggard appearance, which was uncharacteristic of her usual polished presence. I expressed my lack of patience for such nonsense, clarifying that my inquiry was innocent and announcing my intention to return to bed. Lying in bed, I reflected on the week's events and the recent encounter downstairs. I was astonished that Ace had spoken to me. Seeing that wolf again seemed surreal. And I wondered why Ace's scent lingered when he wasn't present, or at least
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Chapter 6
David became upset with me because I couldn't enter the bank. Tracy had so much fear in her eyes when she yelled saying her wolf was coming and trying to shift. While looking at them with wide eyes and confusion, they grabbed me and tried to push me into the car. I kept pulling away, searching for someone, but then a familiar scent caught my attention, and I stopped to look around. Seeing no one, the scent so distracting, I ceased to resist, allowing them to inject me with a needle once more. As I was drawn back into the car, I glanced through the rear window and saw the wolf that had been appearing at school, and then darkness overtook me. As we arrived home, I began to wake up. I pleaded with my aunt and uncle to return to the bank to see the wolf, but they ignored my requests. David glared at me, demanding I be quiet and cease wasting time. Amid his reprimand, Tracy's slap sent me tumbling back into the seat. Sobbing and apologizing, I lay on the back seat and closed my eyes. Wi
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Chapter 7
Once I was free from the cuffs and chains, I leaped off the table, immediately hit by a nauseating stench. Before me stood a towering figure, eight feet tall with a muscular build and tattoos covering his face. He seized my throat, demanding to know the whereabouts of my parents. Struggling to talk, I was able to get out the word DEAD. He laughed and said" Not those parents, your other ones. Desperately, I struggled, hitting and kicking, but breathing became increasingly difficult. He glanced at Victor and Anastasia, who were hiding behind a bin, questioning why my transformation hadn't occurred and that he didn't smell my wolf. After he threw me to the ground, I attempted to crawl away, gasping for air. He dragged me back by my legs, and all I could do was let out a scream. This scream, however, was so powerful it sent the man flying backward. Anastasia gasped, revealing that I was not a wolf but a banshee. Victor dismissed me saying I was as good as dead, but Anastasia countered,
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Chapter 8
After a few hours of rest, my stomach began to growl, reminding me that I hadn't eaten all day. Right on cue, someone knocked on the door, when I opened the door I saw it was Ace offering food. I let him in, and he greeted me with a small cupcake adorned with 'Happy Birthday.' I inquired about the time, and he replied, "It's twelve ten; you're officially eighteen" while kissing me on the cheek. Ace asked if I got the package left at the door. I leaned my head to the side looking at him and I smiled and said you left that for me. Ace gave me a wide smile and said yea I figured you could use a pick-me-up. Did it work? I told him Yeah that I did need it. I expressed my gratitude, but then a sudden pain overwhelmed my body. Ace urged me to follow him, but I refused with a loud laugh. His blank stare unnerved me, and his pacing agitated me further, prompting me to demand he sit down. I questioned the source of my pain, to which he ominously replied, "It's time." I yelled," Time for what
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Chapter 9
Krystal outlined the roles of the Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Luna. She also mentioned that Ace and I were expected to mate soon since I was his Luna. My response and the look I gave her made her go into a fit of laughter, giggling like a hyena. I was so shocked by the news that I ran to Ace, yelling that I didn't want to mate because it would be the end of me. Ace, utterly bewildered, stared as if I were a headless chicken. Once he calmed me down, we sat on the ground, and I relayed his sister's words to him. Suddenly, a growling noise erupted from Ace, and in fear, I began to inch backward, not understanding what was happening. Krystal ran out, bowing her head in submission to Ace, explaining she didn't mean to frighten me; she was merely answering a question I had. Ace reprimanded her, saying it wasn't her place to do so. Ace took Sky's hand and led her to a more private area to talk. He softened his voice, confirming to Sky that they were mates and that they would have to mate late
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Chapter 10
Ace transformed to resemble the vampire Tiffany, ensuring his identity remained undetected as he approached the exit. Just as he neared the door, he reverted to his true form, just as a young woman rushed towards him. Prepared for confrontation, Ace didn't recognize her as his mother at first. At that moment, she revealed her true self, just as the guards rounded the corner and recognized the Luna of the Black Swan Pack alongside the future Alpha. Calls for assistance echoed as Ace and his mother shifted into their wolf forms, ready for combat. The Luna communicated telepathically with her mate, informing him they were outnumbered and in need of reinforcements. Shortly after, help arrived. Upon seeing her husband, Luna's human form returned, and they embraced. "You should have known I was right behind you," he said with a smile. "I know, I felt your presence," she replied with a kiss. Ace bumped fists with his father and departed. He paused to search the air for Sky's scent, but to
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