All Chapters of TO LOVE A FEMALE ALPHA: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
31 Chapters
Chapter 21
NADINE. Xander and I were having a wonderful night, but he was moving too slowly. I had no idea how to make it obvious to him that I wanted him — not just the talking Xander, but the wild side he showed me on my first night here before he found out about my tattoo. I knew all my plans might backfire on me, and one of the risks was completely losing Xander. But if that were to happen, I wanted a memory of him.I wanted a taste of him. So, I tried to gear the conversation toward sex. And I think he got the message.In no time, he was already in my pussy, pleasuring me beyond what I had imagined. I had my fair share of sex, as I never thought of having a mate in the long run, so I never stopped myself from gratifying myself. But this — what he was giving me with just his mouth and his fingers — was out of this world. I blamed the sparks and his scent swirling around me. Or maybe he was just really good at this compared to other men before him.“I’m ready for your cock, Xander...” I sa
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Chapter 22
NADINE.“Would you rather stay with Mindy?” Xander asked, looking genuinely surprised.I nodded. “Is there a reason why I should not? Does it scare you if I spend time with her?”“No. Of course not. But last time I checked, you were jealous of her.”“I’m trying not to,” I answered truthfully.“You’re wonderful. Do you know that?”I playfully rolled my eyes at him. “I just thought it’s good if the two people you care about are in the same place while you’re not here. So we can protect each other. And no one knows I’m there except you and her. So is that a yes?”“If you want to...” He said as he cupped my face again before a mischievous smile graced his lips. “You’re not planning to kill her, right?”I giggled. “No. But what if I do?” I playfully wiggled my brows. “I’ll help you bury the remains.” He chuckled as he pressed a kiss on my lips. “Goddess, you’re going to make me commit a sin. But I’m your man through and through.”I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back. He could
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Chapter 23
NADINE.“Oh, no problem. But am I in trouble?” Mindy asked as we all sat at the small dining table she had. I shook my head before I glanced at Xander, and he nodded his head. It seemed he wanted me to talk. “Xander told me you live alone. I was wondering if it’s okay if I stay here with you tonight.” I saw her shift her gaze from me to Xander before looking at me again. “Xander needs to go with Alpha Maddox somewhere, and I don’t want to be alone in the packhouse,” I added.“Of course. I wouldn’t want to be alone in the packhouse at night either.” She chuckled softly as she nodded her head. Then she looked around her small apartment. “I really don’t have anything to offer you. I only have one bed, but I can take the couch, and you can sleep in my bed.”“I can sleep on the couch,” I told her.“No, no, no. Please, I insist. Your first night here was not good already, so let’s not make your second night terrible either.”I bit my bottom lip, restraining myself from raising my brows. S
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Chapter 24
NADINE. It was almost two in the morning when Mindy fell asleep while I lay awake and contemplated my next move. I felt like I was going back and forth, but then I reminded myself that I was just on my first day, and so far, Mindy and Xander had already shown that they liked me. I was sure I could take Mindy on my side because, even if she didn’t tell me the whole thing about Maddox, I could feel the hatred she had for him. I would use all the hate she had, so it would be easier for her to give me more information that I could use. But in return, I would make sure she would have a good life away from him. With Xander, I had no idea. I liked him—there was no doubt about that. And I hope he liked me enough to understand everything that I would do. Mindy and I woke up early despite sleeping late. She told me she had nowhere to offer to entertain me, and if I wanted, we could go back to the packhouse, and she could tell the Omega head in the packhouse that there was a mistake in her sc
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Chapter 25
NADINE. “Do not mindlink Xander.” Alpha Maddox said. He just rolled off an Alpha command, and I could do nothing about it. I was not an Alpha heir. I was just a second-born child. But I had been practicing defying Alpha commands for the past year. And my victim? Alpha Zach—my nephew, who was just the same age as me. Zach was already in a terrible place, but I was not one of those who let him get away for being rude. And lately, I’ve been needing him to roll off an Alpha command at me without him noticing. I’d been defying and infuriating him on purpose.It would usually end up with my sister—his mom, Nadia, coming in between us to make him take it back, as I never back down. My nose would bleed, and my head felt like it was about to explode, but it got easier over time. Unlike the first time I tried to defy him where I fainted and was knocked out for many hours. I also had to infuriate Zach, so I had a reason to leave the pack for a long time. And it worked. Zach discharged me fr
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Chapter 26
XANDER. I drove like a fucking madman so I could come home to Nadine as soon as possible. I didn’t get any sleep or rest as Maddox decided not to take anyone with us, and he wouldn’t drive either.My hands and mind were exhausted, and all I wanted was to rest. If I got lucky, I might be able to persuade Nadine to lie down with me. I just wanted to feel her body and smell her addicting scent. My wolf and I missed her. The moment we entered the territory, I mindlinked her, but her mind was shut off. And so I tried Mindy, but hers was closed as well. I wasn’t worried. I was already here, and I was sure if anything happened, someone from the border had already notified us, but there was no news or anything. I had no idea where they were, but I assumed they were still at Mindy’s apartment. And that’s where I would head after I dropped Maddox. I stopped the vehicle on the packhouse grounds, just below the main entrance steps. I saw Carlotta’s car, which was nothing new. This female was
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Chapter 27
NADINE. I went directly to my room after I left Maddox’s office. I didn’t close my door, as I was sure Xander would be here after he dealt with his brother. I wiped my lips with my forearm as I entered the bathroom door, walking directly to the sink to wash my face. I wanted to vomit, but nothing was coming out. The man I loathed the most kissed me. I scrubbed my mouth with my coiled fist and kept telling myself I had prepared myself for this. I shouldn’t be upset. Didn’t I use Tristan and have sex with him to get more information? It should be the same. Everything was simply part of the plan. Star growled in my head and flashed me Xander’s furious expression when he entered the office. I felt guilty when I shouldn’t have.Xander was Maddox’s brother. I was hitting two birds with one stone. I should be rejoicing, but I couldn’t. “Tell me, Grandpa…” I talked to myself. “Should I just leave and forget all about this? Two days, and I was already derailed from my track.” I slammed my
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Chapter 28
NADINE. “You hurt me tonight. And my sanity is just hanging by a thread.” Xander’s voice was so low, but I could feel the agony in it. My heart shattered for him and for the female I had never met. I moved forward with fast strides, and despite his repetitious attempt to stop me, I still ended up in front of him. My arms wrapped around the man who was baring his soul to me. My hand went to the back of his head and pressed it against my stomach. His body was still shaking, and I was hoping he would find comfort in my hold. I leaned my head down and pressed a soft kiss on his head as his arms wrapped around me. “I don’t want to hurt you.” He murmured.“You didn’t hurt me,” I told him.“I punched and kicked Maddox.” He added.I closed my eyes before slowly lowering my body until I was on my knees. I cupped his face and met his eyes before I spoke. “He deserves it.”He didn’t say anything, but he just kept staring at me. “I’m sorry…” I said in a soft voice as my thumbs wiped his tea
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Chapter 29
XANDER. “It means my body only wants you…” Nadine said in a seductive voice before capturing my mouth for a searing kiss, and my body reacted in the way it always does whenever her lips touched mine. My hold around her tightened before my hand cupped her ass, lifting her off the floor as she wrapped her legs around my waist in a vice grip.There was no doubt her arousal was so potent, and she was right—I didn’t smell this earlier. Nadine kissed me hard, but I tried not to kiss her as hard. I was torn. I still felt guilty for being harsh on her, and I didn’t want to remind her how aggressive I could be. I wanted her to forget that I was a violent man. I didn’t want to cross any of her boundaries. She moaned before she pulled away from my lips, her forehead creasing as she spoke. “You’re not kissing me hard.”“I don’t want to hurt you.”“I want you to kiss me the way you were kissing me before all this.” Her eyes softened before she continued. “I want to feel that you still want me.”
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Chapter 30
XANDER.“I’m going to fill every part of you that is missing, Xander. If you let me…” Nadine had been overwhelming me with her words. I had no idea what happened, but I found myself telling her things I had never told anyone. Perhaps it was because I expected she would do the same, as until now, my knowledge of her remained limited.She was kissing me tenderly, not the aggressive ones that she had been giving me since day one. For some reason, I didn’t want her to think of me as fragile. But before I could do anything, she gently pulled away and met my eyes.“I’m so happy to be here with you,” she said.“Are you? Is it safe to assume I was already forgiven for the mess I made when you appeared at the border?” I asked.She nodded her head. “I don’t easily forgive and forget, but if I don’t forgive you, my wolf will hate me. Plus, I think I like you already.” A little smile crawled across her mouth, and a scarlet flush was creeping into her cheeks as she said the last part.I felt like
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