All Chapters of The Enchanted Curse: The wolf/banshee inside me: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
33 Chapters
Chapter 11
David became upset with me because I couldn't enter the bank. Tracy had so much fear in her eyes when she yelled saying her wolf was coming and she's trying to shift. Looking at them with wide eyes and confusion, they grabbed me and tried to push me into the car. I kept pulling away, searching for someone, but then a familiar scent caught my attention, and I stopped to look around. Seeing no one, the scent so distracting, I ceased to resist, allowing them to inject me with a needle once more. As I was drawn back into the car, I glanced through the rear window and saw the wolf that had been appearing at school, and then darkness overtook me. As we arrived home, I began to wake up. I pleaded with my aunt and uncle to return to the bank to see the wolf, but they ignored my requests. David glared at me, demanding I be quiet and cease wasting time. Amid his reprimand, Tracy's slap sent me tumbling back into the seat. Sobbing and apologizing, I lay on the back seat and closed my eyes. Wi
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Chapter 12
Once I broke free that allowed me to be able to jump down off of the table where I was chained. I looked around to see if I could find an escape route but couldn't, so I took note of what Victor and Anastasia did and hid as well. Not that it did any good because somehow, I still smelled him. As the stench became stronger, I heard Victor and Anastasia saying that they might die tonight because they should have been gone as they were requested to be out of sight of Alpha Max. Victor shushed Anastasia, saying that they would be okay so long as he got the girl. Looking around I noticed that I was the only girl in the room. Once I was free from the cuffs and chains, I leaped off the table, immediately hit by a nauseating stench. Before me stood a towering figure, eight feet tall with a muscular build and tattoos covering his face. He seized my throat, demanding to know the whereabouts of my parents. Struggling to talk, I was able to get out the word DEAD. He laughed and said" Not those
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Chapter 13
While still sitting in the car Ace continued to explain his feelings for me. He told me about the day he appeared at the school, which I recalled was the day Erika was bullying me really badly. He stated that he knew something was special about me but couldn't figure it out at that moment. Ace said he knew he had to be a part of the school just to make sure I was safe. He recalled the day Ericka pushed my books to the floor he said he wanted to rip her head off but he couldn't. He stated he already knew the background of my so-called aunt and uncle. Looking up I realized I didn't know our destination. I asked him to stop and let me out. Ace chuckled, remarking that an alpha was searching for me and would soon find me without assistance. Eventually, we reached a long gravel pathway that led us to a cave high in the mountains. Inside, numerous elders stood as if waiting for someone. Ace confirmed they were waiting for me. Giving him a question look, Ace laughed and told me to come on.
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Chapter 14
After a few hours of rest, my stomach began to growl, reminding me that I hadn't eaten all day. Right on cue, Ace knocked on the door, offering food. I let him in, and he greeted me with a small cupcake adorned with 'Happy Birthday.' I inquired about the time, and he replied, "It's twelve ten; you're officially eighteen" while kissing me on the cheek. Ace asked if I got the package left at the door. I leaned my head to the side looking at him and I smiled and said you left that for me. Ace gave me a wide smile and said yea I figured you could use a pick-me-up. Did it work? I told him Yeah that I did need it. I expressed my gratitude, but then a sudden pain overwhelmed my body. Ace urged me to follow him, but I refused with a loud laugh. His blank stare unnerved me, and his pacing agitated me further, prompting me to demand he sit down. I questioned the source of my pain, to which he ominously replied, "It's time." I yelled," Time for what? His words only fueled my panic, and I retrea
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Chapter 15
My life has been tumultuous since I lost my parents at twelve. I believed I had a family, but soon realized they were sent by Alpha Max to keep an eye on me and I guess they would help themselves to my parent's money. Self-centered people who were money-hungry and their daughter wanted to act more drama in my life. Growing up alone, I survived by my own means. I wished for a parent's presence, but fate had other plans, and life moved on. Reflecting on the day I thought my struggles had ended, I discovered I was part wolf and banshee. I hoped to bond with Ace and his sister Krystal, but time was not on our side. Upon returning to the village, the elder mind-linked Ace, urges us to flee. As danger loomed, we ran to lead Alpha Max away from the village people. For a few weeks, we've been fugitives, narrowly evading capture each time safety seemed within reach. Tragically, those who aided us often met their demise. Ace's sister, with her premonitions, has been our savior. I can't imagin
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Chapter 16
Alpha Sam and Luna Cris dispatched a search party to locate their son Ace and his mate Sky. The rogues who abducted them led the searchers on a fruitless pursuit. Each path they followed, hoping it would lead them to the right place, ended in vain. Alpha Sam, overwhelmed with frustration, began to destroy and hurl objects around. His alpha aura intensified to such an extent that all the surrounding wolves knelt in submission. Luna Cris approached, kissing him and caressing his face, signaling him to calm down. She reassured him that they would find their son and his mate, urging patience. As the aura subsided, Luna gestured to the wolves to quickly vacate the vicinity. Luna Cris proposed a plan that Alpha Sam feared would end disastrously. Knowing only their pack was aware of her shape-shifting ability, she decided to go undercover to discover the location of her son and his mate. She would transform into a teenage girl, believing this guise would be less conspicuous while inquiring
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Chapter 17
Ace transformed to resemble the vampire Tiffany, ensuring his identity remained undetected as he approached the exit. Just as he neared the door, he reverted to his true form, just as a young woman rushed towards him. Prepared for confrontation, Ace didn't recognize her as his mother at first. At that moment, she revealed her true self, just as the guards rounded the corner and recognized the Luna of the Black Swan Pack alongside the future Alpha. Calls for assistance echoed as Ace and his mother shifted into their wolf forms, ready for combat. The Luna communicated telepathically with her mate, informing him they were outnumbered and in need of reinforcements. Shortly after, help arrived. Upon seeing her husband, Luna's human form returned, and they embraced. "You should have known I was right behind you," he said with a smile. "I know, I felt your presence," she replied with a kiss. Ace bumped fists with his father and departed. He paused to search the air for Sky's scent, but to
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Chapter 18
Jackson approached Alpha Sam to share what he had overheard, hoping it would aid in locating Sky. He mentioned hearing the vampire talk about heading to the beach where it meets the ocean. The Alpha pondered the information, with disgust in his voice saying that's a needle in a haystack. Krystal interjected," Well, he's never been to school. Her father hung his head and apologized. They urged Jackson to recount everything he had heard. Jackson declared that vampires often proclaimed 'Boomer' as the best. Luna Cris gasped at the mention of 'Boomer,' recognizing it as the White Claw Pack in San Diego. She described the pack as the worst, adhering to archaic laws that relegated women to mere breeders, regardless of their status. She turned to Ace, insisting they rescue her within three days. Returning to their pack and preparing took the family a few hours. Ace realized that securing permission to cross other packs' territories and tracking Shay once at the beach would take a day. The
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Chapter 19
Since Jackson and Krystal mated, they shared a separate mind link, allowing him to communicate with her about his predicament. He informed her that he needed assistance, as he and Sky were trapped in the room with Alpha Max with no exit available in the room. Krystal alerted Ace and the others about the situation, and they managed to create a diversion, drawing everyone away from the village so Jackson could flee with Sky. Hearing a loud explosion, Jackson attempted to free Sky by pulling at the chains attached to the bed's rails, but they wouldn't budge. Overwhelmed by pain, Sky sobbed and urged Jackson to leave, confessing she couldn't endure the agony any longer and he should save himself. Despite his resolve to free Sky, Jackson was unable to do so. Sky insisted that he leave and tell Ace of her love for him, asking him to move on as there was no hope for her rescue. When Jackson returned to the hotel, he relayed what he had witnessed and that he couldn't save Sky to Ace. Ace r
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Chapter 20
After Alpha Sam and Luna Cris had spoken with the villagers, they realized that no one except the now-deceased guard knew what was transpiring. Ace and his father offered the villagers a choice to join their pack or move to another, but they declined to go to their pack. They explained they had to leave because the village was set to be burned down. As they departed, Ace and Sky were walking hand in hand when suddenly, someone snatched Sky from Ace's grip. Looking up, Sky saw the vampire and began to scream. The vampire, prepared for this moment, quickly silenced her with a cloth soaked in a sleeping potion. Struggling against the overpowering scent, Sky grew dizzy, and the last things she heard were growls and shouts before succumbing to sleep. Ace saw Alpha Max standing there in front of him while the vampire had an unconscious Sky over his shoulder. He smiled and licked his lips at Ace while rubbing Sky’s ass. Ace started charging toward the vampire, but Alpha Max blocked him. Ac
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