All Chapters of TO LOVE A FEMALE ALPHA: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
30 Chapters
Chapter 1
NADINE. I closed my eyes as I relaxed my shoulders. I was just less than ten kilometers from the nearest border of the Dark Forest Pack, according to the taxi driver that was driving me there. I will see my mate soon. Two weeks ago, I met Xander at the Claiming Ball. But instead of claiming me, he decided to go ahead with the Claiming to help out his Alpha to claim a female, leaving me alone with the promise he would come back for me.I left before he could. I didn’t even know if he really went looking for me. All I knew was that he chose his Alpha over me. He was loyal to him rather than our bond. But in the end, they went home empty-handed. I knew that they were not able to take the female that his Alpha wanted to claim. I should be upset, yet here I was, finding my way to his territory. But I had my reasons. One of them was because I would go into heat tonight at the peak of the full moon. Without my mate beside me, many things could go wrong. I was also hoping that my heat w
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Chapter 2
NADINE.We arrived at the packhouse, and the first thing my eyes looked for was Mindy. But I didn’t see her or any other females around, and I was directly ushered to a room on the second floor. I knew Xander would never bring me to his room, but I was still disappointed that he didn’t. He didn’t stay with me, not even for a while. He just opened the door, and once I was inside, he left right away.I had been walking back and forth, contemplating whether I should go down and introduce myself to anyone I would meet and, at the same time, try to find out who Mindy was when I smelled Xander. And then a knock came on my door. Even if I didn’t want to, my body jerked up, and a smile curled on my lips. I couldn't deny that I was excited to see him again. “Hi!” I greeted him as soon as I opened the door. My shoulders relaxed when I saw him alone. “Can I come in?” He asked. His deep, baritone voice sent shivers down my spine. I didn’t reply, but I opened the door wider. He stepped in an
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Chapter 3
NADINE.“Damn, Nadine… I can smell your arousal…” He groaned as he pressed his bulging erection against my front. “Can you feel how much I want you?”“Yes.. please…” I moaned. His hand moved and trailed along my thigh as our mouths fought for dominance. His fingers brushed on the tiny fabric covering my core before he slipped it to the side and began touching my folds. I could feel my pussy leaking.He pulled away from my throat and pushed his body up, making me whimper in disappointment because I wanted his lips on my skin. “Aren’t you wet for me, mate?” He asked as he licked his lips. His eyes dilated while his finger continued to slide in between my folds. Instead of responding, I closed my eyes, wrapped my legs around his waist, and arched my body, wanting to make more contact with him. This caused my dress to slip, revealing the skin of my thighs to him.I was still lost in the sensation, gently rubbing my core against his finger, when I realized he had stopped moving and that
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Chapter 4
NADINE.As soon as he left, my heat came. And it was the worst feeling that I ever had in my whole life. I was burning and miserable.This bunker had cameras everywhere that I knew, and if he wanted, he could see me.In the beginning, I kept myself composed and did my best not to even flinch at the first sign of pain when my heat came. But as time went on, I couldn’t stop myself anymore.I was burning. I thought I was about to die. I couldn’t stop my tears and my cries anymore. So I just let the pain consume me and added my mate’s name to the list of people who had wronged me. My name is Nadine Benjamin Montrell. My father was supposed to be the next Alpha of a pack until it was taken over. My grandfather, the then Alpha, was killed, and along with his death, the whole pack was taken from our family. I was not born yet when it happened, but all my life, I have heard my father talk about it. I heard the pain in his voice. I saw the regrets in his eyes. And I felt the hope dwindling i
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Chapter 5
NADINE. “Nadine!” Xander’s voice rang in the air before another one came.“In my office, Beta,” Maddox ordered him. “Give me ten minutes, Maddox,” Xander answered, and soon I heard footsteps following me. It still baffled me how easy it was for Xander to deflect words from Alpha Maddox, but I guess because they were brothers. I hurried my steps, and the moment I reached the second floor, I ran to my room. “Fuck!” I heard him mumble before he ran as well. I was able to reach my room, but it was locked, and I had no idea where the key was. I was still holding my doorknob when I turned around, my eyes glaring at him as I spoke. “Don’t come near…”He stopped right away and raised his hands. “I have the keys in my pocket.”“Give it to me.”With one hand still up, he reached for his pocket and pulled the key from it. I grabbed it from him and inserted it into the keyhole. With my body facing him, I pushed the door open. “Don’t you dare attempt to come inside my room, or I will scream.”
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Chapter 6
NADINE.“I was wondering if I could be inducted into your pack.” I asked, my eyes meeting Alpha Maddox’s gaze. His brows hiked up, and it felt like forever as I waited for his reply. I held my breath, but the moment a wicked smile tugged on his mouth, I felt I stood a chance that he would take me into his pack. “Does Xander know about this?”I shook my head. “I decided for myself, Alpha. I don’t think Xander will claim me anyway. But I have nowhere to go, and I don’t have money to look for a new place. But if you give me a room here, I can work in the packhouse or anywhere I might be needed.”“Sounds interesting. Maybe you can work for me, and I can keep you under my wing.” “For you? What work will that be?” I asked, my eyes rounding. Let the games begin. “Will it matter? I’m sure I can find a good place for you.” He leaned forward and rested his arms on the table. “How old are you?”“Twenty-one, Alpha.”“Interesting. You look younger.”I swallowed before I smiled at him. “Will you
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Chapter 7
XANDER.Before Nadine came to the territory, I had asked Maddox to give me a day or two off to find my mate. I told him I had no plans of claiming her — that I didn’t want her — but needed to find her for the rejection. That was a lie. I wanted Nadine. My whole being craved the female I smelled two weeks ago at the Claiming Ball, but I knew I had nothing to offer her, not with Maddox around. In the two months I was here, I had seen females that my brother fancied, and I was terrified his attention would fall on her. My mate’s beauty was exquisite. She might be innocent-looking, but there was a fire in her eyes — something that my brother would surely take notice of, and the last thing I wanted was for him to add her to his conquest.Some of Maddox’s conquests were willing females who would open their legs and let him have his way with them, but others were victims of his games. Mindy belonged to the latter. I had to let my brother think I liked Mindy so he would leave her alone. I
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Chapter 8
XANDER.After that, everything went into a blur. I tried to talk to her again, but Maddox came up with a plan to spoil my time with her. He used Mindy again, and it only added to Nadine’s anger toward me. If this was the game Maddox was playing to lure my mate away from me, I wouldn’t be backing down. I think my brother forgot that I was also a Trevino. Deception and lies also ran through my veins.I already hated his ways from the very beginning, but with the way he was acting toward Nadine, there was no stopping me from hating the man. If I just wanted to take him down before, I wanted to crush him now. And I wouldn’t stop until it happened. ‘Can you hear me?’ I asked Nadine after she sipped Maddox’s blood.‘Yes.’ She replied, but it didn’t slip my notice the animosity in her voice. “Alpha, we will go now.” My arm coiled around her waist as I pulled her closer to me after taking the glass from her hand. ‘Bow down in respect.’ I told her through our mindlink.I saw Maddox’s brows
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Chapter 9
NADINE.I got what I wanted. I was already a member of Maddox’s pack. The moment we stepped out of his office, and the door closed, I pushed Xander’s arm off me and walked away. But he was indeed fast.The next thing I knew, we were inside a room I had never been in, and I was pinned against the wall, his front pressing against mine. “Who are you, Nadine?”“I think it’s too late for us to get to know each other. Reject me, mate.” I said, my tone laced with angst, but my heart was breaking at my words. Deep inside, I wanted Xander. But he would only make me weak. I didn’t need him, especially when I saw the lust in Maddox’s eyes. That was my initial plan—to make Maddox desire me so I could be his downfall. And having Xander would only block the path I wanted to take. “Not a chance…” He grunted before his lips brushed against my cheek.The sparks between us and the tingles spreading between my thighs at the need in his voice were making it harder for me to think straight. “I will ne
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Chapter 10
XANDER.I had never had to explain my actions to anyone, and I was at a loss for every question Nadine would throw my way. I had no idea how to make her believe my intentions were real — that I wanted her and not anyone else.Seeing the desire in Maddox’s eyes for my mate woke up all my senses. I didn’t care anymore if Nadine was still in love with Tristan or if she was an accomplice to him. All I knew was that I wanted to protect her, and I wanted to claim her. But earning her trust was like shooting for the stars. I would always miss, and it seemed impossible to achieve. “What are we doing here?” She asked as we stopped in front of the door where SECURITY was written. I didn’t answer. Instead, I opened the door wide and let her in. There were four men inside, including Gamma Kenzo. “Good morning, Beta Xander.” The rest of the men greeted me, while Kenzo just nodded his head toward me. “Good morning. This is Nadine. My mate.” I stated in one breath, but I made sure my arm was arou
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